is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard replaces GB/T 7810-1995 Rolling bearings—Insert bearing units—Boundary dimensions and the following main technical changes have been made with respect to GB/T 7810-1995:
——Some normative references are added and modified (see Clause 2 hereof; Clause 2 of Edition 1995);
——"Terms and definitions" and "Code" are added (see Clauses 3 and 6 hereof);
——B3 dimensions of H3 series adapter sleeves for series 2 insert bearing units with adapter sleeves are added (see Table 1, Table 3, Table 5, Table 7 and Table 8);
——Boundary dimensions of some insert bearing units are modified (see Tables 1 to 11 hereof, Tables 1 to 11 of Edition 1995);
——Dimension ranges of some insert bearing units are expanded (see Tables 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, and 12 to 15);
——The height L of bearings with flanged round housings is added (see Table 7);
——The code of bearings with take-up housings is modified (see Figures 13 to 15, Table 8 hereof, Figures 13 to 15, Table 8 of Edition 1995);
——The boundary dimensions of bearings with F200 square housings are added (see Annex B);
——The boundary dimensions of bearings with FL200 oval housing are added (see Annex C).
This standard was proposed by the China Machinery Industry Federation.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee on Rolling Bearing of Standardization Administration of China (SAT/TC 98).
The previous editions of this standard are as follows:
——GB 7810-1987, GB/T 7810-1995.
Rolling bearings—Insert bearing units—Boundary dimensions
1 Scope
This standard specifies the boundary dimensions of insert bearing units (bearing units for short).
It applies to insert bearings with plummer block housings, flanged housings, take-up housings and ring housings.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 3882 Rolling bearings—Insert bearings and eccentric looking collars—Boundary dimensions
GB/T 6930 Rolling bearings—Vocabulary
GB/T 7809 Rolling bearings—Insert bearings—Boundary dimensions
GB/T 7811 Rolling bearings—Symbols for physical quantities
GB/T 27554 Rolling bearings—Insert bearing units—Identification code
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 6930 apply.
4 Symbols
4.1 General
For the purposes of this document, the symbols given in GB/T 7811 and the following apply.
The symbols shown in Figures 1 to 25 and given in Tables 1 to 15, Table B.1 and Table C.1 denote nominal dimensions, unless specified otherwise.
Note: Figures 1 to 25 are drawn schematically and do not necessarily show all design details. The grease nipple positions in Figures 1 to 17 are examples. Other positions are at the discretion of the manufacturer.
B: width of inner ring of bearing units
B1: overall width of inner ring of bearing units including eccentric locking collar
B3: width of adapter sleeve
d: bore diameter of bearing units and of eccentric locking collar
d0: bore diameter of adapter sleeve
S: distance from centre of raceway to face of inner ring on side opposite locking device
4.2 Bearings with plummer block housings
A: (overall) width of base
H: distance from mounting base to centreline of spherical seating diameter of housing
J: centre distance between bolt holes
L: (overall) length of base
4.3 Bearings with square housing
A: (overall) height
A2: distance from mounting base to centreline of spherical seating diameter of housing
J: centre distance between bolt holes
L: (overall) length
4.4 Bearings with oval housing
A: (overall) height
A2: distance from mounting base to centreline of spherical seating diameter of housing
H: height of flange
J: centre distance between bolt holes
L: (overall) width
4.5 Bearings with flanged round housings
A: width
A2: distance from mounting base to centreline of spherical seating diameter of housing
D1: boss diameter
D2: outside diameter of housing
J: centre distance between bolt holes
L: boss height
4.6 Bearings with take-up housings
A: (overall) width (attachment end)
A1: width of location slot
H: (overall) height
H1: distance between bottoms of location slots
L: (overall) length
L1: distance from attachment arm end surface to centreline of spherical seating diameter of housing
4.7 Bearings with ring housings
A: width
D1: outside diameter of housing
4.8 Bearings with pressed plummer block housings
A: (overall) width of base
H: distance from mounting base to centreline of spherical seating diameter of housing
J: centre distance between bolt holes
L: (overall) length of base
4.9 Bearings with pressing round housings
A: (overall) height
A1: width of flange
H: length
J: pitch circle diameter of bolt hole
4.10 Bearings with pressed triangular housings
A: (overall) height
A1: width of flange
H: length
H1: distance from straight edge to centreline of spherical seating diameter of housing
J: pitch circle diameter of bolt hole
4.11 Bearings with pressed oval housings
A: (overall) height
A1: width of flange
H: length
J: centre distance between bolt holes
L: (overall) width of flange
5 Types
The bearing units given in this standard is a combination of the insert bearing specified in GB/T 3882 and the housings for insert bearings specified in GB/T 7809. The correspondence between them is shown in Annex A, and the types are as follows:
——Bearings with plummer block housings (see Figures 1 to 3);
——Bearing with square housings (including bearing with F200 square housings) (see Figures 4 to 6);
——Bearing with oval housings (including bearing with FL200 oval housings) (see Figures 7 to 9);
——Flanged round housings (see Figures 10 to 12);
——Bearings with take-up housings (see Figures 13 to 15);
——Bearings with ring housings (see Figures 16 to 17);
——Bearings with pressed plummer block housings (see Figures 18 to 19);
——Bearings with pressed round housings (see Figures 20 to 21);
——Bearings with pressed triangular housings (see Figures 22 to 23);
——Bearings with pressed oval housings (see Figures 24 to 25).
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Symbols 5 Types 6 Code 7 Designation example 8 Boundary dimension Annex A (Informative) ——Correspondence between insert bearing unit and bearing and bearing housing Annex B (Normative) Boundary dimensions of bearings with F200 square housing Annex C (Normative) Boundary dimensions of bearings with FL200 oval housing
图2 带立式座偏心套外球面球轴承(UELP型) 图3 带立式座紧定套外球面球轴承(UKP+H型) 表1带立式座轴承——2系列 单位为毫米 带座轴承型号 d d0 B max B1 max B3 S L max A max J H UCP型 UKP型 UELP型 配用的紧定套 UC型 UEL型 H3系列 H23系列
表2 带立式座轴承——3系列 单位为毫米 带座轴承型号 d d0 B max B1 max B3 S L max A max J H UCP型 UKP型 UELP型 配用的紧定套 UC型 UEL型 H23系列
图9 带菱形座紧定套外球面球轴承(UKFLU+H型) 带FL200型菱形座紧定套外球面球轴承(UKFL+H型) 表5 带菱形座轴承——2系列 单位为毫米 带座轴承型号 d d0 B max B1 max B3 S H max L max A max J A2 UCFLU型 UKFLU型 UELFLU型 配用的紧定套 UC型 UEL型 H3系列 H23系列
表6 带菱形座轴承——3系列 单位为毫米 带座轴承型号 d d0 B max B1 max B3 S H max L max A max J A2 UCFLU型 UKFLU型 UELFLU型 配用的紧定套 UC型 UEL型 H23系列
8.4 带凸台圆形座轴承(见图10~图12)的外形尺寸见表7。
图10 带凸台圆形座顶丝外球面球轴承(UCFC型)
图11 带凸台圆形座偏心套外球面球轴承(UELFC型)
图12 带凸台圆形座紧定套外球面球轴承(UKFC+H型) 表7 带凸台圆形座轴承——2系列 单位为毫米 带座轴承型号 d d0 B max B1 max B3 S D1 D2 L J A A2 UCFC型 UKFC型 UELFC型 配用的紧定套 UC型 UEL型 H3系列 H23系列
8.5 带滑块座轴承(见图13~图15)的外形尺寸见表8、表9。
图13 带滑块座顶丝外球面球轴承(UCT型)
图14 带滑块座偏心套外球面球轴承(UELT型)
图15带滑块座紧定套外球面球轴承(UKT+H型) 表8 带滑块座轴承——2系列 单位为毫米 带座轴承型号 d d0 B max B1 max B3 S A max A1 H max H1 L max L1 max UCT型 UKT型 UELT型 配用的紧定套 UC型 UEL型 min max H3系列 H23系列
表9 带滑块座轴承——3系列 单位为毫米 带座轴承型号 d d0 B max B1 max B3 S A max A1 H max H1 L max L1 max UCT型 UKT型 UELT型 配用的紧定套 UC型 UEL型 min max H23系列
8.6 带环形座轴承(见图16、图17)的外形尺寸见表10、表11。
图16 带环形座顶丝外球面球轴承(UCC型)
图17 带环形座偏心套外球面球轴承(UELC型) 表10 带环形座轴承——2系列 单位为毫米 带座轴承型号 d B max B1 max S D1 A UCC型 UELC型 UC型 UEL型
表11 带环形座轴承——3系列 单位为毫米 带座轴承型号 d B max B1 max S D1 A UCC型 UELC型 UC型 UEL型
8.7 带冲压立式座轴承(见图18、图19)的外形尺寸见表12。
图18 带冲压立式座顶丝外球面球轴承(UBPP型)
图19 带冲压立式座偏心套外球面球轴承(UEPP型) 表12 带冲压立式座轴承——2系列 单位为毫米 带座轴承型号 d B max B1 max S L max A max J H UBPP型 UEPP型 UC型 UEL型
8.8 带冲压圆形座轴承(见图20、图21)的外形尺寸见表13。
图20 带冲压圆形座顶丝外球面球轴承(UBPF型)
图21 带冲压圆形座偏心套外球面球轴承(UEPF型) 表13 带冲压圆形座轴承——2系列 单位为毫米 带座轴承型号 d B max B1 max S H max J A max A1 max UBPP型 UEPP型 UC型 UEL型
8.9 带冲压三角形座轴承(见图22、图23)的外形尺寸见表14。
图22 带冲压三角形座顶丝外球面球轴承(UBPFT型)
图23 带冲压三角形座偏心套外球面球轴承(UEPFT型) 表14 带冲压三角形座轴承——2系列 单位为毫米 带座轴承型号 d B max B1 max S H max H1 max J A max A1 max UBPFT型 UEPFT型 UB型 UE型
8.10 带冲压菱形座轴承(见图24、图25)的外形尺寸见表15。
图24 带冲压菱形座顶丝外球面球轴承(UBPFL型)
图25 带冲压立菱形座偏心套外球面球轴承(UEPFL型) 表15 带冲压菱形座轴承——2系列 单位为毫米 带座轴承型号 d B max B1 max S H max L max J A max A1 max UBPFT型 UEPFT型 UB型 UE型
附录B (规范性附录) 带F200型方形座轴承的外形尺寸 B.1 符号 带F200型方形座轴承的符号见图4~图6和表B.1。 B.2 外形尺寸 带F200型方形座轴承的外形尺寸见表B.1。 表B.1 带F200型方形座轴承——2系列 单位为毫米 带座轴承型号 d d0 B max B1 max B3 S L A J A2 UCF型 UKF型 UELF型 配用的紧定套 UC型 UEL型 H3系列 H23系列
附录C (规范性附录) 带FL200型菱形座轴承的外形尺寸 C.1 符号 带FL200型菱形座轴承的符号见图7~图9和表C.1。 C.2 外形尺寸 带FL200型菱形座轴承的外形尺寸见表C.1。 表C.1 带FL200型菱形座轴承——2系列 单位为毫米 带座轴承型号 d d0 B max B1 max B3 S H L A J A2 UCFL型 UKFL型 UELFL型 配用的紧定套 UC型 UEL型 H3系列 H23系列