This specification specifies the requirements of engineering design for distributed control system (DCS).
This specification is applicable to the engineering design for distributed control system in petrochemical industry and in construction, extension and renovation engineerings of enterprises using coal as raw material to prepare fuel and chemical products.
Note: this specification does not cover the relevant requirements of I/O module and I/O bus using field bus technology, but covers all the other parts (such as control network and control station).
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this specification. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB 4824 Industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) radio-frequency equipment - Electromagnetic disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement
GB/T 16895.18-2010 Electrical installations of buildings - Part 5-51: Selection and erection of electrical equipment - Common rules
GB/T 17626.2-2006 Electromagnetic compatibility - Testing and measurement techniques - Electrostatic discharge immunity test
GB/T 17626.3-2006 Electromagnetic compatibility - Testing and measurement techniques - Radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field immunity test
GB/T 17626.4-2008 Electromagnetic compatibility - Testing and measurement techniques - Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test
GB/T 17626.5-2008 Electromagnetic compatibility - Testing and measurement techniques - Surge immunity test
GB/T 17626.8-2006 Electromagnetic compatibility - Testing and measurement techniques - Power frequency magnetic field immunity test
GB/T 17799.4-2001 Electromagnetic compatibility - Generic standards - Emission standard for industrial environments
SH/T 3006 Specification for design of control room in petrochemical industry
SH/T 3081 Design code for instrument grounding in petrochemical industry
SH/T 3082 Design code for instrument power supply in petrochemical industry
SH/T 3164 Specification for design of instrument system lightning surge protection in petrochemical industry
ISA S71.04 Environmental conditions for process measurement and control systems: Airborne contaminants
3 Terms and abbreviations
3.1 Terms
For the purposes of this specification, the following terms and definitions apply.
distributed control system
control system with decentralized control functions, centralized operation and management, and hierarchical network architecture with computer and microprocessor as the core
two or more quantities that change with time are consistent in the process of change
two or more parts or systems are used to realize the same function
Note: according to different working modes of redundant parts, redundancy forms are classified into four types: hot standby redundancy, synchronization redundancy, cold standby redundancy and degraded redundancy.
hot standby redundancy
working part and redundant part operate simultaneously, with the output of working part as the output result. When the working part fails, the system automatically switches to the redundant part for operation
synchronization redundancy
working part and redundant part operate simultaneously, with the output results being synchronized. When the working part fails, the system automatically selects the output result of the redundant part
cold standby redundancy
the working part is operating normally, and the redundant part is in a state of waiting to start. When the working part fails, the system automatically or manually starts the redundant part to replace the working part
degraded redundancy
working part and redundant part operate simultaneously. When the working part fails, the redundant part completes the function of the failed part by reducing the performance or increasing the operating load
ability to continue to perform the original function without being affected by the internal failure or error in the work unit
Note: there are two types of tolerance: hardware tolerance and software tolerance.
hardware tolerance
ability to continue to perform the original function without being affected by the failure of elements or parts in the work unit
software tolerance
ability of a software to continue to perform normal functions in the event of an identifiable software error
Note: the working mode of software tolerance is to tolerate software errors, and when errors occur, the software can run away from errors and recover the running process affected by errors.
loss of original functions of elements, parts, systems or equipment
common cause failure
failure of more than one element, part, system or equipment due to the same cause
mean time between failures
mean time between adjacent failures
Note: the mean time between failures includes mean time to failure and mean time to repair.
mean time to failure
mean time before the work unit fails to work normally
mean time to repair
mean time required for fault repair
Note: the mean time to repair includes diagnosis, confirmation, fault location, part procurement, repair and test time. Part procurement time is divided into local part procurement time and lead time.
local part procurement time
time from the decision to replace the faulty part to the delivery of the spare part from the user's storage location to the fault repair site
lead time
time from the decision to replace the faulty part to the delivery of the replacement part from the supplier to the fault repair site
failure rate
probability of failure of normal working products per unit time
the data related to the control process and the required control rules are input into the system according to the software control module and data rules of the control system, so that the control system has the function of completing the control tasks of specific objects
process control station
equipment in DCS that completes the functions of detection, control, operation and diagnosis
Note: the process control station is mainly composed of four parts: control unit, process interface unit, power supply unit and communication unit.
control unit
also known as the controller, which is the central processing unit of the process control station, and mainly undertakes the tasks such as data processing and control operation of the process control station
input/output module
signal interface module between control system and external equipment
Note: the input/output module belongs to the process interface unit in the process control station, and is used to input the standard signals of external equipment into the control system or output the standard signals of the control system to external equipment.
electromagnetic interference
abnormal effect of electromagnetic action on the operation of electronic equipment
Note: electromagnetic interference includes conductive interference and radiant interference.
conductive interference
electromagnetic interference is transmitted to electronic equipment parts or circuits through conductive media in the form of current or voltage
radiant interference
electromagnetic interference is transmitted to electronic equipment parts or circuits through space in the form of electromagnetic waves
electromagnetic compatibility
ability of an electronic system to operate according to the designed functions in the electromagnetic environment in which it is located, without generating electromagnetic interference exceeding the specified index to the electronic equipment in the specified environment
ability of an electronic equipment or system to maintain normal operation when it is subjected to electromagnetic interference
central control room
a place in a non-production area, where the control system equipment of multiple process units, utility units and storage and transportation units are centrally arranged, operated and monitored
field control room
a place in the production area, where the control system equipment of single or multiple process units, utility units and storage and transportation units are operated and monitored
field auxiliary room
a place in the production area, where the control system equipment of single or multiple process units, utility units and storage and transportation units are placed
Note: there are no operation and monitoring posts in the field auxiliary room under normal circumstances.
operation subarea
combination of one or more process units, utility units and storage and transportation units divided by production operation or management functions
a kind of equipment for network security
Note: the function of firewall is to check the packets passing through firewall and decide the flow direction of packets according to the preset security policy.
several branch networks divided from a large network
Note: these branch networks are connected to each other through network routing, but they are relatively independent.
virtual local area network
a data exchange technology realizing virtual workgroup by logically dividing the local area network equipment into different network segments
network band width
the maximum volume of data that can pass a network in a fixed time interval (usually in seconds)
unwanted code
abnormal run code existing in software or data files, which may cause software or hardware erroneous operation, adverse effects, data destruction, security hazards or system damage when it acts
Foreword I 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and abbreviations 3.1 Terms 3.2 Abbreviations 4 System architecture 4.1 Overall architecture 4.2 Layout mode 5 Design principle 5.1 General requirements 5.2 System performance 5.3 System functions 6 System security 6.1 Information security 6.2 Network security 6.3 Anti-virus protection 6.4 Security management measures 7 System technical requirements 7.1 Process control stations 7.2 Process interface units 7.3 Operator workstations 7.4 Engineer workstations 7.5 Historian workstations 7.6 Network management servers 7.7 Installation conditions 7.8 Power supply requirements 7.9 Grounding requirements 7.10 Spare parts 8 Network system 8.1 Network structure 8.2 Network performance 8.3 Network equipment 8.4 Network interface 8.5 Redundancy principles 8.6 Network load 8.7 Communication with third party equipment 8.8 Spare principles 9 Accessorial equipment 9.1 Auxiliary table 9.2 Cabinets 9.3 Safety barriers 9.4 Surge protection devices 9.5 Relays 9.6 Printers 10 Advanced application 10.1 Intelligent device management system 10.2 Gas detection system (GDS) 10.3 Video application system 10.4 Process data interface server 10.5 Advanced process control application stations 10.6 Operator training simulation servers 10.7 Storage and transportation management system 10.8 Web servers 10.9 Application servers 11 Software configuration 11.1 Control and operation software 11.2 Engineering configuration software 11.3 Operating system and tool software 11.4 Software version 11.5 Software authorization 12 Engineering execution 12.1 DCS system kick-off meeting 12.2 Function design 12.3 Configuration 12.4 System integration 13 Acceptance 13.1 Factory acceptance test (FAT) 13.2 Integration factory acceptance test 13.3 Site acceptance test 14 Engineering service 14.1 Technical service 14.2 Site service 15 DCS requisition document preparation Annex A (Informative) Template of DCS Specification Annex B (Informative) Template of DCS data sheet Annex C (Informative) DCS technical bid evaluation template Annex D (Informative) Common cause failure and precautions Annex E (Informative) DCS network architecture diagram Annex F (Informative) DCS network subarea Annex G (Informative) Operator workstation and auxiliary operating system architecture diagram Bibliography Explanation of wording in this specification