is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This document is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2020 Directives for standardization - Part 1: Rules for the structure and drafting of standardizing documents.
This document replaces YB/T 4296-2012 Galvanized steel wire for paper pulpy baling. In addition to editorial changes, the following main technical changes have been made with respect YB/T 4296-2012:
a) The English name of the document is modified to "Zine coated steel wire for paper pulp baling and unitizing" (see cover hereof; cover of Edition 2012);
b) The Chinese of "storage” is modified (see Clauses 1 and 8 hereof; 7.3 of Edition 2012);
c) The Clause of "Order information" is added (see Clause 3 hereof);
d) The requirements for steel wire nominal diameters of 1.83 mm, 3.20 mm and 3.40 mm are added (see Clauses 4 and 5 hereof);
e) Dimension, allowable deviation and zinc coating weight are not expressed in the form of tables, but are expressed directly in language (see 4.1 and 5.3.1 hereof; and 4.4 in Edition 2012);
f) The requirements for weight are modified (see 4.4 hereof; 4.1.3 of Edition 2012);
g) The requirements for materials are modified (see 5.1 hereof; 4.2 of Edition 2012);
h) The classification of steel wires is canceled and the content of steel wires with percentage elongation after fracture of not less than 4% is deleted (see 5.2 hereof; Clause 3 of Edition 2012);
i) The requirement that the upper limit of percentage elongation after fracture is 10% is added (see 5.2 hereof);
j) The requirements for zinc coating weight are modified (see 5.3.1 hereof; 4.4.1 of Edition 2012);
k) The number of tightly wound turns of the steel wire on a mandrel of 3 times the nominal diameter is modified to not less than 6 (see 5.3.2 hereof; 4.4.2 of Edition 2012).
l) The requirement for sampling quantity is modified and the requirement of "Note: At one end of each bundle, the end shall be cut off 1 to 2 turns before sampling” is deleted (see Clause 6 hereof; 5.3 of Edition 2012);
m) The requirements for numerical value rounding and determination of detected numerical value are added (see 7.4 hereof);
n) The content of the category in the marking is deleted (see 8.2 hereof; 7.2 of Edition 2012);
o) The requirement that other packaging forms or sizes may be adopted upon agreement between the supplier and the purchaser is added (see 8.1 hereof).
This document was proposed by China Iron and Steel Association.
This document is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee on Iron and Steel of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 183).
The previous editions of this document are as follows:
——It was firstly issued as YB/T 4296-2012 in 2012;
——This is the first revision.
Zinc coated steel wire for paper pulp baling and unitizing
1 Scope
This document specifies the order information, dimensions, appearance, weight and allowable deviations, technical requirements, inspection methods, inspection rules, packaging, marking, transportation and storage, and quality certificates of the zinc coated steel wire for paper pulp baling and unitizing.
This document is applicable to zinc coated steel wire for paper pulp baling and unitizing (hereinafter referred to as steel wire).
2 Normative references
The following documents contain requirements which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 228.1 Metallic materials - Tensile testing - Part 1: Method of test at room temperature
GB/T 1839 Test method for gravimetric determination of the mass per unit area of galvanized coatings on steel products
GB/T 2103 General requirements for acceptance, packing, marking and quality certification of steel wire
GB/T 2976 Metallic materials - Wire - Wrapping test
GB/T 4354 Hot rolled quality carbon steel wire rods
GB/T 24242.2 Non-alloy steel wire rod for conversion to wire - Part 2: Specific requirements for general purpose wire rod
YB/T 081 Rule for rounding off of numerical values and judgment of testing values for technical standards of metallurgy
3 Order information
Order contracts made based on this document shall cover the following main information:
a) Serial number of this document;
b) Product name;
c) Nominal diameter;
d) Quantity;
e) Packaging method and weight of single piece;
f) Other special requirements.
4 Dimension, appearance, weight and allowable deviation
4.1 Dimension and allowable deviation
The nominal diameter of the steel wire is 1.83 mm to 3.40 mm, and its allowable deviation is ±0.04 mm.
4.2 Out-of-roundness
The out-of-roundness of the steel wire shall not exceed 0.04 mm.
4.3 Appearance
The steel wire shall be coiled neatly and shall be free of dog leg, disorder, kink or "∞" shape that affects the use.
4.4 Weight
The weight of each bundle of steel wire shall not be less than 500 kg, and 5% of each batch of steel wires are allowed to have a bundle weight of less than 500 kg, but the minimum bundle weight shall not be less than 300 kg.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Order information 4 Dimension, appearance, weight and allowable deviation 5 Technical requirements 6 Inspection method 7 Inspection rules 8 Packaging, marking, transportation, storage and quality certificate