This standard specifies the terms and definitions for magnetic materials and components in electrotechnical and electronic terminology.
This standard is applicable to all scientific and technological fields involved in electrotechnical and electronic technology.
2 Terms for Magnetic Materials and Components
2.1 Basic Terms
221-01-01 Magnetic field
That component of an electromagnetic field which is characterized by the magnetic field strength vector H and the magnetic flux density B (see IEV Chapter 121). (See 121-11-69)
221-01-02 Elementary magnetic dipole
Magnetic dipole provided with atomic or molecular scale in directed plane current loop.(See 121-11-48)
221-01-03 Magnetic dipole
An entity which, in terms of its magnetic field at all points at distances sufficiently large compared with its dimensions, can be replaced by a plane current loop. (See 121-11-47)
221-01-04 Saturation magnetization
The maximum obtainable magnetization for a given substance at a given temperature.
221-01-05 Saturation magnetic polarization
The maximum obtainable magnetic polarization for a given substance at a given temperature.
221-01-06 Saturation magnetization (mass) density
Specific saturation magnetization
The saturation magnetization divided by the mass density.
221-01-07 Magnetic dipole moment
A vector quantity given by the volume integral of the magnetic polarization for the substance of a region. (See 121-11-55)
Foreword I IEC Foreword II 1 Scope 2 Terms for Magnetic Materials and Components 2.1 Basic Terms 2.2 State of Magnetization 2.3 Permeability and Losses 2.4 Magnetic Substance 2.5 Non-reciprocal Electromagnetic Element Appendix A (Informative) Chinese Appendix Appendix B (Informative) English Appendix