This standard is applicable to the basic technical requirements, measurement method and function inspection method of unidirectional transmission standard resolution of digital cable television set top box. It is also applicable to any equivalent measurement method which can guarantee the same measurement uncertainty. In case of any dispute, this standard shall prevail.
This standard is applicable to the research and development, production and application of digital cable television set top box.
2 Normative References
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments to (excluding correction to), or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, the parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.
GB 2312-1980 Code of Chinese Graphic Character Set for Information Interchange; Primary Set
GB 8898-2001 Audio, Video and Similar Electronic Apparatus-Safety Requirements
GB 13000.1 Information Technology-Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS)-Part 1: Architecture and Basic Multilingual Plane
GB 13837-2003 Sound and Television Broadcast Receivers and Associated Equipment-Radio Disturbance Characteristics-Limits and Methods of Measurement
GB/T 14960-1994 Technical Requirements and Methods of Measurement of Infrared Remote Control Radiation Unit for Television Broadcast Receivers
GB/T 17191.3-1997 Information Technology-Coding of Moving Pictures and Associated Audio for Digital Storage Media at up to about 1.5Mbit/s-Part 3: Audio
GB/T 17975.1-2000 Information Technology-Generic Coding of Moving Pictures and Associated Audio Information-Part 1: Systems
GB/T 17975. 2-2000 Information Technology-Generic Coding of Moving Picture and Associated Audio Information-Part 2: Video
GB/T 17975. 3-2002 Information Technology-Generic Coding of Moving Picture and Associated Audio Information-Part 3: Audio
GY/T 170-2001 Specification of Framing Structure Channel Coding and Modulation for Digital Cable Broadcasting System
GY/Z 175-2001 Specification of Conditional Access System for Digital Television Broadcasting
GY/T 201-2004 Specification for Data Broadcasting in Digital Television System
GY/T 230-2008 Specification of Conditional Access System for Digital Television Broadcasting
GY/T 231-2008 Specification of Electronic Programme Guide for Digital Television Broadcasting
Contents Foreword I 1 Scope 3 Abbreviations 4 Technical Requirements 5 Measurement Method Appendix A (Normative) Basic Technical Specification for SI Table Supported by EPG of Digital Cable Television Set Top Box Appendix B (Normative) Technical Requirements of ASI Output Interface for TS Output or TS Measurement Port Bibliography