This Regulation was formulated according to Special Equipment Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, Regulations on Safety Supervision of Special Equipment and Boiler Safety Technical Supervision Administration Regulation, with a view to normalizing the boiler supervision inspection and ensuring the quality of supervision inspection for manufacturing, installation, transformation and major repair of boilers.
1.2 Application scope
This Regulation is applicable to the supervision inspection for manufacturing, installation, transformation and major repair of boilers as required by Boiler Safety Technical Supervision Administration Regulation (hereinafter referred to as the Boiler Regulation) used within the territory of the People's Republic of China.
1.3 Basic requirements
Boiler supervision inspection means the process supervision for the manufacturing, installation, transformation and major repair of boilers according to this Regulation and compliance verification activities in accordance with basic safety requirements of the Boiler Regulation, based on acceptable self-inspection by the manufacturer and such construction organizations as installation, transformation and repair (hereinafter referred to as inspected organization). Supervision inspection can't replace self-inspection of inspected organization.
1.3.1 Application and acceptance of manufacture supervision inspection
(1) Before the manufacture of boilers (including trial product), the manufacturer shall apply for supervision inspection at an inspection organization with corresponding supervision inspection qualifications (hereinafter referred to as supervision inspection organization) approved by the AQSIQ;
(2) Upon acceptance, the supervision inspection organization shall notify the application organization and timely arrange for the supervision inspection;
(3) For the imported boiler products, if their manufacturing process is not subjected to supervision inspection, safety performance supervision inspection shall be carried out after the products are made land and special requirements for landing safety performance supervision inspection of imported boiler products are detailed in Appendix A of this Regulation.
1.3.2 Application and acceptance of supervision inspection for installation, transformation and major repair
(1) After the construction organization is informed, the construction organization or using (development) organization shall put forward an application for supervision inspection at supervision inspection organization prior to commencement.
(2) At its application for supervision inspection, the construction organization or the using (development) organization shall submit one copy of such materials (or copies) as notice, construction instruction and schedule regarding installation, transformation and major repair of boilers and boiler design instruction.
(3) Upon acceptance, the supervision inspection organization shall timely arrange for the supervision inspection according to construction schedule and notify the application organization.
1.3.3 Supervision inspection methods
Supervision inspection generally adopts such methods as information examination, on-site supervision and physical inspection etc.
(1) At information examination, supervision inspection personnel examines, according to those specified in this Regulation, whether the information is in accordance with the requirements of relevant safety technical regulations;
(2) At on-site supervision, the supervision inspection personnel supervises whether the manufacturing, installation, transformation and major repair activities meet the requirements of the quality assurance system of the inspected organization and relevant safety technical regulations on the site.
(3) At physical inspection, the supervision inspection personnel randomly re-inspects acceptable self-inspection products or parts of the inspected organization and whether self-inspection results of the inspected organization are true and correct, and in accordance with the requirements of relevant safety technical regulations;
1.3.4 Classification of supervision inspection items
Supervision inspection items are classified into Class A, B and C, and their requirements are as follows:
(1) Class A: key items with significant influence on the safety performance of boilers; where the manufacturing, installation, transformation and major repair of the boilers arrive at this item, the supervision inspection personnel shall timely carry out the supervision inspection for this item and the inspected organization may continue construction only after the supervision inspection personnel conforms it to be in accordance with the requirements;
Foreword I 1 General Provisions 2 Boiler Manufacture Supervision Inspection 3 Supervision Inspection for Installation, Transformation and Major Repair of Boilers 4 Supplementary Provisions Appendix A Special Requirements for Landing Safety Performance Supervision Inspection of Imported Boiler Products Appendix B Contact List for Supervision Inspection of Special Equipment Appendix C Notice on Supervision Inspection Opinions of Special Equipment Appendix D Supervision Inspection Certificate of Special Equipment (Pattern) Manufacture Supervision Inspection Certificate of Special Equipment (Boiler) Appendix E Supervision Inspection Scope of Power Station Boiler External Piping Previous Development (Revision) of Relevant Regulations and Specifications