1.0.1 In order to make the design and construction for post-installed fastenings connection of concrete structure achieve advanced technology, safety and reliability as well as economic feasibility, this Specification is formulated.
1.0.2 This specification is applicable to the design, construction and acceptance for post-installed fastenings connection of fixtures with common concrete as base material and not applicable to the anchorage with masonry or light concrete as base material.
1.0.3 Combined influence of factors such as types of the connected structure (structural members and nonstructural members), anchor force conditions (tension, compression, bending, shear and their combination), load types and safety level of anchorage connection (important and ordinary) shall be taken into consideration for the design of post-installed fastenings connection.
1.0.4 Design, construction and acceptance of post-installed fastenings connection shall not only meet those specified in this Specification, but also meet the requirements of current relevant compulsory standards of the nation.
2 Terms and Symbols
2.1 Terms
2.1.1 Post-installed fastenings
It refers to the anchorage on existing concrete structure by means of related techniques.
2.1.2 Anchor
It refers to the anchorage assembly which anchored the connector on concrete base material.
2.1.3 Expansion anchors
It refers to the anchor for anchoring effect formed by the extrusion of expansion piece towards anchor hole wall (Figure 2.1.3-1 and 2.1.3-2).
(a) Sleeve type (shell type)
(b) Expansion piece type (polish rod type)
Figure 2.1.3-1 Torque control type of expansion anchors
2.1.4 Undercut anchors
They refer to anchors for anchoring effect formed by locking keys between undercut at the bottom of anchor hole and anchor expansion pieces (Figure 2.1.4).
2.1.5 Bonded rebars
They refer to a kind of reserved steel bars for post-installed fastenings with chemical adhesive - anchor adhesive to cement and fasten the ribbed steel bar and long screw rod in anchor hole of concrete base material.
2.1.6 Base material
(a)Under-cone type (inner plug)) (b) Under-rod type (penetration-type) (c) Under-sleeve type (outer plug) (d) Under-sleeve type (penetration-type)
Figure 2.1.3-2 Displacement type of expansion anchors
Parent structural materials for bearing anchors refer to concrete in this Specification.
2.1.7 Anchor group
It refers to multiple anchors in joint work.
2.1.8 Fixture
It refers to pieces anchored on concrete base material.
2.1.9 Anchor plate
It refers to steel plate anchored on concrete base material..
2.1.10 Failure mode
It refers to the failure mode of anchorage connection under load.
2.1.11 Anchor failure
It refers to tensile, shear or compound stress failure mode of anchors or steels of bonded rebars themselves (Figure 2.1.11).
(a) Pre-undercut ordinary plug
(b) Self-undercut special plug
Figure 2.1.4 Undercut anchors
Figure 2.1.5 Bonded rebars
(a) Tensile failure (b) Shear failure
Figure 2.1.11 Anchor steels failure
2.1.12 Concrete cone failure
It refers to inverse cone failure mode of concrete base materials formed with anchors as center in anchor tension (Figure 2.1.12).
Figure 2.1.12 Concrete cone tension failure
2.1.13 Combination failure
It refers to the combination failure formed with concrete cone on base material surface and the bonding in deep part pulled out in tension of bonded rebars (Figure 2.1.13).
2.1.14 Concrete edge failure
Figure 2.1.13 Combination tension failure
Figure 2.1.14 Shear failure of wedge on concrete edges
It refers to the failure mode of concrete wedge with anchor axle as peak formed in base material edge shear (Figure 2.1.14).
2.1.15 Pryout failure
It refers to the failure that base material concrete is pried by anchors along opposite direction in center shear (Figure 2.1.15).
Figure 2.1.15 Pryout failure of base material
2.1.16 Splitting failure
It refers to cracking failure mode of base material concrete along anchor axial line or several anchor axial line connecting lines because of anchor expansion extrusion pressure.
1 General Provisions 2 Terms and Symbols 2.1 Terms 2.2 Symbols 3 Material 3.1 Concrete Base Material 3.2 Anchor 3.3 Anchor Adhesive 4 Basic Requirements on design 4.1 Anchor Classification and Application Scope 4.2 Anchoring Design Principles 5 Internal Force Analysis for Anchorage Connection 5.1 General Requirements 5.2 Calculation of Tension Internal Force of Anchor Group 5.3 Calculation of Shear Internal Force of Anchor Group 6 Ultimate Limit State Calculation for Bearing Capacity 6.1 Calculation of Tension Capacity 6.2 Calculation of Shear Capacity 6.3 Calculation of Bearing Capacity Under Tension-Shear Combination Loading 7 Seismic Design for Anchoring 8 Constructional Measures 9 Anchorage Construction and Acceptance 9.1 Basic Requirements 9.2 Anchor Holes 9.3 Installation and Anchorage of Anchors 9.4 Quality Inspection and Acceptance for Anchorage Appendix A Field inspection Method of Anchorage Bearing Capacity A.1 Basic Requirements A.2 Sample Selection A.3 Inspection Equipment A.4 Inspection Method A.5 Evaluation on Inspection Results Explanation of Wording in This Standard