1.1 This standard specifies design, fabrication, inspection and acceptance requirements for metallic horizontal vessels.
1.2 Design pressure applicable to this standard
1.2.1 The design pressure for steel vessels shall be not larger than 35MPa.
1.2.2 For vessels made of other metallic materials, it shall comply with appropriate normative references.
1.3 Design temperature range applicable to this standard
1.3.1 Design temperature range: -269℃~900℃.
1.3.2 The design temperature of vessel shall be determined according to the allowable service temperatures of the materials listed in appropriate normative references of this standard.
1.4 Structure type applicable to this standard
1.4.1 Horizontal vessels on double-saddle supports bearing uniform load and additional load
1.4.2 Horizontal vessels on symmetrically-arranged triple-saddle supports bearing uniform load
1.4.3 For vessels of specific structures in the application scope of this standard, and aluminium, titanium, copper, nickel and nickel alloy, and zirconium vessels, their structure types and application scopes shall also meet the relevant requirements given in the standards below:
a) JB/T 4734 "Aluminium Welded Vessels";
b) JB/T 4745 "Titanium Welded Vessels";
c) JB/T 4755 "Copper Pressure Vessels";
d) JB/T 4756"Nickel and Nickel Alloy Pressure Vessels";
e) NB/T 47011 "Zirconium Pressure Vessels".
1.5 Vessels inapplicable to this standard
1.5.1 Vessels under the jurisdiction of "Supervision Regulation on Safety Technology for Transportable Pressure Vessel"
1.5.2 Vessels in nuclear energy plant with failure risk due to neutron damage
1.5.3 Directly-fired vessels.
1.5.4 Enamelled vessels and vessels of cooling air conditioning industry otherwise specified in national or professional standard
1.5.5 Vessels with jackets.
1.6 Defined range of vessel
1.6.1 Connection between the vessel and the external pipe:
a) The groove end face of the first pass of girth joints with welded connection;
b) The end face of the first threaded connector with threaded connection;
c) The sealing surface of the first flange with flanged connection;
d) The first sealing surface of special connecting piece or pipe fittings connection.
1.6.2 Bearing headers, flat covers and their fasteners of connection tube, manhole and handhole, etc.
1.6.3 Welded joints between non-pressure parts and pressure parts
1.6.4 Non-pressure parts directly connected to the vessel, e.g. saddle support and support stiffener.
1.6.5 Overpressure relief devices of vessel
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB 150.1 Pressure Vessels - Part 1: General Requirements
GB 150.2 Pressure Vessels - Part 2: Materials
GB 150.3 Pressure Vessels - Part 3: Design
GB 150.4 Pressure Vessels - Part 4: Fabrication, Inspection and Testing, and Acceptance
GB/T 700 Carbon Structural Steels
GB/T 1591 High Strength Low Alloy Structural Steels
GB/T 1804-2000 General Tolerances - Tolerances for Linear and Angular Dimensions without Individual Tolerance Indications
JB/T 4712.1 Vessel Supports - Part 1: Saddle Support
JB/T 4734 Aluminium Welded Vessels
JB/T 4745 Titanium Welded Vessels
JB/T 4755 Copper Pressure Vessels
JB/T 4756 Nickel and Nickel Alloy Pressure Vessels
NB/T 47002
(All Parts) Explosion Welded Clad Plate for Pressure Vessels
TSG R0004 Supervision Regulation on Safety Technology for Stationary Pressure Vessel
3 Terms And Definition
For the purpose of this standard, the terms and definitions given in GB 150.1 apply.
Foreword i Introduction ii 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms And Definition 4 General Requirements 5 Materials 6 Structure 7 Strength Calculation 8 Manufacture, Inspection and Acceptance Appendix A (Normative) Declaration of Conformity Appendix B (Informative) Strength and Stability Checks for Horizontal Vessels on Symmetrical Double-saddle Supports under Additional Load Appendix C (Informative) Strength and Stability Checks for Horizontal Vessels on Asymmetrically-arranged Double-saddle Supports Appendix D (Informative) Strength and Stability Checks for Horizontal Vessels on Symmetrically-arranged Triple-saddle Supports