This Standard specifies the regulations of conventional life and reliability tests for the rolling bearings of general purposes on the testing machine.
This Standard is applicable to the life and reliability tests of rolling bearings with an internal diameter of 10~120mm.
2. Normative References
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. At time of publication, the editions indicated are valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties using the standard shall investigate the possibility of applying the latest edition of the standards indicated below.
GB/T 275-1993 Shaft and Housing Fits for Rolling Bearings
GB/T 6391-1995 Rolling Bearings - Dynamic Load Ratings and Rating Life
JB/T 50093-1997 Rolling Bearings - Life and Reliability Test Assessment Method
SHFT 0017-1990 Bearing Oil
3. Symbols and Abbreviations
S: internal axial force of bearing caused by radial equivalent dynamic load Fr;