1.0.1 This code is formulated with view of safe and reliable construction of nuclear power plant, advanced, economic and rational technology, implementation of "Law of the People's Republic of China on Protecting Against and Mitigating Earthquake Disasters" and "Construction Law of the People's Republic of China" and guarantee of quality for seismic investigation and evaluation work in nuclear power plant.
1.0.2 This code is applicable to the seismic investigation and evaluation in construction of fixed commercial land nuclear power plant
1.0.3 The seismic investigation and evaluation of nuclear power plant shall be conducted in stages in accordance with the capital construction procedure requirements of nuclear power plant. The content, depth and achievement report of investigation and evaluation shall meet those specified in this code.
1.0.4 The seismic investigation and evaluation of nuclear power plant shall not only meet those specified in this code, but also comply with those in the current relevant ones of the nation.
2 Terms and Symbols
2.1 Terms
2.1.1 Seismicity
The distribution rule and characteristic of earthquake in intensity, frequency, time and space aspects occur within specific time and space.
2.1.2 Seismotectonics
The geological structure relevant to the gestation and occurrence of earthquake.
2.1.3 Seismotectonic model
The calculation model used for deterministic evaluation of seismic hazard and established according to regional seismotectonic background and characteristic, which consists of maximum potential earthquake in seismogenic structure and diffuse earthquake in seismotectonic province.
2.1.4 Seismogenic structure
The geological structure in which destructive earthquake has occurred or may occur.
2.1.5 Capable fault
The fault of apparent diastrophism may be caused on or near ground surface.
2.1.6 Maximum potential earthquake
The maximum earthquake that may occur in seismogenic structure.
2.1.7 Seismotectonic province
The geographic area being provided with similar geological structure and seismicity.
2.1.8 Diffuse earthquake
The maximum potential earthquake irrelevant to confirmed seismogenic structure within seismotectonic province.
2.1.9 Potential seismic source zone
The region in which destructive earthquake may occur in the future.
2.1.10 Upper limit magnitude
The limit of earthquake magnitude that may occur within seismic zone or potential seismic source zone in probable seismic hazard analysis.
2.1.11 Probability of exceedance
The probability of random variable exceeding the set value.
2.1.12 Ground motion
Ground motion caused by earthquake.
2.1.13 Attenuation relationship of ground motion
The empirical formula for representing the statistical relationship between the ground motion parameter and magnitude, source characteristic, propagation characteristic and site condition.
2.1.14 Ground motion parameter
The physical parameter representing the ground motion caused by earthquake, including peak value, response spectrum and duration etc.
2.1.15 Site specific ground motion
The site ground motion parameter obtained according to the site seismotectonic background and site conditions.
2.1.16 Design basis ground motion
The ground motion parameter must be met by nuclear power plant design.
2.1.17 Seismic level 2 ground motion
The ground motion corresponding to the safety requirement limit of nuclear power plant.
2.1.18 Upper value of seismic level 2 ground motion
The conservative estimate value of peak acceleration for site seismic level 2 ground motion provided in preliminary feasibility study stage.
2.1.19 Seismic level l ground motion
The ground motion corresponding to the safety requirement of nuclear power plant.
2.1.20 design time history of ground motion
The time course of ground motion for seismic design of nuclear power plant.
2.2 Symbols
Foreword I 1 General Provisions 2 Terms and Symbols 2.1 Terms 2.2 Symbols 3 Basic Requirement 3.1 Technical Principle 3.2 Content and Depth of Investigation 4 Preliminary Feasibility Study Stage 4.1 General Requirement 4.2 Geological Investigation 4.3 Seismic Investigation 4.4 Evaluation of Seismotectonics 4.5 Estimation of Site Ground Motion Parameters 4.6 Capable Fault Identification 4.7 Evaluation of Earthquake Induced Geological Disaster 4.8 Suitability of Candidate Sites 5 Feasibility Study Stage 5.1 General Requirement 5.2 Geological Investigations 5.3 Seismic Investigation 5.4 Regional Seismotectonic Characteristic Analysis 5.5 Determination of Ground Motion Parameter Attenuation Relationship 5.6 Deterministic Evaluation of Seismic Hazard 5.7 Probabilistic Evaluation of Seismic Hazard 5.8 Determination of Design Basis Ground Motion 5.9 Determination of Design Time-histories 5.10 Determination of Ground Motion for Soil Site 5.11 Capable Fault Identification 5.12 Evaluation of Earthquake Induced Geological Disaster 6 Plant Siting 6.1 General Requirement 6.2 Seismic and Geological Information Collection and Analysis 6.3 Seismic and Geological Assessment of Site 7 Content and Format of Achievement Report 7.1 General Requirement 7.2 Seismic Investigation and Evaluation Report in Preliminary Feasibility Study Stage 7.3 Seismic Safety Evaluation Report in Feasibility Study Stage 7.4 Preparation Requirements for Seismogeology Content of Plant Siting Appendix A Regional Tectonic Stability Classification Appendix B Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis Appendix C Calculation Method of Target Power Spectral Density (PSD) Appendix D Calculation of Correlation Coefficient between Time-histories Explanation of Provisions List of Quoted Standard