1.0.1 This Code is formulated to make thermotechnical design of civil building suit with the regional climate, ensure the basic thermal environment requirements indoors, comply with national energy-saving guidelines, and improve investment benefit.
1.0.2 This Code is applicable to thermotechnical design of new-build, extended and reconstructed civil buildings.
This Code is not applicable underground construction, or buildings with special requirements and special purposes for the indoor temperature and humidity, and simple temporary buildings.
Main symbols Chapter I General Chapter II Outdoor Calculated Parameters Chapter III Building Thermotechnical Design Requirements Section One Thermotechnical Design Subzone and Design Requirement Second Two Insulation Design Requirements in winter Section Three Heat Shielding Design Requirements in summer Section Four Thermotechnical Design Requirements of Air-conditioned buildings Chapter IV Insulation Design of Fender Structure Section One Determination of Minimum Heat Transfer Resistance of the Fender Structure Section Two Insulation Measures of Fender Structure Section Three Temperature Checking and Thermal Insulation Measures on Internal Surface of the Thermal Bridge Part Section Four Heat-insulating Property, Air Tightness and Area Requirements of Windows Section Five Heat Engineering Requirements of Heating Building Ground Chapter V Heat Insulation Design of Fender Structure Section One Heat Insulation Design Requirement of Fender Structure Section Two Heat Insulation Measures of Fender Structure Chapter VI Moisture-Proof Design of Heating Building Envelope Section One Condensation Wetting Checking inside the fender structure Section Two Heat Moisture-proof Measures of Fender Structure Annex I Terms and Explanations Annex II Calculation Formulas and Parameters of Architectural Thermotechnical Design Annex Ⅲ Outdoor Design Conditions Annex Ⅳ The Thermo-Physic Performance Calculation Parameters of Building Materials Annex Ⅴ The Correspondence of Area Ratio of Window to Wall and Allowable Minimum Resistance of Heat Transfer of External Walls Annex Ⅵ Economic Assessment of Building Envelope's Heat Preservation Annex Ⅶ Conversion Table of Legal Metrological Unit and Non-Statutory Measure Unit Annex Ⅷ Partition Map of National Architecture Thermo-Technical Design Annex Ⅸ Explanation of Wording Additional Explanations