This standard specifies the technical requirements, acceptance rules, test methods, marking and quality certificate, storage, packaging and transportation of couplers and coupler yokes for railway locomotive and rolling stock.
This standard is applicable to the automatic couplers, coupler yokes, coupler parts and followers for newly casted railway locomotive and rolling stock manufactured with Grades C and E steel. The forging of coupler yokes may be carried out by making reference thereto.
2 Normative References
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to (excluding amending errors in the text), or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, all parties coming to an agreement according to this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest edition of the normative document is applicable. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document applies.
GB/T 222 Permissible Tolerances for Chemical Composition of Steel Products
GB/T 223 Methods for Chemical Analysis of Iron, Steel and Alloy
GB/T 228 Metallic Materials - Tensile Testing at Ambient Temperature (GB/T 228-2002, eqv ISO 6892:1998)
GB/T 229 Metallic Materials - Charpy Notch Impact Test (GB/T 229-1994, eqv ISO 148:1983)
GB/T 231.1 Metallic Materials - Brinell Hardness Test - Part 1: Test Method (GB/T 231.1-2002, eqv ISO 6506-1:1999)
GB/T 4336 Standard Test Method for Spark Discharge Atomic Emission Spectrometric Analysis of Carbon and Low-alloy steel (Routine Method)
GB/T 6414-1999 Castings - System of Dimensional Tolerances and Machining Allowances (eqv ISO 8062:1994)
GB/T 6803 Test Method for Drop-weight Test to Determine Nil-ductility Transition Temperature of Ferritic Steels
GB/T 8923-1988 Rust Grades and Preparation Grades of Steel Surfaces Before Application of Paints and Related Products (eqv ISO 8501-1:1987)
HG/T 2453 Alkyd Varnish
JB/T 8290 Magnetic Particle Flaw Detectors
TB/T 1669 Gauge for No.13 Coupler
TB/T 1670 Gauge for No.15 Coupler
TB/T 2047-2005 Technical Specification for the Supply of Magnetic Powder for Railway Magnetic Particle Testing
TB/T 2451-1993 Metallographic Inspection for Non-metallic Inclusion in Cast Steel
TB/T 2604 Gauge for No.13A Type Coupler Yoke
TB/T 2942-1999 Specification of Purchase and acceptance of Steel Castings for Railway
TB/T 2943.1 Couplers Components for Railway Locomotive and Vehicle - Part 1: Specification of Knuckle Pivot Pin and Yoke Key
TB/T 2943.2 Couplers Components for Railway Locomotive and Vehicle - Part 2: Specification of Anticreep Top Locklift Assembly for No.13A Type Coupler
TB/T 2950 Coupler Connection Contour for Locomotives and Rolling Stock
TB/T 2985 Test Method of Metallic Materials - Dynamic Tear
3 Technical Requirements
3.1 Basic Requirements
3.1.1 Couplers and coupler yokes shall be manufactured in accordance with the product drawing approved through established procedure.
3.1.2 The dimension of coupler connection contour shall meet the requirements of TB/T 2950.
3.2 Material Requirements
3.2.1 Chemical components
Chemical components of Grades C and E steel shall be in accordance with those specified in Table 1.
Foreword I 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Technical Requirements 3.1 Basic Requirements 3.2 Material Requirements 3.3 Process Requirements 3.4 Surface Quality 3.5 Repair Welding Requirements 3.6 Dimensional Tolerance 3.7 Wear Plate 3.8 Magnetic powder flaw detection 3.9 Internal Compactness of Castings 3.10 Static Load Tensile Test Requirements 3.11 Casting Mass 3.12 Knuckle Pivot Pin and Yoke Key 3.13 Three States and Anti-tripping Property of Coupler 3.14 Lubrication 3.15 Finishing of Castings 4 Inspection Rules and Test Methods 4.1 Chemical Components 4.2 Mechanical Property 4.3 Metallographic Inspection 4.4 Surface Quality Inspection and Magnetic Powder Flaw Detection 4.5 Static Load Tension Test for Coupler Body, Coupler Knuckle and Coupler Yoke 4.6 Anatomy Inspection for Compactness of Coupler Body, Coupler Knuckle and Coupler Yoke 4.7 Test Block for Heat Treatment Inspection 4.8 Mass and General Dimension in Drawing of Coupler and Parts 4.9 Three States of Coupler 4.10 Anti-tripping Inspection for Coupler 4.11 Dimensional Tolerance and Geometrical Tolerance 5 Marking and Quality Certificate 6 Storage, Packaging and Transportation Appendix A (Normative) Standard Reference Pictures of Steel Casting Compactness Appendix B (Normative) Methods for Magnetic Powder Flaw Detection Figure 1 Hardness Inspection Positions of No. 13A(B) Type, No. 16 Type and No. 17 Type Couplers Figure 2 Hardness Inspection Positions of No. 13A(B) Type, No. 15 Type and No. 15X Type Couplers Figure 3 Flaw Detection Parts of No. 13A(B)Type Coupler body and Coupler Knuckle Figure 4 Flaw Detection Parts of No. 13A(B) Type Coupler Yoke and No. 16 Type Coupler Body Figure 5 Flaw Detection Parts of No. 17 Type Coupler Body and No. 16 Type Coupler Knuckle Figure 6 Flaw Detection Parts of No. 16 Type and No. 17 Type Coupler Yokes and No. 16 Type Coupler Rotating Sleeve Figure 7 Flaw Detection Parts of No. 15 Type and No. 15X Type Coupler Bodies Figure 8 Flaw Detection Parts of No. 15 Type and No. 15X Type Coupler Knuckles and Coupler Yokes Figure 9 Critical Repair Welding Parts of No. 13A(B) Type Coupler Body, Coupler Yoke and Coupler Knuckle Figure 10 Critical Repair Welding Parts of No. 16 Type and No. 17 Type Coupler Bodies Figure 11 Critical Repair Welding Parts of No. 16 Type and No. 17 Type Coupler Knuckles and Coupler Yokes Figure 12 Anatomical Positions and Assessment Parts (Shaded Area) of Compactness for No. 13A(B) Type Coupler Body and Coupler Knuckle Figure 13 Anatomical Positions and Assessment Parts (Shaded Area) of Compactness for No. 13A(B) Type, No. 16 Type and No. 17 Type Coupler Yokes Figure 14 Anatomical Positions and Assessment Parts (Shaded Area) of Compactness for No. 16 Type and No. 17 Type Coupler Bodies Figure 15 Anatomical Positions and Assessment Parts (Shaded Area) of Compactness for No. 15 Type and No. 15X Type Coupler bodies and Coupler Knuckles Figure 16 Measurement positions for Permanent Deformation of No. 13A(B) Type Coupler Body, Coupler Knuckle and Coupler Yoke Figure 17 Measurement Positions for Permanent Deformation of No. 16 Type and No. 17 Type Coupler Bodies, Coupler Knuckles and Coupler Yokes Figure 18 Lifting Rod for Inspecting Three States of No. 13A(B) Type Coupler Figure 19 Schematic Diagram for Anti-tripping Inspection of No. 16 Type and No. 17 Type Couplers Figure 20 Marks of No. 13A(B) Type Coupler Body, Coupler Knuckle and Coupler Yoke Figure 21 Marks of No. 16 Type and No. 17 Type Coupler Bodies, Coupler Knuckles and Coupler Yokes Figure 22 Marks of No. 15 Type and No. 15X Type Coupler Bodies, Coupler Knuckles and Coupler Yokes Figure A.1 Grade 1 Shrinkage Cavity Figure A.2 Grade 2 Shrinkage Cavity Figure A.3 Grade 3 Shrinkage Cavity Figure A.4 Grade 4 Shrinkage Cavity Figure A.5 Grade 5 Shrinkage Cavity Figure A.6 Grade 6 Shrinkage Cavity Table 1 Chemical Components Table 2 Mechanical Properties of Grades C and E Steel Table 3 Grading of Non-metallic Inclusion in Cast Steel Table 4 Wall Thickness Deviation Table 5 Maximum Severity of Flaw in Profile Assessment Area of Coupler Body, Coupler Knuckle and Coupler Yoke Table 6 Maximum Permanent Deformation, Minimum Fracture Load and Minimum Limit Load of Couplers and Coupler Yokes Table 7 Permissible Minimum Mass of Couplers, Coupler Yokes, Etc.