1.0.1 The specifications are applicable to the engineering design of automatically switched optical network (ASON) based on SDH.
1.0.2 Where national defense security is involved in telecommunications capital construction, the relevant requirements of the Technical provisions on implementing national defense requirements in telecommunications capital construction issued by the former Ministry of Information Industry shall be implemented.
1.0.3 The telecommunications equipment used in the engineering shall be provided with the "telecommunications equipment network access license” issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.
1.0.4 The construction of telecommunication networks in areas of seismic precautionary intensity 7 or above shall meet the requirements for seismic fortification, and the main telecommunications equipment used shall meet the requirements of YD 5083 Specification for seismic test of telecommunications equipment.
1.0.5 In case of contradiction between the specifications and relevant national standards and specifications, the relevant requirements of the latter shall prevail.
1.0.6 When, under special conditions, it is difficult to implement individual provisions of the specifications, it shall be fully justified, and a report on the measures to be taken shall be provided for approval by the competent department.
1.0.7 The engineering construction shall implement the relevant national policies and regulations on energy conservation and emission reduction.
2 Terms and symbols
English abbreviation English name
AIS Alarm Indication Signal
APS Automatic Protection Switching
ASON Automatically Switched Optical Network
AU Administration Unit
BoD Bandwidth on Demand
CR-LDP Constraint-based Routed Label Distribution Protocol
3.0.1 According to function, the ASON structure shall be divided into transport plane (TP), control plane (CP) and management plane (MP), as well as DCN for control and management communication. Figure 3.0.1 shows the interoperability among the TP, CP, MP and DCN of the ASON.
Figure 3.0.1 Relationships among the components of the ASON architecture
3.0.2 The ASON shall provide three kinds of reference points: UNI, E-NNI and I-NNI.
3.0.3 The multi-operator ASON shall support the reference model as shown in Figure 3.0.3-1, and the single-operator ASON applications shall support the reference model as shown in Figure 3.0.3-2.
Figure 3.0.3-1 Reference model for multi-operator ASON
Figure 3.0.3-2 Reference model for single-operator ASON
4 TP design
4.1 Functional requirements of transport nodes
4.1.1 The TP shall be provided with the SDH-based transport node devices.
4.1.2 The transport node devices shall be capable of providing the following types of interfaces:
1. STM-256 optical interface;
2. STM-64 optical interface;
3. STM-16 optical interface;
4. STM-4 optical interface;
5. STM-1 optical interface;
6. STM-1 electrical interface;
7. STM-4/1 ATM interface;
8. GE and 10GE Ethernet interfaces.
4.1.3 The transport node devices shall be capable of providing the following types of interfaces directly or by means of downlink low-rate device:
1. 139,264kbit/s electrical interface;
2. 44,736kbit/s electrical interface;
3. 34,368kbit/s electrical interface;
4. 2,048kbit/s electrical interface;
5. 10/100Mbit/s Ethernet interface.
4.1.4 The transport node devices shall be capable of directly providing DCN, clock synchronization and other auxiliary interfaces:
1 General provisions 2 Terms and symbols 3 Basic structure and network model 4 TP design 4.1 Functional requirements of transport nodes 4.2 Transmission model 4.3 Network organization 4.4 Trunk link setting 5 CP design 5.1 Functional requirements 5.2 Selection of CP protocol 6 MP design 6.1 General requirements 6.2 Principles for configuration of the MP 7 DCN design 7.1 General requirements 7.2 Principles for network organization 8 Auxiliary systems 8.1 Synchronization system 8.2 Business liaison system 9 Network protection and restoration 9.1 General requirements for protection and restoration 9.2 TP-based protection 9.3 CP-based protection 9.4 Network restoration 9.5 Combination of protection and restoration 9.6 Setting of network protection and restoration 10 Service requirements 11 Network reliability and security requirements 11.1 TP reliability requirements 11.2 CP reliability requirements 11.3 MP reliability requirements 11.4 DCN reliability requirements 11.5 Network security requirements 12 Service routing organization and channel arrangement 12.1 Service routing organization 12.2 Channel arrangement 13 Interconnection 13.1 Interconnection between ASON and legacy SDH 13.2 Interconnection between ASON and user network 13.3 Interconnection between ASONs of different manufacturers 14 Network planning and simulation 14.1 Network planning 14.2 Network simulation 15 Device selection, configuration and installation 15.1 Device selection 15.2 Device configuration 15.3 Installation of local station devices 16 Network performance 17 Maintenance tools and instrumentation configuration Annex A Explanation of wording in the specifications List of quoted standards
1 总则 1.0.1 本规范适用于基于SDH的自动交换光网络(ASON)的工程设计。 1.0.2 电信基本建设中涉及国防安全的,应执行原信息产业部颁发的《电信基本建设贯彻国防要求技术规定》的相关规定。 1.0.3 工程中采用的电信设备,应取得工业和信息化部“电信设备进网许可证”。 1.0.4 在我国抗震设防烈度7烈度及以上地区进行电信网络建设时应满足抗震设防的要求,使用的主要电信设备应符合YD5083《电信设备抗地震性能检测规范》的规定。 1.0.5 本规范与国家有关标准规范相矛盾时,应按国家标准规范的相关规定执行。 1.0.6 在特殊条件下,执行本规范中的个别条款有困难时,应充分论述理由、提供采取措施的报告,呈主管部门审批。 1.0.7 工程建设应贯彻国家节能减排相关政策和法规规定。 2 术语和符号 英文缩写 英文名称 中文名称 AIS Alarm Indication Signal 告警指示信号 APS Automatic Protection Switching 自动保护倒换 ASON Automatically Switched Optical Network 自动交换光网络 AU Administration Unit 管理单元 BoD Bandwidth on Demand 带宽按需分配 CR-LDP Constraint-based Routed Label Distribution Protocol 基于约束路由的标签分发协议 DCC Data Communications Channel 数据通信通路 DCN Data Communications Network 数据通信网络 ECC Embedded Control Channel 嵌入式控制通路 EMS Element Management System 网元管理系统 E-NNI External Network-Network Interface (reference point) 外部网络,网络接口(参考点) HRDS Hypothetical Reference Digital Section 假设参考数字段 HRP Hypothetical Reference Path 假设参考通道 I-NNI Internal Network-Network Interface (reference point)内部网络-网络接口(参考点) IP Internet Protocol 互联网协议 LAN Local Area Network 局域网 LCT Local Craft Terminal 本地维护终端 LMP Link Management Protocol 链路管理协议 LOF Loss of Frame 帧丢失 LOP Lost of Point 指针丢失 LOS Loss of Signal 信号丢失 MCN Management Communication Network 管理通信网络 MS Multiplex Section 复用段 MSP Multiplex Section Protection 复用段保护 MSTP Multi-Service Transport Platform 多业务传送节点 NMS Network Management System 网络管理系统 OSI Open System Interconnection 开放系统互联 OTN Optical Transport Network 光传送网络 OVPN Optical Virtual Private Network 光虚拟专用网络 PBS Provided Bandwidth Service 指配带宽业务 PC Permanent Connection 永久连接 PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy 准同步数字序列 PNNI Private Network-Network Interface 专用网络-网络接口 QoS Quality of Service 服务质量 RC Routing Controller 路由控制器 RSVP-TE Resource Reservation Protocol-Traffic Engineering 资源预留协议-流量工程 SC Switched Connection 交换连接 SCN Signalling Communication Network 信令通信网络 SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy 同步数字体系 SLA Service Level Agreement 服务等级协议 SNCP Subnet work Connection Protection 子网连接保护 SNP Subnet work Point 子网点 SNNP Subnet work Point Pool 子网点池 SPC Soft Permanent Connection 软永久连接 SRLG Shared Risk Link Group 共享风险链路组 STM Synchronous Transport Module 同步传送模块 TAP Termination and Adaptation Performer 终结和适配执行器 TU Tributary Unit 支路单元 UNI User-Network Interface (reference point) 用户-网络接口(参考点) VC Virtual Container 虚容器 WTR Wait Time to Restore 返回等待时间 3 基本结构及网络模型 3.0.1 自动交换光网络(ASON)的结构应根据功能分为传送平面、控制平面和管理平面,以及用于控制和管理通信的数据通信网(DCN)。ASON传送平面、控制平面、管理平面以及数据通信网之间的互操作性的示意见图3.0.1。