This regulation is applicable to the initial verification, subsequent verification and in-service inspection of locomotive pipette.
2 References
The following documents are referenced in this regulation:
GB/T 6682-1992 Water for analytical laboratory use - Specification and test methods
While applying this regulation, attention shall be paid to make sure that the referenced ones are currently effective editions.
3 Terms and measuring unit
locomotive pipette
metrological instrument with a certain measuring range, which can be used to pipet the liquid from one container and then transfer it into another container (filling injector, filling gun, aspirator, etc. are collectively referred to as locomotive pipettes)
adjustable locomotive pipette
locomotive pipette with adjustable capacity
quantitative locomotive pipette
locomotive pipette with a single specified capacity
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 References 3 Terms and measuring unit 4 Overview 5 Metrological performance requirements 6 General technical requirements 6.1 Appearance requirements 6.2 Piston 6.3 Regulator 6.4 Pipette tip 6.5 Tightness 7 Control of metrological instruments 7.1 Verification conditions 7.2 Verification items 7.3 Verification method 7.4 Identification result handling 7.5 Verification cycle Annex A Schematic diagram for various types of locomotive pipettes Annex B Table of K(t) values Annex C Format of locomotive pipette verification records Annex D Format for inside pages of verification certificate