is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard replaces GB 13102-2010 National food safety standard—Evaporated milk, sweetened condensed milk and formulated condensed milk.
The following main changes have been made with respect to GB 13102-2010:
——The standard name has been modified;
——The scope has been modified;
——The terms and definitions have been modified;
——The sensory evaluation criteria have been modified;
——The physical and chemical indexes have been modified;
——The limit of microorganism has been modified;
——Relevant provisions of GB 29921 have been cited for the pathogenic bacterium limits;
——The appropriate indexes and requirements of concentrated milk for food industry have been added.
National food safety standard
Concentrated dairy products
1 Scope
This standard is applicable to concentrated milk for food industry and condensed milk.
2 Terms and definitions
condensed milk
product made from raw cow (sheep) milk concentrated by partially removing water, and (or) product processed from dairy product(s) with the same composition and characteristics, including evaporated milk, sweetened condensed milk and formulated condensed milk
evaporated milk
commercial sterile liquid product processed from raw cow (sheep) milk and/or milk product(s), either defatted or not defatted, with or without food additives and nutrition enhancers
sweetened condensed milk
viscous product processed from raw cow (sheep) milk and/or milk product(s) sweetened with sugar, either defatted or not defatted, with or without food additives and nutrition enhancers
formulated condensed milk
liquid or viscous product processed from raw cow (sheep) milk and/or milk product(s) as the main raw material and other raw materials, defatted or not defatted, with or without sugar, with or without food additives and nutrition enhancers, including formulated evaporated milk and formulated sweetened condensed milk
concentrated milk for food industry
product made from raw cow (sheep) milk by concentration and other processes to partially remove water, defatted or not defatted, used as raw materials for food industry, including concentrated cow milk and concentrated sheep milk
3 Technical requirements
3.1 Requirements for raw materials
3.1.1 Raw cow (sheep) milk shall meet the relevant requirements of GB 19301.
3.1.2 Other raw materials shall meet the corresponding food standards and relevant requirements.
3.2 Sensory evaluation criteria
The criteria specified in Table 1 shall be met in the sensory evaluation.
Table 1 Sensory evaluation criteria
Item Criteria Inspection method
Evaporated milk Concentrated milk for food industry Sweetened condensed milk formulated condensed milk
Color An even color of milky white, or milky yellow, or the proper color of the product The proper color of the product Take appropriate amount of sample into a clean and colorless glassware, and observe its color and texture under natural light. Smell it, and then taste it after gargling with warm boiled water. For concentrated milk for food industry that has not gone through heat treatment in previous processing, boil it before tasting. Frozen concentrated milk for food industry shall be tested in completely thawed condition
Taste and smell The taste and smell of dairy The fragrance of dairy and pure sweetness The proper taste and smell of the product
Texture The proper texture of the product, without visible foreign substance. Liquid products shall be free of clots and sediment. Viscous products shall be fine, smooth, uniform in texture and moderate in viscosity
3.3 Physical and chemical indexes
3.3.1 Evaporated milk and sweetened condensed milk shall comply with the criteria specified in Table 2.
Table 2 Physical and chemical indexes of evaporated milk and sweetened condensed milk
Item Index Test method
Evaporated milk Sweetened condensed milk
Whole Low fat Skim Whole Low fat Skim
Proteina / (g / 100 g) ≥ 34% of milk solids-non-fatb GB 5009.5
Fat (x) / (g / 100 g) X≥7.5 1.0
Foreword i
1 Scope
2 Terms and definitions
3 Technical requirements
4 Others
GB 13102—2022
2022-06-30发布 2022-12-30实施
国家市场监督管理总局 发布
本标准代替GB 13102—2010《食品安全国家标准 炼乳》。
本标准与GB 13102—2010相比,主要变化如下:
——致病菌限量直接引用GB 29921的规定;
1 范围
2 术语和定义
2.1 炼乳
2.1.1 淡炼乳
2.1.2 加糖炼乳(甜炼乳)
2.1.3 调制炼乳
2.2 食品工业用浓缩乳
3 技术要求
3.1 原料要求
3.1.1 生牛(羊)乳应符合GB 19301的要求。
3.1.2 其他原料应符合相应的食品标准和有关规定。
3.2 感官要求
表1 感官要求
项目 要求 检验方法
淡炼乳 食品工业用浓缩乳 加糖炼乳 调制炼乳
色泽 呈均匀一致的乳白色或乳黄色或产品应有的色泽 具有产品应有的色泽 取适量试样置于洁净的无色玻璃器皿中,在自然光下观察色泽和组织状态。闻其气味,用温开水漱口,品尝滋味。加工中未经热处理的食品工业用浓缩乳,品尝前应进行煮沸预处理。冷冻的食品工业用浓缩乳应在完全解冻状态下进行检验
滋味、气味 具有乳的滋味和气味 具有乳的香味,甜味纯正 具有产品应有
状态 具有产品应有的组织状态,无正常视力可见异物;液体产品应无凝块、无沉淀;粘稠状产品应组织细腻,质地均匀,粘度适中
3.3 理化指标
3.3.1 淡炼乳、加糖炼乳应符合表2的规定。
表2 淡炼乳、加糖炼乳理化指标
项目 指标 检验方法
淡炼乳 加糖炼乳
全脂 部分脱脂 脱脂 全脂 部分脱脂 脱脂
蛋白质a/(g/100g) ≥ 非脂乳固体b的34% GB 5009.5
脂肪(X)/(g/100g) X≥7.5 1.0<X<7.5 X≤1.0 X≥8.0 1.0<X<8.0 X≤1.0 GB 5009.6
非脂乳固体b/(g/100g) ≥ — 17.5 — — 20.0 — —
乳固体c/(g/100g) ≥ 25.0 20.0 20.0 28.0 24.0 24.0 —
水分/(g/100g) ≤ — 27.0 GB 5009.3
酸度/(°T) ≤ 48.0 GB 5009.239
a 蛋白质含量的计算,应以氮(N)×6.38。
b 非脂乳固体(%)=100%-水分(%)-蔗糖(%)-脂肪(%)。蔗糖按照GB 5413.5检验。
c 乳固体(%)=100%-水分(%)-蔗糖(%)。
3.3.2 调制炼乳应符合表3的规定。
表3 调制炼乳理化指标
项目 指标 检验方法
调制淡炼乳 调制加糖炼乳
全脂 部分脱脂 脱脂 全脂 部分脱脂 脱脂
蛋白质a/(g/100g) ≥ 4.1 4.6 GB 5009.5
脂肪(X)/(g/100g) X≥7.5 1.0<X<7.5 X≤1.0 X≥8.0 1.0<X<8.0 X≤1.0 GB 5009.6
水分/(g/100g) ≤ — 28.0 GB 5009.3
a 蛋白质含量的计算,应以氮(N)×6.25。
3.3.3 食品工业用浓缩乳应符合表4的规定。
表4 食品工业用浓缩乳理化指标
项目 指标 检验方法
全脂 部分脱脂 脱脂
蛋白质a/(g/100g) ≥ 非脂乳固体的34% GB 5009.5
脂肪(X)/(g/100g) X≥7.5 1.0<X<7.5 X≤1.0 GB 5009.6
非脂乳固体/(g/100g) ≥ 17.5 GB 5413.39
pH 浓缩牛乳 6.0~7.0 参照GB 5009.237的均质化试样测定方法b
浓缩羊乳 6.5~7.3
a 蛋白质含量的计算,应以氮(N)×6.38。
b 对于冷冻的固态产品应先粉碎、解冻、搅拌,使之完全融化;对于粘稠状产品可以加入等量的新煮沸后冷却的水,搅拌均质后再进行pH测定。
3.4 污染物限量和真菌毒素限量
3.4.1 污染物限量应符合GB 2762的规定。
3.4.2 真菌毒素限量应符合GB 2761的规定。
3.5 微生物限量
3.5.1 淡炼乳、调制淡炼乳应符合商业无菌的要求,按GB 4789.26规定的方法检验。
3.5.2 经热处理的食品工业用浓缩乳,以及加糖炼乳、调制加糖炼乳,致病菌限量应符合GB 29921的规定,微生物限量还应符合表5的规定。
表5 微生物限量
项目 采样方案a及限量 检验方法
n c m M
菌落总数/(CFU/g) 5 2 104 105 GB 4789.2
大肠菌群/(CFU/g) 5 1 10 102 GB 4789.3
a 样品的采集及处理按GB 4789.1和GB 4789.18执行。
3.5.3 加工中不进行热处理的食品工业用浓缩乳,微生物限量应符合GB 19301的规定。
3.6 食品添加剂和营养强化剂
3.6.1 食品添加剂的使用应符合GB 2760的规定。
3.6.2 食品营养强化剂的使用应符合GB 14880的规定。
4 其他
4.1 炼乳应标示“本产品不能作为婴幼儿的母乳代用品”或类似警语。
4.2 食品工业用浓缩乳应在冷藏或冷冻状态下贮存和运输。
4.3 食品工业用浓缩乳应在包装或说明书上明确标示“热处理工艺”或“非热处理工艺”。