This standard specifies specific methods to evaluate the load-carrying capacity of the lubricant with CL-100 gear.
This standard is applicable to determination of load-carrying capacity of lubricant.
2 Normative Reference
GB 1922 Solvent Naphthas
3 Summary of Test Method
Put the test gear into the test gear box, add the sample into it, control initial oil temperature and operate for 15min at constant speed, but it is permissible to make the oil temperature up at all-level tests. The load at the tooth surface is added based on the levels. Inspect and evaluate the tooth surface with visual inspection after all-level loads finish the operation while recording and drawing the damage pattern of the tooth surface available.
4 Equipment and Materials
4.1 Equipment
4.1.1 CL-100 gear test device and the power transmission system (see Figure 1): test device includes one drive gear case and one test gear case which are connected together with two torsion shafts. One rigid load clutch is installed on the rigid shaft (see Figure 2). One coil pipe heater in the test gear case is used for heating the sample. Temperature sensor is equipped at one side of the case near the pinion and the heater may be controlled in accordance with preselected temperature. Test device is driven by a 5.5kW motor with rotate speed about 1460r/min. See operating instructions of the manufacturer for the detailed description of the installation, verification and operation of the test machine. Gears' rotation direction shall meet requirements in Figure 3.
1 Subject Content and Application Scope 2 Normative Reference 3 Summary of Test Method 4 Equipment and Materials 5 Verification of Gear Test Machine 6 Preparation Works 7 Test Procedures 8 Precision 9 Report Appendix A Parameter of Type "A" Test Gear of China QCL-003 and Germany FZG (Additional) Appendix B Test Record of CL-100 or FZG Gear (Additional) Additional Explanation: