GB 50028-2006(2020) Code for design of city gas engineering English
1 General Provisions
1.0.1 This standard is formulated with a view to conform to the city gas engineering design requirements for safe production, reliable supply, reasonable economical efficien¬cy and environmental protection.
1. 0. 2 This standard is applicable to the design of new, expanded and renovated city gas engineering to supply fuel gas for domestic and commercial use, production of indus¬trial enterprise, heating, ventilation and air conditioning in cities, towns and residence communities, etc..
Note : 1 This standard is not applicable to the long-distance gas transmission pipeline engineering in front of city gate.
2 This standard is not applicable to the design of gas engineering by industrial enterprises themselves for tech-nological design and the gas quality does not conform to the quality requirements of this standard. But the gas engineering by industrial enterprises themselves for technological process and the gas quality conforms to this standard can be designed according to this standard. If the gas for self-use in industrial enterprises is supplied to residents, the gas quality and engineering design shall comply with this standard.
3 This standard is not applicable to the design of gas appliances used in ships, river steamers, railway vehi¬cles, automobiles, etc..
1.0.3 During the design of the city gas engineering, the effective new process, tech¬nology, materials and equipment should be positively used based on successful experi¬ences in production, construction and scientific experiments in order to ensure the tech¬nique is the latest and most economical and reasonable.
1.0.4 The city gas engineering planning and design shall comply with Chinese energy policy. The city gas engineering should be designed in accordance with city master plan as well as energy planning, environmental protection planning and fire-fighting plan¬ning, etc..
1.0.5 The design of city gas engineering shall comply not only with the requirement stipulated in this code, but also those in current velevant ones of the nation.
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2. 0. 7 Vertical retort
The abbreviated of Didier-Werke continuous vertical carbonization retort.
2. 0. 8 Crucible swelling number
The index of coal caking property.
2. 0. 9 Gray-King index
The index of coal coking power.
2. 0.10 Roga index
The index of coal caking.
2. 0. 11 Chemical reactivity of coal
The index of reactive capability of reducing carbon dioxide to carbon monoxide by means of interaction between coal and carbon dioxide in certain temperature. It is one of the indexes for evaluating the quality of coal for gasification in China.
2. 0.12 Thermal stability of coal
The index of lump coal keeping the property of original particle (thermal stability) under the action of high temperature (combustion or gasification). It is one of the inde¬xes for evaluating the quality of lump coal in China.
2. 0. 13 Gas coke
A kind of coke, of which the quality is inferior to that of metallurgical coke or foundry coke. The coke produced from a vertical retort is generally called gas coke. The low-quality coke is also gas coke when plenty of gas coal is mixed into coke oven.
2. 0. 14 Electric filter (Electric tar precipitator)
A kind of equipment for removing both tar and dust from gas at high tension direct current.
2. 0.15 Peak shaving gas
The auxiliary gas source and storage gas for shaving peak and balancing the peak gas consumption.
2. 0. 16 Design month
The month when the max. average daily gas consumption occurs in a year.
2. 0. 17 Maximum uneven factor of monthly consumption
The ratio of the average daily gas consumption in a design month to average daily consumption in one year.
2. 0. 18 Maximum uneven factor of daily consumption
The ratio of maximum daily gas consumption in a design month to average daily gas consumption in this month.
2. 0. 19 Maximum uneven factor of hourly consumption
The ratio of maximum hourly gas consumption in the day with maximum gas con¬sumption in a design month to the average hourly gas consumption on this day.
2. 0. 20 Low pressure gasholder
The gasholder to store gas by means of volumetric change at working pressures (gauge pressure) below 10kPa. It may be divided into wet and dry gasholders.
2. 0. 21 High pressure gasholder
The gasholder to store gas by means of pressure change at work pressure (gauge pressure) above 0. 4MPa. It is also called fixed-volume gasholder.
2. 0. 22 Regulator device
A generic term of regulation unit for reducing relatively high pressure to relatively low pressure required. It consists of a regulator and its auxiliary facilities.
2. 0. 23 Regulator station
A special building or structure equipped with regulator for gas pressure regulation. It consists of regulator devices and a regulator room building or structure, etc..
2.0.24 Regulator box (regulator cabinet)
A special box equipped with a regulator for gas pressure regulation, installed near a building to supply gas. It consists of a regulator and a box. Both the suspendeding and underground boxes are called regulator boxes and a floor box is called a regulator cabi¬net.
2. 0. 25 Important public building
The public building with important property and densely populated, where a fire will result in big property loss, serious personal injury or death and severe consequence, such as, above- provincial and municipal level office buildings, computer centers, com¬munication centers and gymnasiums, cinemas, department stores, etc..
2.0.26 Building adjacent to building supplied with gas
The building adjacent to another building supplied with gas, but not part of the lat¬ter.
2. 0. 27 Individual user
A gas user at a special gas use point, for example, a boiler house, canteen or work¬shop, etc..
2.0.28 Compressed natural gas (CNG)
The compressed natural gas is a gaseous natural gas at a pressure between 10MPa and 25MPa.
2. 0. 29 CNG fuelling station
The station where the natural gas is introduced from high or medium pressure pipe¬lines or gas gathering stations of gas field, purified, metered, compressed and filled to cylinders truck or multiple CNG cylinder installations
2. 0. 30 CNG cylinders truck transportation
The assembly of multiple CNG cylinders fixed to a truck trailer chassis, with CNG charging (discharging) system, protective facilities, and gas safety vent system, etc..
2.0.31 Multiple CNG cylinder installations
The assembly of multiple CNG cylinders fixed to a cylinder basket and a CNG char¬ging (discharging) system, protective facilities, and safety discharging facilities, etc..
2. 0. 32 CNG stored and distributed station
The station where compressed natural gas delivered by cylinders trucks or ships is discharged, heated, regulated, stored, metered, odorized and fed to city gas transmis¬sion and distribution pipelines.
2.0.33 Station for CNG multiple cylinder installations
The station where the CNG multiple cylinder installations are used as storage facili-
ties, and compressed natural gas is discharged, regulated, metered, odorized and fed to city gas transmission and distribution pipelines.
2.0.34 Liquefied petroleum gases (LPG) supply base
The general term of city LPG stored station, stored and delivered station and filling station.
2. 0. 35 LPG stored station
The LPG storing place where LPG is stored and transferred to a filling station, va¬porizing station and gas mixing station.
2.0.36 LPG filling station
A place where LPG is filled.
2. 0. 37 LPG stored and delivered station
A place having both functions of LPG storage and filling.
2. 0. 38 LPG vaporizing station
The production plant which is equipped with storage and vaporizing facilities and used to convert LPG to gaseous petroleum gas and supply gas to users.
2.0.39 LPG-air (other fuel gas) mixing station
A production plant which is equipped with storage, vaporizing and mixing facilities and used to convert LPG to gaseous petroleum gas, prepare mixture gas by mixing gase¬ous petroleum gas and air or other fuel gas in a proportion and supply gas to users.
2. 0. 40 LPG-air mixture
The gas which is produced by mixing liquid LPG with air in a proportion and con¬forms to the requirement for city gas quality.
2. 0. 41 Fully pressurized storage tank
The tank used for storing LPG at normal temperature and high pressure.
2. 0. 42 Semi-refrigerated storage tank
The tank for storing LPG at low temperature and pressure.
2. 0. 43 Fully refrigerated storage tank
The tank for storing LPG at low temperature and normal pressure.
2. 0. 44 Vaporizing station of multiple cylinder installations
The production plant which is equipped with more than two 15kg cylinders, or two or more 50kg cylinders and used to convert LPG to gaseous petroleum gas naturally or forcedly and supply gas to users.
2.0. 45 Bottled LPG delivered station
The station for operations and storage of LPG cylinders.
2.0.46 Liquefied natural gas (LNG)
A kind of colorless fluid and which mainly contains methane.
2. 0. 47 LNG vaporizing station
The place where natural gas delivered from tank cars or ships is discharged, stored, gasified, regulated, metered, odorized and transferred into city gas transmission and distribution pipelines. It is also called LNG satellite plant.
2. 0.48 Service pipe
The pipe between the outdoor gas branch pipe and the main valve (1m above indoor floor in case of no valve) of user's indoor gas inlet pipe.
2. 0. 49 Piping embedment
The pipeline directly embedded in the wall and ground.
2. 0. 50 Piping concealment
The pipeline laid in a conduit shaft, suspended ceiling, pipe trench and decorative layer.
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3 Gas Consumption and Quality
3.1 Gas Consumption
3. 1. 1 The design of gas consumption shall be determined according to local gas supply principle and conditions. It includes the following gas consumption;
1 Consumption of gas for domestic use;
2 Consumption of gas for commercial use;
3 Consumption of gas for industrial production;
4 Consumption of gas for heating, ventilation and air conditioning;
5 Consumption of gas for gas-powered automobiles;
6 Consumption of gas for other uses.
Note: If the city gas is used for electric power generation or heating in a power station, the design gas consumption should include the gas consumption in it.
3. 1. 2 The design of gas consumption for various use purposes shall be determined ac¬cording to gas development planning and gas consumption index.
3.1. 3 The gas consumption index for domestic and commercial use shall be determined according to statistical analysis on local consumption of gas for domestic and commercial use.
3. 1. 4 The gas consumption index for industrial production can be calculated according to actual gas consumption or determined according to analysis on gas consumption index in the same industry.
3.1. 5 The gas consumption index for heating, ventilation and air conditioning may be determined in accordance with current national standard "Code for Design of Municipal Heating Power Network" CJJ 34, or heat consumption index of local buildings.
3.1. 6 The gas consumption index for gas-powered automobiles shall be determined ac¬cording to statistical data analysis on local gas-powered automobile type, model and gas consumption. In case of insufficient actual statistical data of gas consumption, it may be determined according to analysis on existing gas consumption indexes of other cities.
3. 2 Gas Quality
3. 2.1 The quality index of city gas shall be in accordance with the following require¬ments :
1 The fluctuation of calorific value and component of city gas (classified according to reference gas) shall conform to the requirement for interchangeability of city gas;
2 The fluctuation range of city gas deviation from reference gas should meet the requirements in current national standard "Classification of Town Gas" GB/T 13611. An allowable wider fluctuation range shall be provided.