This Standard specifies product type, technical requirements, test methods, regulations of inspection, marking, packing, storage and transport of resilient rubber subplate used as a buffer role between steel rails and concrete sleepers (including broad sleepers and integrated ballast bed).
This standard is applicable to the subplate used within -50~70℃ of environment temperature.
2 Reference Standards
GB528 Rubber, Vulcamized Or Thermoplastic-Determination of Tensile Stress-Strain Properties
GB531 Rubber-Determination of Indentation Hardness by Means of Pocket Hardness Meters
GB1682 Rubber, Vulcanized-Determination of Low-Temperature Brittleness
GB1689 Rubber Vulcanized-Determination of Abrasion Resistance ( Akron Machine)
GB3512 Rubber Vulcanized-Accelerated Ageing or Heat-Resistance Test--Air-Oven Method
GB2828 Sampling Procedures and Tables for Lot-by-Lot Inspection by Attributes (Apply to Inspection of Successive Lots or Batches)
3 Product Type and Mark
3.1 Classification and mark characterized by the steel rail model (see Table 1).
Contents 1 Subject Content and Applicable Scope 2 Reference Standard 3 Product Type and Mark 4 Technical Requirements 5 Test methods 6 Acceptance Regulations 7 Mark, Packaging, Storage and Transport Appendix A Test Method of Constant Compression Deformation Appendix B Test Method of Subplate Working Resistance Appendix C Test Methods for Subplate Static Stiffness Additional Explanation