This standard proposes the classification systems for burning behaviors of all the building materials and products.
The considered building products are their end use form.
This standard is applicable to two kinds of building products (the specific contents will be introduced respectively in the standard):
a) Floorings;
b) Other building products in addition to floorings.
2 Normative References
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this standard, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, all parties coming to an agreement according to this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest edition of these documents is applicable. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.
GB/T 5464 Non-combustibility Test Method of Building Materials (GB/T 5464-1999, idt ISO 1182: 1990)
GB/T 8626 Test Method of Flammability for Building Materials
GB/T 11785 Reaction to Fire Tests for Floorings—Determination of the Burning Behavior Using a Radiant Heat Source
GB/T 14402 Test Method of heat of Combustion for Building Materials (GB/T 14402- 1993, neq ISO 1716: 1973)
GB/T 20284 Single Burning Item Test for Building Materials and Products
GB/T 20285 Toxic Classification of Fire Effluents Hazard for Materials
IS0 13943 Fire safety - Vocabulary
EN 13238 Burning Behavior Test of Building Products——General Provisions for state regulation process and Material Selection
3 Terms, Definitions and Symbols
3.1 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions as well as those specified in IS0 13943 are applicable to this standard.
It refers to the building materials, components or their units which require providing their installation, structures and composition as well as some other relevant information.
Mixtures composed by single material or several materials are uniformly dispersed, such as metal, stones, wood, concrete, and mineral wool with uniformly distributed agglutinant or polymer.
Homogeneous product
Product is composed by single materials or the whole product is provided with even density and components internally.
Non-homogeneous product
Product doesn't meet the definition of homogeneous product. It is composed by one or multiple kinds of substantial and/or non-substantial components.
Substantial component
Material constitutes a highlight of non-homogeneous product, a layer of material whose single-layer surface density≥1.0kg/m2 or thickness≥1.0mm can be seen as the substantial component.
Non-substantial component
Material doesn't constitute a highlight of non-homogeneous product, a layer of material whose single-layer surface density<1.0kg/m2 and single-layer thickness<1.0mm can be seen as the non-substantial component.
When two or more layers of non-substantial components are directly adjacent to each other (namely there is no substantial component between them), then they can be seen as one non-substantial component as long as they meet the requirements of a layer of non-substantial component when they gather together.
Internal non-substantial component
The non-substantial component is at least covered with a kind of substantial component on its both sides.
External non-substantial component
It refers to the non-substantial component whose one side is uncovered with the substantial component.
The upper flooring material is composed by surface decoration layers with or without back linings, substrates, interlayer and adhesives.
Material needs to be clung to the bottom of the product which is to be comprehended. As for flooring, substrate refers to the floors for placing floorings or materials representing this floor.
Standard substrate
Product represents the actually end use applied substrate.
End use application
It refers to the practical application of product; it is related to all the aspects affecting this product's burning behavior under different fire situation. It includes the quantity, direction of the product and other relative positions and fixed methods adjacent to the product.
Fire performance
It refers to the reaction of specimen under the specified fire condition.
Reaction to fire
It refers to the reaction that the fire is fueled by the product decomposition under the fire action in the prescribe test conditions.
Foreword III Introduction V 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms, Definitions and Symbols 3.1 Terms and definitions 3.2 Symbols and abbreviations 4 Burning Behavior Class 5 Test Methods 5.1 Incombustibility test (GB/T 5464) 5.2 Heat of combustion test (GB8T 14402) 5.3 Single burning item test (GB/T 20284) 5.4 Flammability test (GB/T 8626) 5.5 Radiant heat source method for evaluation of burning behavior of flooring (GB/T 11785) 5.6 Toxicity test for yield of smoke of the material (GB/T 20285) 6 Test Principles and Specimen Preparation 6.1 General requirements on specimen preparation 6.2 Special requirements on incombustibility test and calorific value test 6.3 Special requirements of unit fire test, flammability test and the radiant heat source method for assessing the combustion performance of flooring 7 Quantity of classification Test 8 Test of Product (Except Flooring) 8.1 Class E 8.2 Class D, C and B 8.3 Class A2 and A 8.4 Additional Class s1, s2 and s3 of smoke 8.5 Additional Class d0, d1 and d2 of flaming droplets/particles 8.6 Additional Class t0, t1 and t2 of toxicity 9 Test of Flooring (see Table 2) 9.1 Class 9.2 Class , and 9.3 Class and 9.4 Additional Class s1 and s2 of smoke 9.5 Additional Class t0, t1 and t2 of toxicity 10 Classification Criteria of the Combustion Performance of Product (Except Flooring) (see Table 1) 10.1 Overview 10.2 Class F 10.3 Class E 10.4 Class D 10.5 Class C 10.6 Class B 10.7 Class A 10.8 Class A 10.9 Additional Class s1, s2 and s3 of smoke 10.10 Additional Class d0, d1 and d2 of flaming droplets/particles 10.11 Additional Class t0, t1 and t2 of smoke toxicity 11 Classification Criteria of Flooring (see Table 2) 11.1 Overview 11.2 Class 11.3 Class 11.4 Class 11.5 Class 11.6 Class 11.7 Class 11.8 Class 11.9 Additional Class s1 and s2 of smoke 11.10 Additional Class t0, t1 and t2 of toxicity 12 Designation for Classification 12.1 Product (Except Flooring) 12.2 Flooring 13 Application Range of this Classification 14 Classification Report 14.1 Overview 14.2 Contents and forms Annex A Annex B Annex C References