This standard specifies terms and definitions, classification and basic parameters, requirements, test methods, inspection rules and marking and instruction for use of the water mist extinguishing equipment.
This standard is applicable to water mist extinguishing equipment.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB 150.1 Pressure Vessels — Part 1: General Requirements
GB 150.2 Pressure Vessels — Part 2: Materials
GB 150.3 Pressure Vessels — Part 3: Design
GB 150.4 Pressure Vessels — Part 4: Fabrication, Inspection and Testing, and Acceptance
GB/T 1226 General Pressure Gauge
GB/T 1227 Accurate Pressure Gauge
GB 5099 Seamless Steel Gas Cylinders
GB 5135.1-2003 Automatic Sprinkler System — Part 1: Sprinkler
GB 5135.9-2006 Automatic Sprinkler System — Part 9: Early Suppression Fast Response (ESFR) Automatic Sprinklers
GB/T 8979 Pure Nitrogen and High Purity Nitrogen and Ultra Pure Nitrogen
GB/T 9969 General Principles for Preparation of Instructions for Use of Industrial Products
GB/T 16172 Test Method for Heat Release Rate of Building Materials
GB 25972-2010 Gas Fire Extinguishing Systems and Components
GA 61-2010 General Technical Specifications of Actuating and Control Devices of Fixed Extinguishing Systems
JB/T 9243 Glass Pipe Level Gauges
JB/T 9273 Pressure Gauge with Electric Contact
SY/T 0063-1999 Standard Test Methods for Holiday Detection in Pipeline Coatings
TSG R0004-2009 Supervision Regulation on Safety Technology for Stationary Pressure Vessel
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply.
water mist
under the minimum design operating pressure, a drop of water mist having a drop diameter Dv0.50 less than 200 μm and a drop diameter Dv0.99 less than 400 μm which is sprayed through the head and formed at a plane 1 m below the nozzle axis.
drop diameter Dv0.99
diameter under which the drop accounts for 99% of the total volume of spray mist.
drop diameter Dv0.50
diameter under which the drop accounts for 50% of the total volume of spray mist.
water mist nozzle
nozzle that produces and releases water mist for fire extinguishing within the design operating pressure.
water mist extinguishing equipment
automatic extinguishing equipment consisting of water supply equipment, filtering equipment, section valve, water mist nozzle and other components as well as water supply pipe, which can automatically and manually start and spray water mist to extinguish or control fire.
self-contained water mist extinguishing equipment
water mist extinguishing equipment that uses a self-contained stored and pressurized gas for pressurized water supply.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 Classification and Types 5 Basic Parameters 6 Requirement 7 Test Methods 8 Inspection Rules 9 Marking and Specification Annex A (Normative) Test Procedures and Sample Size of Equipment Annex B (Normative) Test Procedures and Sample Size of Gas Cylinder Set Annex C (Normative) Test Procedures and Sample Size of Water Cylinder Set Annex D (Normative) Test Procedure and Sample Size of Safety Relief Equipment Annex E (Normative) Test Procedures and Sample Size of Pressure Reducing Equipment Annex F (Normative) Test Procedures and Sample Size of Section Valve Annex G (Normative) Test Procedures and Sample Size of Pump Unit Annex H (Normative) Test Procedures and Sample Size of Control Panel (Cabinet) Annex I (Normative) Test Procedures and Sample Size of Container Valve (Release Valve), Gas Check Valve, Drive Unit, and Connecting Tube Annex J (Normative) Test Procedures and Sample Size of Water Mist Nozzle Annex K (Normative) Tolerance