1.0.1 This Specification was formulated in order to improve the construction level of oil-gas field gathering and transmission pipeline engineering, ensure construction quality of pipeline engineering and reduce engineering cost.
1.0.2 This Specification is applicable to the construction of steel pipeline construction engineering for the newly-built, reconstructed and extended land oil-gas field gathering and transmission. And requirements on the scope of application are as follows:
Oil field gathering and transprotation pipeline: the design pressure shall be no greater than 32MPa and the design temperature shall be between -40~400℃.
Gas field gathering and transprotation pipeline: the design pressure shall be no greater than 70MPa.
1.0.3 This Specification is not applicable to long-distance pipeline, urban fuel gas pipeline, gas field gathering and transprotation pipeline with H2S content greater than or equal to 5% (volume content) in the gas and process pipe in the united oil station or gas gathering station and clarification plant as well as boosting station.
1.0.4 Oil field gathering and transprotation pipeline shall include the following pipelines:
1 Well site process pipelines for oil extraction, water injection, steam injection well, polymer injection and others.
2 Pipelines for crude oil transmission among well mouth, metering station, metering block station (oil transfer station) and united oil station as well as those for petroleum associated gas, water injection, power fluid, diluent oil, active water, oily sewage and its mixture with the work pressure no greater than 1.6MPa.
3 Oil transmission pipeline between the united oil station and the oil storage in oil field or the initial oil transmission station.
4 Steam injection pipeline, steam pipeline, heat tracing pipeline and other thermal recovery system pipelines as well as their installed accessories.
1.0.5 Oil field gathering and transprotation pipeline shall include the following pipeline:
1 Gas recovery pipelines from the gas well christmas tree to the natural gas purification factory or between intial outer transmission station as well as branch and main pipeline of gas gathering system.
2 Pipelines from the gas well directly to the user door sation.
3 Pipelines for recirculated water in the well mouth and pipelines for gas, methanol and fuel gas injection.
4 Well site process pipelines.
1.0.6 Crossing and aerial crossing engineering construction for oil-gas field gathering and transmission pipeline shall respectively meet those specified in the current national standard "Code for Construction of Oil and Gas Transmission Pipeline Crossing Engineering" (GB 50424) and "Code for Construction of Oil and Gas Transmission Pipeline Aerial Crossing Engineering" (GB 50460).
1.0.7 Construction of oil-gas field gathering and transmission pipeline engineering shall not only meet those specified in this Specification, but also comply with those in the current relevant ones of the nation.
1 General 2 Terms 3 Basic Requirements 4 Material Acceptance and Preservation 4.1 General Requirements 4.2 Steel Pipe Acceptance 4.3 Anti-corrosion and Insulation Material Acceptance 4.4 Acceptance for Pipe Auxiliaries 4.5 Valve Acceptance 4.6 Acceptance for Welding Materials 4.7 Storage and Preservation 5 Delivery-Receiving Stake and Survey Setting-out 5.1 Delivery-Receiving Stake 5.2 Survey Setting-out 6 Operation Zone Cleaning and Service Road Construction 6.1 Operation Zone Cleaning 6.2 Construction Road Construction 7 Transportation and Pipe Laying 7.1 Transportation 7.2 Pipe Laying 8 Prefabrication and Installation 8.1 General Requirements 8.2 Material Preparation and Cutting for Steel Pipes 8.3 Pipeline Assembling 8.4 Installation for Pipe Auxiliaries 8.5 Compensator Installation 8.6 Installation for Supports and Hangers 9 Pipeline Welding 9.1 General Requirements 9.2 Welding 9.3 Weld Preheating and Post-weld Heat Treatment 9.4 Welded Joint Repair 9.5 Welded Junction Marking 10 Weld Inspection 10.1 Weld Appearance Quality Inspection 10.2 Weld Non-destructive Inspection 11 Anti-corrosion and Insulation 11.1 Pipeline Anti-corrosion 11.2 Pipe Insulation 11.3 Joint Coating and Defect Repaire for Anti-corrosion, Insulation Pipeline 12 Pipe Ditch Excavation 12.1 General Requirements 12.2 Geometric Sizes of Pipe Ditch 12.3 Pipe Ditch Excavation 12.4 Pipe Ditch Acceptance 13 Pipeline Ditching and Backfilling 13.1 General Requirements 13.2 Pipeline Ditching 13.3 Backfilling 14 Pigging, Diameter Measurement and Pressure Test 14.1 General Requirements 14.2 Pigging and Diameter Measurement 14.3 Strength and Tightness Test for Pipelines 15 Pipeline Drying 16 Pipeline Connector 17 Pipeline Ancillary Engineering 17.1 Pipeline Valve Chamber 17.2 Cathodic Protection 17.3 Mileage Stake, Corner Stake, Surveying Stake Embedment 17.4 Anchorage Pier 17.5 Water and Soil Conservation 18 Health, Safety and Environment 19 Handing-over Acceptance Explanation of Wording in This Code