NB/T 20002.1-2013 Welding code for mechanical components of PWR nuclear islands - Part 1: General requirements
1 Scope
This part specifies the basic requirements including welding documents, pre-validation, -assessment and -acceptance, welding data package and welding procedure specification as well as material weldability, and general requirements including thermal treatment during welding, welded joint test, storage of specimens, joints for evaluation and product welding witness parts as well as welder and welding operator qualifications, presents the prescriptive requirements for the mechanical property test on welded joints, classification of imperfections in metallic fusion welding and branch pipe forms, and recommends applicable welded joints for pipelines for mechanical components of pressurized water reactor (PWR) nuclear island.
This part is applicable to the welding and overlaying welding of carbon steel, low alloy steel, austenitic stainless steel or austenitic-ferritic stainless steel and nickel base alloy during manufacturing of mechanical components of PWR nuclear island.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 3375 Welding terminology
GB/T 6417.1-2005 Classification and explanation of imperfections in fusion welded joints
NB/T 20001-2013 Fabrication rules for mechanical components of PWR nuclear island
NB/T 20002.2 Welding code for mechanical components of PWR nuclear islands - Part 2: Acceptance for welding filler materials
NB/T 20002.3 Welding code for mechanical components of PWR nuclear islands - Part 3: Welding procedure qualification
NB/T 20002.4 Welding code for mechanical components of PWR nuclear islands - Part 4: Qualification of filler materials
NB/T 20002.5 Welding code for mechanical components of PWR nuclear islands - Part 5: Technical qualification for production workshops
NB/T 20002.6-2013 Welding code for mechanical components of PWR nuclear islands - Part 6: Production welds
NB/T 20002.7 Welding code for mechanical components of PWR nuclear islands - Part 7: Hardfacing
NB/T 20004-2011 Physical and chemical test methods for materials used in nuclear island components of nuclear power plants
HAF 603 Regulation on qualification management for welder and welding operator of civil nuclear safety equipment
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 3375 apply.
4 General
4.1 Welding documents
4.1.1 Welding data package
Welding data package collects all basic elements of welding operation of a certain component or its part; see 4.3.1 for specific rules.
4.1.2 Acceptance documents and welding procedure documents for filler materials
The document specifies the acceptance conditions and welding implementation conditions for welding filler materials. Requirements on welding procedure specifications or descriptions include:
——Welding procedure specifications (see 4.3.2);
——Acceptance for filler materials (see NB/T 20002.2);
——Welding procedure qualification (see NB/T 20002.3);
——Document on welder and welding operator qualification (see HAF 603);
——Product welds (see NB/T 20002.6);
——Hardfacing (see NB/T 20002.7).
Note: Each procedure or description may be specified by a complete set of approved documents (work sheet, instruction sheet, etc.).
4.1.3 Welding report
Foreword i
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 General
5 General requirements for thermal treatment
6 Welding joint test
7 Storage of specimen, qualification joint and product welding witness parts
8 Welder and welding operator qualification
9 Classification and explanations of imperfections in metallic fusion welding
10 Branch pipe form - Welding joints recommended for pipelines
Annex A (Normative) Welding joint property test
Annex B (Informative) Branch pipe form - Welding joints recommended for pipelines