1.0.1 This code is formulated with a view to implementing the national technical economy policy, achieving safety, credibility, state-of-the-art technology, economic feasibility, quality insurance and environment protection.
1.0.2 This Code is applicable to the design, construction and quality inspection of ground treatment of the construction project.
1.0.3 The ground treatment shall not only comply with the engineering design requirement, but shall also be in line with local conditions, local materials, environmental protection and resources-efficiency.
1.0.4 The ground treatment of construction project shall not only comply with those specified in this Code, but shall also comply with relevant compulsory regulations of current standards of the nation. When the treated foundation is calculated, it shall comply with relevant regulations of current national standard "Code for Design of Building Foundation" GB 50007.
1. General Provisions 2. Terminologies and Symbols 2.1 Terminologies 2.2 Symbols 3. Basic Requirements 4. Cushion 4.1 General Rules 4.2 Design 4.3 Construction 4.4 Quality Inspection 5. Preloading 5.1 General Rules 5.2 Design 5.3 Construction 5.4 Quality Inspection 6. Dynamic Consolidation and Dynamic Replacement 6.1 General Rules 6.2 Design 6.3 Construction 6.4 Quality inspection 7. Vibroflotation 7.1 General Rules 7.2 Design 7.3 Construction 7.4 Quality Inspection 8. Sand-gravel Pile 8.1 General Rules 8.2 Design 8.3 Construction 8.4 Quality Inspection 9. Cement-flyash-gravel Pile 9.1 General Rules 9.2 Design 9.3 Construction 9.4 Quality Inspection 10. Rammed Soil-cement Pile 10.1 General Rules 10.2 Design 10.3 Construction 10.4 Quality Inspection 11. Cement Deep Mixing 11.1 General Rules 11.2 Design 11.3 Construction 11.4 Quality Inspection 12. Jet Grouting 12.1 General Rules 12.2 Design 12.3 Construction 12.4 Quality Inspection 13. Lime Pile 13.1 General Rules 13.2 Design 13.3 Construction 13.4 Quality Detection 14. Lime Soil Pile and Earth Pile 14.1 General Rules 14.2 Design 14.3 Construction 14.4 Quality Inspection 15. Piles Thrusted-expanded in Column-hammer 15.1 General Rules 15.2 Design 15.3 Construction 15.4 Quality Inspection 16. Silicification Grouting and Soda Solution Grouting 16.1 General Rules 16.2 Design 16.3 Construction 16.4 Quality control 17. Other ground treatments Appendix A Main Points on Load Test of Composite Foundation Explanation of Wording in this Code