1.0.1 This standard is prepared with a view to standardize and unify the data center rating methods and improve the technical level of design, construction, operation and maintenance management.
1.0.2 This standard is applicable to the rating of data center design, construction, operation and maintenance management.
1.0.3 In addition to the requirements stipulated in this standard, those stipulated in the current relevant standards of the nation shall be complied with.
2 Terms
data center
a building site that provides the operating environment to house centralized electronic information equipments, which can be a building or portion of a building, including computer room, auxiliary area, support area and the administrative area
in data center, a collection of facilities that provide operation guarantee for the operation of electronic information equipments
duplicate configuration for some or whole components of the system, when the system fails, the redundant components involved in and assume the work of faulty parts, thereby prolonging the system mean time between failure (MTBF)
fault tolerant
having two or more than two systems, at least one system is working at the same time.The facilities configured with fault tolerant can still meet basic requirements of normal operation while experiencing a serious incident or humans error in operation
operation and maintenance management
daily operation and maintenance of data center infrastructure to ensure safe and stable operation of all infrastructure.Operation and maintenance management includes making operation and maintenance regulation, process and plan.Perform routine operations, response and handling of infrastructure failures, emergencies, etc
routine maintenance
regular maintenance at a specific time, including daily routine maintenance and periods routine maintenance
preventive maintenance
the various maintenance work aims at preventing failures before it occurred trough the routine inspection, detection, maintenance etc., to ensure the normal operation of all facilities of data center
capacity management
according to the business development plan, the space, power, cooling and network capacity of the equipment of the data center are counted, evaluated and adjusted to meet the needs of the use of electronic information equipments
asset management
establishing a unique identification for each asset in the data center to record the manufacturer, specification, model, date of installation, warranty period, usage, etc
power usage effectiveness (PUE)
a metric to measure data center power usage efficiency, which is the ratio of total power consumed by all electrical equipments to the total power consumed by all electronic information equipments (IT equipments)
water usage effectiveness (WUE)
a metric to measure data center water usage efficiency, which is the ratio of total water consumed by all devices to the total water consumed by all electronic information equipments (IT equipments)
design phase
this period of data center project is from the conceptual design(preliminary design)to the final construction drawing design
construction and completion phase
the period of data center project is from construction to completion
operation and maintenance phase
after the completion of the data center project and put into normal production and operation stage.
3 Basic Requirements
3.0.1 Data center shall be categorized to three classes of A, B, C, and the classification principle shall be in accordance with the existing national standard GB50174 Code for Design of DataCenters.
3.0.2 Data center design phase rating not only shall be in accordance with the provisions of this standard, but also shall be complying with related provisions of the existing national standard GB50174 Code for Design of DataCenters.
3.0.3 Data center construction and acceptance phase rating not only shall be in accordance with the provisions of this standard, but also shall be complying with related provisions of the existing national standard GB50462 Code for Construction and Acceptance of Data CenterInfrastructure.
3.0.4 Data center operation and maintenance management phase rating not only shall be in accordance with the provisions of this standard, but also shall be complying with existing related standards.
3.0.5 Data center rating certification shall be valid for 3 years.