Function specification for monitoring systems of distributed resources interconnected with distribution network
1 Scope
This standard specifies the architecture, basic functions and optional functions of master station, slave station and terminal unit, main technical indicators and related requirements in terms of monitoring systems of distributed resources interconnected with distribution network.
This standard is applicable to the planning, design, construction, transformation and operation of distributed resources monitoring system interconnected with distribution network with voltage levels of 10 kV and below in the form of synchronous generators, asynchronous generators and converter in the operating area of State Grid Corporation of China.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this standard. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 12325-2008 Power quality—Deviation of supply voltage
GB/T 12326-2008 Power quality—Voltage fluctuation and flicker
GB/T 14549-1993 Quality of electric energy supply—Harmonics in public supply network
GB/T 15543-2008 Power quality—Three-phase voltage unbalance
GB/T 15945-2008 Power quality—Frequency deviation for power system
DL/T 478-2010 General specification for relaying protection and security automatic equipment
DL/T 634.5101 Telecontrol equipment and systems—Part 5: Transmission protocols—Section 101: Companion standard for basic telecontrol tasks
DL/T 634.5104 Telecontrol equipment and systems—Part 5-104: Transmission protocols—Network access for IEC 60870-5-101 using standard transport profiles
DL/T 721-2000 Remote terminal unit of distribution automation system
DL/T 814-2002 Function specification of distribution automation systems
Q/GDW 382-2009 Technical guide for distribution automation
Q/GDW 480 Technical rule for distributed resources connected to distribution grid
Q/GDW 513-2010 Function specifications for master station system of distribution automation
Q/GDW 514-2010 Function specification for remote terminal units / slave station of distribution automation
Q/GDW 666 Test technical specification for distributed resources connected to distribution network
Q/GDW 667 Operation and control specification for distributed resources connected to distribution network
Provisions on safety protection of power secondary system (Dian Jian Hui [2005] Decree No.5)
Overall scheme of safety protection for power secondary system (Dian Jian Hui [2006] Decree No.34)
IEEE 1547 IEEE Standard for interconnecting
distributed resources with electric
power systems
IEEE 1547.1 IEEE Standard conformance
test procedures for equipment interconnecting distributed resources with electric power systems
IEEE 1547.2 Application guide for IEEE Std 1547™, IEEE standard for interconnecting distributed resources with electric power systems
IEEE 1547.3 Draft Guide for monitoring, information exchange and control of distributed resources interconnected with electric power
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
distributed resources monitoring system
an automation system for monitoring and controlling the operation of distributed resources, provided with the functions of data acquisition and processing, active power regulation, voltage and reactive power control, detection of remote island, dispatching and coordination control, and interconnection with related application systems and mainly composed of master station of distributed resources, slave station of distributed resources, remote terminal unit of distributed resources and communication system
master station of distributed resources
monitoring and management center of distributed resources, mainly intended to realize the basic functions of distributed resources such as data acquisition and monitoring, protection and interconnection control, and the optional functions such as detection of remote island, active power regulation, voltage and reactive power control, dispatching and coordinated control
slave station of distributed resources
an interlayer set up to realize the functions of information collection, processing, communication monitoring, etc. within its control scope in order to optimize the system structure, improve the efficiency of information transmission, and facilitate the networking of distributed resources monitoring system
remote terminal unit of distributed resources
that installed on the distributed resources side for the functions of distributed resources data acquisition, protection, control, detection of local island, communication, etc.
point of interconnection
For resources connected to the public grid through a transformer, it refers to transformer's bus at high-voltage side that is directly connected to the public grid. For resources not directly connected to the public power grid through transformers, it refers to the bus of resources output, also called access point.
point of common coupling
connecting point of more than one user in a power system
detection of remote island
action to detect whether the distributed resources is in the island operation state after an island is generated, and to control the distributed resources to exit or run according to the preset fixed value or strategy Detection of island includes detection of remote island and detection of local island.
4 Architecture
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Architecture 5 Functions of master station of distributed resources 5.1 Basic functions 5.2 Optional functions 5.3 Configuration principles 6 Functions of slave station of distributed resources 6.1 Communication aggregation, processing and forwarding 6.2 Maintenance and self-diagnosis 7 Functions of remote terminal unit of distributed resources 7.1 Data acquisition 7.2 Control 7.3 Data transmission 7.4 Maintenance 7.5 Concurrent interconnection 7.6 Protection 7.7 Voltage and reactive power control 7.8 Detection of local island 7.9 Power quality monitoring and analysis 7.10 Other functions 8 Communication system 9 Main performance indicators Annex A (Normative) Function selection of master station of distributed resources Annex B (Normative) Function selection of remote terminal unit of distributed resources