Detailed rules of Passenger ropeway parts type test
Article 1 This detailed rules are made according “Type test rules of passenger ropeway”, in order to regulate the type test work of passenger ropeway and improve the quality of type test work of passenger ropeway parts.
Article 2 This detailed rules test is applicable to the type test of Passenger aerial ropeway and passenger funicular cable car. Please refer to the Annex 1 for the passenger ropeway parts (hereafter as parts) included.
Article 3 Below codes are cited for technical specification and requirements for this detailed rule list.
(1) GB/T 12352-1990 ”Safety Rules of Passenger Aerial Ropeway ”
(5) GB/T 19401-2003 “Technical Rules of Passenger Funicular Cable Car”
Article 4 Below conditions are required for Parts test.
(1) Design appraisal done for design documents of prototype.
(2) Prototype manufacture examination qualified.
(3) Difference between the test load and the design is within +/-2%
(4) Ambient temperature of test is: -30~40 oC, wind power is less than grade 7.
(5) For particular parts, test conditions could be added or reduced accordingly
Article 5 Company applying for Type test (hereafter as applicant Company) should submit below documents to Part Test Department (hereafter as Test Department):
(1) Appraisal report of Prototype Design Document.
(2) Conformity report of Prototype examination.
(3) General Drawing of Prototype.
(4) Drawings for critical parts.
(5) Design Calculation Note (if necessary).
(6) Manufacturing & Assembly Process of Critical Parts.
(7) Welding Process of Critical Parts.
(8) Material Certificate of Critical Parts & Quality Certificate of Purchased parts.
(9) Non-destructive Detection Report of Critical Parts.
(10) Operation & Maintenance Manual.
(11) Empty Load Test Report before Delivery of the sample machine.
(12) Other documents needed by test department.
Article 6 Normally, Type test of Passenger Ropeway should be carried out with specified test equipment. If the test carried out on site on the lift after installation, the test condition & ropeway status should meet the test requirement of component test.
For instrument, test items, contents, requirements & methods for passenger ropeway components test: refer to annex 2 for that of Drive & Return device; refer to annex 3 for that of Grip; Refer to annex 4 for that of carrier; Refer to annex 5 for that of support/compression sheave train.
Article 7 General Administration of Quality supervision, inspection & quarantine of PRC reserves the right for explanation for the detailed rules list.
Article 8 This detailed rule becomes effective from January 1st, 2006.
Annex 1 Passenger ropeway component list for type test
Annex 2 Type test of Drive and Return Bullwheel of Passenger Ropeway.
1. Apparatus & equipment needed for type test for drive/return bullwheel of passenger ropeway.
S.N. Apparatus or measurement tool Precision
1 Speed meter(rotation) +/- 0.1%
2 Decibel meter 0.1dB(A)
3 Stopwatch Grade 1
4 Oil temp. Meter or thermometer +/- 1%
5 Multi-meter +/- 2%
6 Tape meter Grade 1
7 Clearance gauge +/- 1%
8 Painting thickness measurer +/- 5%
9 Surface thickness measurer +/- 0.001mm
10 Centimeter +/- 0.5%
11 Ultra-sonic detector
12 Magnetic detector
13 Horizontal angle meter +/- 1%
14 Sclerometer HL +/- 1
15 Ampere meter +/- 2%
16 Voltage meter +/- 2%
2. Item, content, requirement and methods of type test for drive & return equipments of passenger ropeway (note).
SN Items Content & requirement Test methods
test 1.1 surface
treatment (1) Except purchased standard parts, all exposed metal parts & components should have anti-corrosion treatment with even thickness of surface treatment or paint, without partial defect or corrosion;
(2)Thickness of surface treatment no less than 0.01mm;
(3) Total thickness of protection coats no less than 0.15mm. (1) General check;
(2) Check the surface treatment thickness with surface thickness measurer;
(3) Check the paint thickness with paint thickness measurer.
2 1.2 leakage No obvious oil penetrate and leakage of hydraulic system, gearbox, brakes. General check, use penetrate paper if necessary.
3 1.3 drive & return bullwheel (1) drive & return bullwheel should fitted with soft & anti-wear liner, pressure and friction factor should be less than specification supplied by manufacturer;
(2) Brake track of drive bullwheel should be smooth, surface jump should meet requirement of grade9~10 of the specification of GB/T 1184
(3) No internal & external defect of drive & return bullwheel;
(4)Heat treatment of drive & return bullwheel should meet design requirement. (1) Verify calculation and check the liner
(2) Check the surface runout of the drive bullwheel using centimeter;
(3) Scrutinize the Non-destructive report of redial, ultra-sonic or magnetic (penetrate) for the shaft of the drive & return bullwheel, provided by qualified units;
(4) Scrutinize the heat treatment report, and check the hardness of the drive & return wheel shaft using scelometer if necessary.
4 1.4 coupling (1) Tilt angle of the universal joint be less than 1 degree.
(2) Homeostasis of the high speed brake disk of universal joint should meet design specification (1) Check the tilt angle with horizontal angle meter;
(2) Check the conformity report of homeostasis.
5 1.5 Tension lorry Flatness of the contact surface between lorry roller and its rail should be less than 2mm. Check with clearance gauge.
6 1.6 joggle
Joggle surface for open gears should bigger than 70%, and easy for maintenance
Check with penetrate if necessary.
7 1.7 winch (1) For passenger funicular cable car, if roller type drive device is applied, no sharp edge or burr is allowed for rope hole and no sharp angle for bend area.
(2) For passenger funicular cable car, if double winch drive system is applied, the rope adjustment clutch should be easy for engaging & disengaging, the travel switch should be sensitive and reliable. (1) General check of the rope hole and bend area.
(2) site test of the clutch and travel switch
8 1.8 brake (1) the clearance between brake disk and brake jaw is even and suitable to have the braking force apply evenly, the contact surface is no less than 80%.
(2) The brake should act in accordance with design, reliable and sensitive without block.
(3) the braking force of chosen brake should meet all braking requirements of all conditions (1) Brake test
(2) General check
(4) Friction factor of the brake pads should meet design requirement. Scrutinize conformity certificate and report.
2. empty load test
2. empty load test 2.1 speed of drive bullwheel Check the drive bullwheel speed, the allowable tolerance is +/- 5% of the nominal speed. Motor working under nominal frequency and voltage, check the speed using speed meter,and choose the average of 3 measurements.
Detailed rules of Passenger ropeway parts type test Annex 1 Passenger ropeway parts list for type test Annex 2 Type test of Drive and Return Bullwheel of Passenger Ropeway. Annex 3 Type test of grip of passenger ropeway Annex 4 Type test of carrier of passenger ropeway. Annex 5 Type test for support/ compression sheave of passenger ropeway.