The Rules specifies the requirements and procedures for the sampling, inspection, evaluation and other activities during the metrology inspection for the net quantity of products in prepackages with fixed content.
The Rules is applicable to the metrological supervision inspection and arbitration inspection for the net quantity of products in prepackages with fixed content, and the entrustment inspection may be conducted by making reference to the Rules. The companies producing and selling products in prepackages with fixed content may also conduct inspection by making reference to the Rules.
The products in prepackages with fixed content subjected to inspection shall be those passing the self-inspection of the producer or those imported or distributed by sellers.
2 Reference Documents
The following documents are referenced in the Rules:
AQSIQ Decree No.75 "Measures for the Metrological Supervision and Administration of Quantitatively Packed Commodities"
OIML International Recommendation R87 "Quantity of Product in Prepackages" (2004 edition)
OIML International Recommendation R79 "Labeling Requirements for Products in Prepackages with Fixed Content" (1997 edition)
GB/T3358.1~3358.3-1993 "Terms for Statistics"
While applying the Rules, attention shall be paid to make sure that the referenced ones are currently valid versions of the above documents.
3 Terminologies and Symbols
3.1 Terminologies
3.1.1 Prepackaged products
The products with predetermined values (or quantities) and being packed with packaging material or packaging container prior to selling.
3.1.2 Products in prepackages with fixed content
The prepackaged products for selling that are labeled in predetermined constant nominal quantities of mass, volume, length, area and count within certain quantitation limit range.
3.1.3 Same kind products in prepackages with fixed content
The products in prepackages with fixed content, which are produced by the same producer and of the same variety, nominal quantity, packing specification and packaging material.
3.1.4 Net quantity
The quantity of the product inside after removing the packaging container and other packaging materials.
Note: both the packaging materials of the products and other materials packed together with the products shall not be counted in the net quantity. Such as the flavoring bags and forks in instant noodle are not counted in the net quantity.
3.1.5 Nominal quantity
Introduction 1 Scope 2 Reference Documents 3 Terminologies and Symbols 3.1 Terminologies 3.2 Symbols 4 Metrological Requirements 4.1 General 4.2 Metrological Requirements for Labeling of Net Quantity 4.3 Metrological Requirements for Net Quantity 5 Metrology Inspection 5.1 General 5.2 Uncertainty of Measurement 5.3 Statistic and Control Criteria 5.4 Implementation of Inspection 5.5 Primary Records and Data Processing 6 Result Evaluation and Report 6.1 Evaluation Criteria 6.2 Inspection Report Appendix A Random Sampling Methods Appendix B Methods for Deduction of Tare Weight Appendix C Metrology Inspection Methods for Products Whose Nominal Quantity Is Labeled by Mass (Weight) Appendix D Metrology Inspection Methods for Products Whose Nominal Quantity Is Labeled by Volume Appendix E Metrology Inspection Methods for Products Whose Net Quantity Is Labeled by Length Appendix F Metrology Inspection Methods for Products Whose Net Quantity Is Labeled by Area Appendix G Metrology Inspection Methods for Products Whose Net Quantity Is Labeled by Count Appendix H Sampling Sheet Format for the Metrology Inspection of Net Quantity of Products in Prepackages with Fixed Content Appendix I Primary Record Format for the Metrology Inspection of Net Quantity of Products in Prepackages with Fixed Content (Informative) Appendix J Report Form for the Metrology Inspection of Net Quantity of Products in Prepackages with Fixed Content