This standard contains limits1) and methods for the measurement of radio disturbances in the frequency range of 150kHz to 1,000MHz. The standard applies to any electronic/electrical component intended for use in vehicles and large devices. Refer to International Telecommunications Union (ITU) publications for details of frequency allocations. The limits are intended to provide protection for receivers installed in a vehicle from disturbances produced by components/modules in the same vehicle2). The methods and limits for a complete vehicle are in Section 2 and the methods and limits for components/modules are in Section 3.
The receiver types to be protected are: sound and television receivers3), land mobile radio, radio telephone, amateur and citizens' radio. For the purpose of this standard, a vehicle is a machine which is self-propelled. Vehicles include (but are not limited to) passenger cars, trucks, agricultural tractors and snow mobiles.
The limits in this standard are subject to selection as agreed between the vehicle manufacturer and the component supplier. This standard is also intended to be applied by vehicle manufacturers and suppliers of electrical equipment components.
This standard does not include protection of electronic control systems from radio frequency (r.f.) emissions, or from transient or pulse-type voltage fluctuations. These subjects are expected to be included in ISO publications.
Since the mounting location, vehicle body construction and harness design may affect the coupling of radio disturbances to the on-board radio receiver, Section 3 of this standard defines multiple limit levels. The level class to be used (as a function of frequency band) is to be agreed upon between the vehicle manufacturer and the component supplier.
The World Administrative Radio Communications Conference (WARC) lower frequency limit in region 1 was reduced to 148.5kHz in 1979. For vehicular purposes, tests at 150kHz are considered adequate. For the purposes of this standard, test frequency ranges have been generalized to cover radio services in various parts of the world. Protection of radio reception at adjacent frequencies may be expected in most cases.
It is assumed that protection of services operating on frequencies below 30MHz will most likely be provided if the limits for services above 30MHz are observed.
2 Normative References
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below.
GB/T 4365-1995 Terminology for Electromagnetic Compatibility (IEC 60050(161):1990)
GB 14023-2000 Vehicles, Motorboats and Spark-ignited Engine-driven Devices - Radio Disturbance Characteristics - Limits and Methods of Measurement (idt CISPR 12:1997)
GB/T 6113.1-1995 Specifications for Radio Disturbance and Immunity Measuring Apparatus (eqv CISPR 16-1:1993)
3 Definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the following definitions apply:
Foreword I IEC/CISPR Foreword II IEC/CISPR Introduction III Section 1: General 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Definitions 4 Requirements Common to Vehicle and Component/Module Emissions Measurement 5 Antenna and Impedance-matching Requirements - Vehicle Test 6 Test Equipment Unique to Component/Module Tests Section 2: Measurement of Emissions Received by an Antenna on the Same Vehicle 7 Field of Application 8 Method of Measurement 9 Limits for Vehicle-radiated Disturbances Section 3: Measurement of Vehicle Components and Modules 10 Field of Application 11 Conducted Emissions from Component/Module 12 Limits for Conducted Disturbances on Components 13 Radiated Emissions from Component/Module 14 Limits for Radiated Disturbances from Components 15 Radiation Emissions from Component/Modular-TEM Cell Method 16 Limits for Radiated Disturbances from Components-TEM Cell Method (Both the Lead Frame and EUT and the EUT-only methods) 17 Limits for Disturbances Radiated from Integrated Circuit -TEM Cell Method Annex A (Normative) Antenna Matching Unit - Vehicle Test Annex B (Informative) Calibration Procedure for Shielded Enclosure for Component Test Annex C (Informative) Current Probe Requirements Annex D (Informative) Notes on the Suppression of Disturbance Annex E (Informative) TEM Cell Dimensions Annex F (Informative) Artificial Network Schematic