1.0.1 This code is formulated with a view to subjecting the ground treatment for steel tank to be designed and constructed in a safe, applicable, advanced, ecomonic, rational, qualified and environmental friendly manner.
1.0.2 This code is applicable to the design, construction and quality inspection with regards to the ground treatment for vertical and circular steel tank for storing the crude oil, petrifying liquid products and other similar liquid (hereinafter referred to as "ground treatment for tank").
1.0.3 The ground treatment for tank shall comply with the requirements for engineering design but use local materials in accordance with the requirements of engineering design and local conditions, so as to meet the requirements of environmental protection and resources conservation.
1.0.4 In addition to meeting this code, the ground treatment for tank shall comply with those in the current relevant ones of the nation.
2 Terms and Symbols
2.1 Terms
2.1.1 Composite foundation
Ground whose partial soil mass is strengthened or replaced by reinforcement and whose loads are shared by reinforcement and surrounding subsoil.
2.1.2 Cushion
A ground treatment method, by which the soft soil layer at the shallow ground surface or nonuniform soil layer is cut while the hard materials of large particle diameter are backfilled, compacted or tamped, forming a compacted cushion.
2.1.3 Hydrostatic preloading
A ground treatment method, by which the ground is preloaded by the filling loads in the tank when the tank is being filled with water for testing the pressure so that the ground is consolidated and compacted.
2.1.4 Dynamic compaction, dynamic consolidation
A ground treatment method, by which the pounder is raised to a high place time after time and falls free to give the subsoil shock and vibration energy to compact the subsoil.
2.1.5 Dynamic replacement
A ground treatment method, by which the gravel pier is formed in the ground by dynamic compaction together with filling gravel and the composite foundation is formed by gravel pier, soil between piers and upside gravel cushion.
2.1.6 Vibroflotation, vibro-replacement
A ground treatment method, by which the loose sand-soil layer is compacted or the soft soil layer is holed by the combined action of horizontal vibration of vibrator and pressure water; then the coarse-particle materials like gravels are backfilled to form the column body which constitutes the composite foundation together with the original subsoil.
2.1.7 Sand-gravel column
A ground treatment method, by which the hole is made in the ground by vibration, impact or water flush to extrude the gravel, sand or sand-gravel into the hole so that the sand-gravel compaction pile is formed and constitute the composite foundation with the original soil between columns.
2.1.8 Cement-flyash-gravel pile
A ground treatment method, by which the pile body is formed by the mixture like cement, flyash, gravel, stone chips or sand together with the water and constitute the composite foundation together with piles and soil between piles.
2.1.9 Cement-solid deep mixing pile
A ground treatment method, by which the curing agent is mixed with the subsoil by force by the deep mixer, using the cement as the main composition of curing agent, to form the pile bodys with entirety, water stability and strength, which constitutes the composite foundation together with the soil between piles and the filler layer.
2.1.10 Lime-soil compaction column
A ground treatment method, by which the hole is formed by the equipment through the lateral compression to compact the soil between piles. The pile hole is filled with the soil-lime to form the compacted soil-lime columns by tamping in layers, which constitutes the composite foundation together with the soil between piles.
2.1.11 Reinforced-concrete pile composite foundation
A ground treatment method, by which the composite foundation is formed by pile and soil between piles, using the reinforced-concrete pile as the vertical reinforcement.
2.2 Symbols
Contents Foreword I 1 General Provisions 2 Terms and Symbols 2.1 Terms 2.2 Symbols 3 Basic Requirement 4 Cushion 4.1 General Requirement 4.2 Design 4.3 Construction 4.4 Quality Inspection 5 Hydrostatic Preloading 5.1 General Requirement 5.2 Design 6 Dynamic Compaction and Dynamic Replacement 6.1 General Requirement 6.2 Design 6.3 Construction 6.4 Quality Inspection 7 Vibroflotation 7.1 General Requirement 7.2 Design 7.3 Construction 7.4 Quality Inspection 8 Sand-gravel Column 8.1 General Requirement 8.2 Design 8.3 Construction 8.4 Quality Inspection 9 Cement-flyash-gravel Pile 9.1 General Requirement 9.2 Design 9.3 Construction 9.4 Quality Inspection 10 Cement-soil Deep Mixing Pile 10.1 General Requirement 10.2 Design 10.3 Construction 10.4 Quality Inspection 11 Lime-soil Compaction Column 11.1 General Requirement 11.2 Design 11.3 Construction 11.4 Quality Inspection 12 Reinforced-concrete Pile Composite Foundation 12.1 General Requirement 12.2 Design 12.3 Construction 12.4 Quality Inspection Appendix A Key Points of Composite Foundation Static Loading Test Explanation of Wording in This Code List of Quoted Standards