This standard specifies the basic requirements for communication design of nuclear power plants.
This standard is applicable to the design of communication systems for nuclear island, conventional island and BOP of nuclear power plant constructed, extended and renovated inland.
This standard is also applicable to the design of the following communication systems in nuclear power plants, including administrative telephone system, safety telephone system, intercom telephone system, power dispatching telephone system, wireless telephone system, sound power telephone system, generic cabling system, alarm system, wired broadcast system, clock system and nuclear power plant external communication system.
This standard is not applicable to the automatic fire alarm system and of nuclear power plant security communication system.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 11684-2003 Electromagnetic Environment Conditions and Testing Procedures for Nuclear Instrumentation
GB/T 17626.3-2006 Electromagnetic Compatibility - Testing and Measurement Techniques - Radiated Radio-frequency Electromagnetic Field Immunity Test
GB 50311-2007 Code for Engineering Design of Generic Cabling System
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
Public network
The abbreviation of the public used network, it is a communication network that is established and operated by the authorized telecommunications operators to serve the entire society.
[GB/T 50622-2010, definition 2.1.6]
Dispatching system
A dispatching switch, a dispatching station, a dispatching terminal and an auxiliary device for the user to command and dispatch.
[GB/T 50622-2010, definition 2.1.8]
A system that supports a variety of cables, jumpers, patch cords, and connectivity devices connected to information electronics.
[GB/T 50311-2007, definition 2.1.1]
Optical cable
A cable consisting of a single or multi-core optical.
[GB/T 50311-2007, definition 2.1.25]
Campus distributor
The wiring equipment that terminates the trunk cable of the campus.
[GB/T 50311-2007, definition 2.1.10]
Building distributor
The wiring equipment that terminates the trunk cable of the building and campus.
[GB/T 50311-2007, definition 2.1.11]
Central alarm facility
A device of alarming, arranging, synchronizing, monitoring, and acoustic-optic alarm issued to workers.
Alarm triggering station
A facility that issues alarms and enable achieve internal and external communication of nuclear power plant. It is equipped with all necessary operating and monitoring equipment for this purpose.
Single alarm
An alarm signal that indicates a single building or a part of a building.
All-clear signal
A signal indicating that the alarm state has been eliminated.
Fire alarm
A signal indicating the occurrence of fire hazard.
Escape alarm
An alarm signal indicating that all personnel escape from the plant.
Evacuation alarm
An alarm signal indicating that related personnel evacuate form the plant immediately and in order.
Group alarm
An alarm signal simultaneously issued by a group of buildings.
Collective alarm
An alarm signal simultaneously issued from all sites of nuclear power plant.
Nuclear power plant site
Nuclear power plant site where the single units and multi units have corresponding boundaries.
Global positioning system (GPS)
A technology that combines satellite and communication development, is used for measuring time and ranging by navigational satellites.
Common earthing system
A common earthing system connecting the earthing device, building metal components, low-voltage distribution protection wire (PE), equipotential bonding terminal or bar, equipment protection, shield earthing, anti-static earthing, functional earthing, etc. together of the lightning protection system.
Foreword I 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 Communication System Appendix A (Normative) Alarm Signal of Nuclear Power Plant Bibliography