This standard is applicable to the marking and transportation packaging of fasteners (i.e. bolts, studs, nuts, screws, washers, wood screws, self-tapping screws, pins, rivets, retaining rings, fasteners-assemblies, connecting pairs and welding nails) specified in national standards.
2 Normative references
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this standard, constitute provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, all the editions listed are valid. All standards are subject to revision, and all parties using this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the latest editions of the following standards.
GB/T 116-1986 Specifications for rivet
GB/T 3098.1-2000 Mechanical properties of fasteners-Bolts, screws and studs (idt ISO 898-1:1999)
GB/T 3098.2-2000 Mechanical properties of fasteners - Nuts - Coarse thread (idt ISO 898-6: 1994)
GB/T 3098.4-2000 Mechanical properties of fasteners-Nuts-Fine pitch thread (idt ISO 3506-1: 1997)
GB/T 3098.6-2000 Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless-steel fasteners-Part 1: Bolts, screws and studs (idt ISO 3506-1: 1997)
GB/T 3098.15-2000 Mechanical properties of fasteners-Nuts made of stainless-steel (idt ISO 3506-2: 1997)
GB/T 10433-2002 Cheese head studs for arc stud welding
3 The marking of fasteners shall meet the requirements of national and professional standards for fasteners. Of all the marks, "fastener manufacturer's identification mark" (or fastener distributor's identification mark) is different from trademark, and belongs to the category of standardization and product quality, therefore shall be coordinated, confirmed and announced by a national standardization organization.
4 Fastener products shall be free from dirt and metal chips. Products without metal coating shall be coated with antirust agent to prevent corrosion during transportation and storage. Under normal transportation and storage conditions, it shall be guaranteed that the products will not rust within half a year from the date of delivery.
5 Product transportation packaging is mainly used for transportation and storage, it must have the functions of ensuring the safety of goods, facilitating loading, unloading, storage