This standard specifies product terms, definitions, size, requirements, test, judgment rules, product instructions, packaging, transportation and storage for knitted maternity garments.
This standard is applicable to identify the quality oft! knitted maternity garments mainly made of knitted fabrics.
2 Normative Reference
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 250 Textiles – Tests for colour fastness- Grey scale for assessing change in colour
GB/T 2910 (all parts) Textiles-Quantitative chemical analysis
GB/T 2912.1 Textiles - Determination of formaldehyde - Part 1: Free and hydrolyzed formaldehyde (water extraction method)
GB/T 3920 Textiles – Tests for colour fastness – Colour fastness to rubbing
GB/T 3921-2008 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness.- Colour fastness to washing with soap and soda
GB/T 3922 Textiles – Tests for colour fastness- Colour fastness to perspiration
GB/T 4802.1-2008 Textiles - Determination of fabric propensity to surface fuzzing and to pilling - Part 1: Circular locus method
GB/T 4856 Package of cotton goods and knitwear
GB/T 5296.4 Instruction for use of products of consumer interest-Part 1: Textiles and apparel
GB/T 5713 Textiles – Tests for colour fastness – Colour fastness to water
GB/T 7573 Textiles - Determination of pH of aqueous extract
GB/T 8170 Rules of rounding off for numerical values & expression and judgement of limiting values
GB/T 8629-2017 Textiles - Domestic washing and drying procedures for textile testing
GB/T 8878 Knitted cotton underwear
GB/T 17592 Textiles - Determination of the banned azo colorants
GB 18401 National general safety technical code for textile products
SJ 20524 Measuring methods for shielding effectiveness of materials
GSB 16-1523 Pilling standard of knitted fabric
GSB 16-2500 Defect appearance replicas of knitted fabric
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1
abdominal girth
Horizontal girth of the abdomen measured across the belly button.
4 Product size
4.1 The height represents the size and the abdominal girth represents the type in cm.
4.2 The height begins with 145 cm and increases by 5 cm; abdominal girth begins with 70 cm and increases by 6 cm or marks suitable rang. E.g.: 160/82, 160/82-88, 160/82-100.
5 Requirements
5.1 Required Contents
The requirements include inherent quality and appearance quality. The inherent quality includes, formaldehyde content, pH value, peculiar smell, decomposable carcinogenic aromatic amine dye, fiber content, colour fastness to washing, colour fastness to water, colour fastness to perspiration, colour fastness to dry rubbing, colour fastness to wet rubbing, pilling, bursting strength, dimensional stability to washing, percentage of shielding , appearance quality after washing. The appearance quality includes appearance defects, dimensional deviation of specifications, dimensional differences of symmetrical parts, pants crotch depth, etc.
5.2 Grading criteria
5.2.1 The quality classification includes superior grade, first grade, and qualified grade.
5.2.2 The inherent quality is classified by batch, and the appearance quality is classified by piece. The grade of the product shall be determined by the lower grade of ·the two.
5.2.3 The lowest testing result in terms of inherent quality shall determine the final grade of inherent quality of the lot.
5.2.4 In case of appearance quality of different grades in one product, the grade classification shall be graded according to the lowest grade. Only two appearance defects with extreme in the same grade are allowed for one piece of ample, otherwise, the sample shall be degraded.
5.3 Inherent quality requirements
5.3.1 The requirements of inherent quality are shown in Table 1.