Technical code of reinforced plastics equipment for chemical industry
1 General provisions
1.0.1 This standard is formulated with a view to improving the design and application level and standardizing the technical requirements for manufacture, inspection and acceptance, packing and transporting, installation, usage and maintenance of fiber reinforced plastic chemical equipment, so as to ensure product quality.
1.0.2 This standard is applicable to the design, manufacture, inspection and acceptance, packing and transporting, installation, usage and maintenance of above-ground integral fiber reinforced plastic chemical equipment formed by filament winding and contact molding.
1.0.3 This standard is not applicable to the following fiber reinforced plastic chemical equipment:
1 buried equipment, double-walled tanks, spherical vessels and chimneys;
2 vessels, tanks and towers with irregular shapes (non-rotating);
3 reservoir for cold water storage;
4 equipment containing medium and liquefied gas with extreme hazard of toxicity;
5 equipment with explosion hazard or failure caused by radioactive radiation;
6 equipment under the coverage of the current regulation TSG R0005 Supervision regulation on safety technology for transportable pressure vessel.
1.0.4 In addition to this standard, the design, manufacture, inspection and acceptance, packing and transporting, installation, usage and maintenance of fiber reinforced plastic chemical equipment shall also meet the requirements of the relevant current national standards.
2 Terms
2.0.1 chemical equipment
fiber reinforced plastic vessels and tanks commonly used to hold chemical medium, hereinafter referred to as equipment
2.0.2 atmospheric equipment
vessel or tank with design pressure of greater than -0.02MPa (g) and less than 0.1MPa (g)
2.0.3 pressure vessel
vessel containing gas or liquid with design pressure of greater than or equal to 0.1MPa (g) or less than or equal to -0.02MPa (g)
2.0.4 prototype vessel
equipment for evaluating the design and molding process, manufactured with the same shape and engineering dimensions (except the length) as the product vessel and using the same materials and molding process
2.0.5 Class I vessel
design type of product vessel made according to the design, material and molding process same as those of the prototype vessel which has been made and evaluated to be qualified
2.0.6 Class II vessel
design type designed by rules design method or analytical design method, with the product accepted through non-destructive inspection and test
2.0.7 contact molding
molding process, including hand lay-up and spray-up, in which reinforcing material is laid on a mold coated with release agent, and resin glue solution is coated, and cured at room temperature or under heating conditions
2.0.8 hand lay-up
molding method in which reinforcing material is laid manually on a mold coated with release agent, and resin glue solution is coated up to the required thickness, and then cured
2.0.9 spray-up
molding method in which resin, catalyst and chopped fibers are sprayed onto a mold at the same time by a spray gun, compacted to discharge bubbles, and then cured
2.0.10 filament winding
molding method for winding continuous fibers or fabrics impregnated with resin glue solution onto a mandrel or mold under the controlled tension and predetermined line pattern
2.0.11 thermosetting resin
resin that generates chemical polymerization reaction after heating or chemical catalysis, gradually hardens and forms, and then does not soften or melt when heated
2.0.12 resin casting
resin sample piece or template made of thermosetting resin by casting
2.0.13 ply
lamellar structure formed by a layer of fiber product and resin, which is the basic unit of laminate
2.0.14 lamina
plies with the same resin material, the same type, content and arrangement of fiber and product, and the same molding process
2.0.15 laminate
monolithic plate formed by pressing two or more laminas
2.0.16 laminate theory
deformation equation of laminate established based on Kirchhoff-Love hypothesis and the straight normal hypothesis with unchanged normal length, and with the normal stress ignored
2.0.17 resin layer, RL
resin layer that can resist corrosion and seepage and is free of reinforcing material in fiber reinforced plastic products
2.0.18 veil layer, VL
layer with a high resin content, which is reinforced by one or two layers veil(s)
2.0.19 single protective layer, SPL
layer with a high resin content, which may be either a resin layer or a veil layer, and may resist slight corrosion or trace corrosion
2.0.20 chemical resistant layer, CRL
chemical corrosion resistant layer composed of corresponding resin, veil or fiber product according to the corrosion properties of chemical medium and working conditions such as service temperature, which can resist corrosion under harsh working conditions
2.0.21 thermoplastic liner, TPL
protective layer formed by lining the inner wall of the product with thermoplastics to prevent medium corrosion, so as to meet the use requirements
2.0.22 overlay
anti-corrosion or sealed laminate formed by covering the surface of a workpiece by lay-up and/or winding
2.0.23 surface resistivity
ratio of the electric field intensity parallel to the direction of current passing through the material surface to the current per unit width of the surface
2.0.24 volume resistivity
ratio of the electric field intensity to the current density parallel to the direction of current passing through the material
2.0.25 dynamic loading
pressure load with the number of cycles exceeding 10,000 during the service life of a vessel
2.0.26 maximum temperature, Tm
extreme temperature of the material for resistance to specific medium provided by the resin or thermoplastic liner manufacturer
2.0.27 maximum design temperature, Td
maximum temperature used to determine the partial safety factor K2
3 Basic requirements
3.1 General requirements
Foreword i 1 General provisions 2 Terms 3 Basic requirements 3.1 General requirements 3.2 Qualifications and responsibilities 3.3 Overpressure protection 4 Materials 4.1 General requirements 4.2 Raw materials 4.3 Composite materials - Chemical resistance 4.4 Mechanical properties of structural layer 5 Design 5.1 General requirements 5.2 Loads 5.3 Cylinders 5.4 Heads 5.5 Opening reinforcement 5.6 Nozzles 5.7 Design of flanges 5.8 Manholes, handholes and inspection openings 5.9 Connection 5.10 Supports 5.11 Horizontal vessels 5.12 Vertical tanks 6 Manufacture 6.1 General requirements 6.2 Manufacture for equipment 6.3 Quality control of manufacture process 7 Inspection and acceptance 7.1 General requirements 7.2 Documents to be prepared by the manufacturer 7.3 Product inspection 8 Marking, packing, transporting and storing 8.1 Marking 8.2 Packing 8.3 Lifting 8.4 Transporting 8.5 Storing 9 Installation 9.1 General requirements 9.2 Installation 10 Manufacture in situ 11 Usage and maintenance 11.1 Usage 11.2 Maintenance Annex A Determination of partial safety factor K2 based on the media classification Annex B Determination of partial safety factor K2 based on the service experience Annex C Determination of partial safety factor K2 by test in situ or laboratory test Annex D Laminate theory Annex E Design method for Class I vessels Annex F Basic requirements for analysis design methods Annex G Rectangular vessels Annex H Procedure qualification Annex J Skill evaluation of hand lay-up workers Annex K Skill evaluation of winding workers Annex L Skill evaluation of welders Annex M Test method Annex N Test methods for material properties Annex P Check and calculation for strength and stability of horizontal vessels supported on symmetrical three saddles Annex Q Design of anchors Explanation of wording in this standard List of quoted standards