This standard is related to steel pressure vessels based on design by analysis. Design methods are provided based on elastic stress analysis, plastic failure criteria and elastic-plastic failure criteria. More strict requirements are specified for manufacture, inspection and acceptance than GB 150 "Steel Pressure Vessels".
This standard shall be implemented with GB 150 simultaneously. Any one of them can be applied, if their own requirements are met.
1.2 Scope
1.2.1 This standard is applicable to:
a) Vessels whose design pressures are greater than or equal to 0.1 MPa and less than 100 MPa;
b) Vessels whose vacuum degrees are higher than or equal to 0.02 MPa.
1.2.2 The applicable design temperature of this standard shall be lower than the corresponding temperature by which the steel creep controlling its admissible stress intensity.
1.2.3 This standard is not applicable to the following various vessels:
a) Vessels in the nuclear-energy plant;
b) The compression vessel chamber as an entirety or component in the rotary or reciprocating mechanical equipments (such as pump, compressor, turbine and hydraulic cylinder);
c) Frequently-transported vessels;
d) Vessels whose internal diameter (as for noncircular section, width, height or diagonal) is less than 150mm;
e) Directly-fired vessels.
1 Subject Contents and Scope 1 1.1 Subject content 1 1.2 Scope 1 2 Normative References 2 3 General Provisions 3 4 Terms 16 4.1 Stress intensity 16 4.2 Gross structural discontinuity 16 4.3 Local structural discontinuity 16 4.4 Normal stress 16 4.5 Shear stress 16 4.6 Membrane stress 16 4.7 Bending stress 16 4.8 Primary stress 17 4.9 Secondary stress Q 17 4.10 Peak stress F 18 4.11 Load stress 18 4.12 Thermal stress 18 4.13 Operating cycle 20 4.14 Stress cycle 20 4.15 Deformation 20 4.16 Inelasticity 20 4.17 Fatigue 22 5 General Standards of Design by Analysis 22 5.1 General rules 22 5.2 Calculation of stress intensity 23 5.3 Allowable limit of various stress intensity 25 5.4 Application of plastic analysis 25 5.5 Three-dimensional stress 27 5.6 Nozzle transition 27 6 Materials 28 6.1 General rules 28 6.2 Steel plate 29 6.3 Steel tube 35 6.4 Forgings 39 6.5 Stud and nut 43 7 Shell of Revolution Bearing the External Pressure 48 7.1 Scope 48 7.2 Symbol Description 48 7.3 Circular Cylinder 48 7.4 Spherical Shell 49 7.5 Conical Shell 49 7.6 Forming head 49 7.7 Connection between the larger end of the conical shell and the cylinder 55 7.8 Connection between the smaller end of the conical shell and the cylinder 57 7.9 Coupling of Larger and Smaller Ends 58 7.10 Reducer Section 58 8 Shell of revolution bearing the external pressure 62 8.1 Symbol description 62 8.2 Calculation of the external pressure cylinder and external pressure sphere 64 8.3 Design of reinforcing ring of the external pressure cylinder 76 8.4 Forming head 80 8.5 conical shell and conical head bearing external pressure 80 8.6 Axially-compressed cylinder 85 9 Flat Cover 94 9.1 Symbol Description 94 9.2 Thickness of Flat-Cover 94 10 Opening and Opening Reinforcement 99 10.1 Symbol description 99 10.2 Equal-area reinforcement 100 11 Manufacturing, Inspection and Acceptance 106 11.1 General Provisions 106 11.2 Cold and hot forming 106 11.3 Welding 114 11.4 heat treatment 115 11.5 Test plate and sample 117 11.6 Multi-layer pressure vessel 119 11.7 Shrunk-fit pressure vessel 120 11.8 Forged and welded pressure vessel 121 11.9 Nondestructive testing 121 11.10 Pressure test and gas-tightness test 122 11.11 Quality certificate, mark, painting, package and transportation 124 Annex A (Normative) Stress Analysis of Basic Components and Combined Components 125 A.1 Application Scope 125 A.2 Deformation and Stress Analysis of the Basic Components 125 A.3 Stress at the Joint of Various Heads and Cylindrical Shell 147 A.4 The Stress Analysis Method of the Integrally-reinforced Shell Opening 151 A.5 Temperature Stress 154 Annex B (Normative) Experimental Stress Analysis 183 B.1 General Rules 183 B.2 Test Types 183 B.3 Test Methods 183 B.4 Test Results 184 B.5 Tests to Determine Collapse Load 185 Annex C (Normative) Design Basing on Fatigue Analysis 187 C.1 General Provisions 187 C.2 Procedures of Fatigue Analysis 187 C.3 Local Structural Discontinuity 194 C.4 Attenuation Coefficient of the Fatigue Strength of the Fillet Weld 194 C.5 Fatigue Analysis of the Stud 194 C.6 Thermal Stress Ratchet Action in the Shell 195 C.7 Test Methods for Determining the Fatigue Life 196 C.8 Stress Index Method for the Opening Fatigue Evaluation 201 Annex D (Normative) Flanges 208 D.1 General Provisions 208 D.2 Symbol Explanation 208 D.3 Flange Types 211 D.4 Flange Connection 211 D.5 External Pressure Flange 221 Annex E (Normative) 234 E.1 Application scope 234 E.2 Definition 234 E.3 Symbol explanation 234 E.4 General Rules 235 E.5 Calculation of the vessel safety release quantity 236 E.6 Safety valve 237 E.7 Bursting discs devices 238 E.8 The combined device of the safety valve and the bursting discs devices 241 E.9 Installation of the overpressure relief devices 241 E.10 Release pipe 242 Annex F (Normative) 242 F.1 General Rules 242 F.2 Steel plate 243 Annex G (Informative) 244 Annex H (Informative) 247 H.1 Classification and requirements of the welded joints 247 H.2 Other welded connection and requirements 253 Annex I (Informative) 257 I.1 Forms of tube plate connection structure 257 I.2 Symbol description 260 I.3 Stress analysis on the tube plate of the U-tube heat exchanger and other relevant components 266 I.4 Stress analysis on the tube plate of the floating head and packing-gland heat exchanger and other relevant components 273 I.5 Stress analysis on the tube plate of the fixed heat exchanger and other relevant components 279 Annex J (Informative) Stress Analysis of Cylindrical Shell Opening Nozzle 292 J.1 Application Scope 292 J.2 Symbol Explanation 292 J.3 Calculation Procedures 293 J.4 Thickness Adjustment 293 Annex K (Informative) basic requirements for finite element calculation procedures and analysis staff 304 K.1 Calculation Procedures 304 K.2 Analysis Staff 304