1.0.1 The Code is formulated to strengthen the quality management of building engineering, unify the quality acceptance of building decoration, and ensure the project quality.
1.0.2 This Code is applicable to the quality acceptance for the decoration of the buildings, which are newly built, expanded, rebuilt or existed.
1.0.3 The quality acceptance requirements, which are stipulated in the contract, design documents and other technical documents for building decoration, can not be lower than the stipulation of this Code.
1.0.4 This Code should be used together with the national standard “Unified standard for the quality acceptance of building construction”(GB50300-2001).
1.0.5 In addition to this Code, the quality acceptance for building decoration should also conform to the stipulations of relevant current national standards.
Chapter 2 Nomenclature
2.0.1 Building decoration
Various treating processes to inner and outer surface as well as inter-space of buildings by using decoration materials or matters, so as to protect main structure, perfect usage function, and beautify buildings.
2.0.2 Primary structure
Main structure or protecting structure of buildings.
2.0.3 Base course
The surface course receiving decoration directly.
2.0.4 Detail
Components or decoration matters used partially in building decoration.