This standard specifies the axial internal clearances for four-point contact ball bearings (d≤600mm) with 35° contact angle for general uses.
This standard is applicable to finished bearing inspection by bearing manufacturer and finished bearing acceptance by purchaser.
2 Normative References
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments (excluding amending errors in the text) to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, all parties coming to an agreement according to this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest editions of these documents are applicable. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative documents referred to applies.
GB/T 272-1993 Rolling Bearing - Identification Code
GB/T 6930-2002 Rolling bearings - Vocabulary (ISO 5593: 1997, IDT)
3 Definitions
Definition of Axial Internal Clearances specified in this standard is in accordance with the requirements in Article 05.08.03 of GB/T 6930-2002
4 Axial Internal Clearances Value
Axial internal clearances value of four-point contact ball bearings is in accordance with the requirements of Table 1. The increment of axial internal clearances in measuring load is detailed in Appendix A.
Table 1 Aaxial Internal Clearances Value In μm
Foreword I 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Definitions 4 Axial Internal Clearances Value 5 Marking of Axial Internal Clearances Appendix A (Informative) Increment of Axial Internal Clearances in Measuring Load