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Codeofchina.com is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative. According to the requirements of JIANBIAOHAN [2015] No. 274 issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China - Notice on printing and distributing the development and revision plan on engineering construction standards and codes in 2016, this standard is prepared by MCC Capital Engineering & Research Incorporation Limited jointly with organizations concerned. During the process of developing this standard, the drafting group, through extensive investigation and careful summarization of engineering design & practical experience, reviewed and finalized this standard, on the basis of extensive consultation. The main technical contents of this standard are: general provisions, terms and abbreviations, basic requirements, system design, equipment selection, equipment layout, transmission and cable/conduit laying, monitoring room, power supply, earthing and lightning protection. Main technical contents revised in this standard are as follows: 1. Clause 3 “Basic requirements” is added. 2. Design requirements for some items (such as the video signal access way, degree of protection of the enclosure of camera equipment, switch selection and transmission performance of IP wired network) are added. 3. Based on GB 50115-2009 Code for design of industrial television system, the design requirements for the picture quality of digital video industrial television system, the selection of auxiliary lighting lamps under different environmental conditions, the function of monitoring room, the arrangement of power controller & regulated power supply are improved and supplemented. Standard for design of industrial television system 1 General provisions 1.0.1 This standard is formulated with a view to standardizing the design of industrial television system, ensuring the engineering design quality, improving the application level of industrial television system in production and management, timely monitoring the production conditions by using picture resources, timely finding and eliminating the hidden dangers of production accidents, ensuring the safety of personnel and facilities, and improving social and economic benefits. 1.0.2 This standard is applicable to the design of constructed, renovated and extended industrial television system. 1.0.3 The design of industrial television system shall ensure safety, reliability, advanced technology and economic rationality. 1.0.4 In addition to this standard, the design of industrial television system shall also meet those specified in the relevant national standards. 2 Terms and abbreviations 2.1 Terms 2.1.1 industrial television system video monitoring system formed via wired or wireless transmission mode by using video technology and equipment during the production operation, production process and production management of industrial enterprises 2.1.2 original integrality consistency degree between the scene and target characteristics expressed by the data obtained by video, audio equipment or system and the characteristics of the original scene 2.1.3 real time continuity of picture recording or display (usually, the picture with frame rate not less than 25fps is regarded as a real time image); during video transmission, it refers to the simultaneity or timeliness of the terminal picture display and the situation at the scene, which is usually characterized by delay time 2.1.4 video signal baseband signal of television system, generally referring to picture signal, picture signal with composite blanking pulse and combined video signal 2.1.5 analog video video picture composed of continuous analog signals. Based on the current analog television mode, the baseband picture signal with the bandwidth of about 6MHz or higher is required 2.1.6 digital video digital signal with strict time sequence obtained by processing the analog video signal by digital technology or directly converting from the optical picture via digital conversion, which is expressed as the data with specific data structure that can characterize the original picture information 2.1.7 digital video system system for digital video transmission between video devices other than display devices 2.1.8 monitoring room place where the industrial television system is monitored and managed, the operators are on duty, the system is managed and controlled, and the monitoring information is used and disposed 2.1.9 analog video system system in which end-to-end analog video signals are transmitted between video devices other than the display device 2.1.10 lens lens composed of a group of optical units or multiple groups of optical units, used as a device for the camera to image the photographed scene 2.1.11 pan/tilt device that enables the camera to rotate or adjust the angle in one or both horizontal and vertical direction(s) in order to aim at the monitored target 2.1.12 housing cover or device that protects the camera for normal operation under indoor, outdoor or special environmental conditions 2.1.13 video distributor device that divides a video signal into multiple independent video signals with the same amplitude 2.1.14 video switcher device that selects one channel from the multichannel input video signals to realize centralized monitoring or recording 2.1.15 picture quality integrity and restoration effect of picture information. It is usually described according to pixel composition, resolution, signal to noise ratio, original integrality and other indicators 2.1.16 high definition video video with system picture resolution greater than or equal to 1,280×720 2.1.17 cable general name of optical cable and cable 2.1.18 definition clearness of detail of a television picture perceptible to the human eye 2.1.19 television line (TVL) number of black-and-white lines that can be distinguished at a distance equal to the grating height in the horizontal or vertical direction of the picture, which is the unit for testing the definition of the television system 2.1.20 signal to noise ratio ratio of the nominal value of the luminance signal amplitude in the video signal to the effective value of the random clutter amplitude, in "dB" 2.1.21 frame rate total number of complete images that can be continuously captured, transmitted, recorded or displayed from video picture in a unit of time 2.1.22 peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) important parameter for signal reconstruction quality evaluation in picture compression system, which is the ratio of signal peak power to noise power, in dB 2.1.23 impedance matching impedance of the signal source is equal to the impedance of the connected load 2.1.24 environmental illumination physical quantity reflecting the light and shade of the environment where the target is located, which is numerically equal to the luminous flux passing through the unit area vertically 2.1.25 infrared thermal imaging different infrared picture generated by looking for absorption difference with blackbody or known background after the spectral characteristics of the signal obtained on site are analyzed by the detection device using infrared thermal imaging technology 2.1.26 wide dynamic state of bright and dark areas presented by the camera when the same scene has high contrast brightness. Performance indicators such as resolvable gray scale, dynamic range, gray scale linearity, gray scale, number of resolvable color areas, trailing impedance, contrast ratio, block array definition and signal to noise ratio are usually used to evaluate the ability of wide dynamic 2.1.27 picture resolution ability to represent picture details, referring to the number of displayed pixels per unit distance on the display screen. The flat display is represented by a grid of pixels (horizontal x vertical) that can be displayed on the entire screen 2.1.28 video display screen together (wall) physically spliced by the display unit, which is the general name of the picture display area. Depending on the appropriate electrical connection (including signal transmission path), the display screen units are controlled by the control system to display the video picture alone or display a part of the picture, or form a complete picture by cooperating with other units in the system 2.1.29 base-band frequency band occupied by the unmodulated original electrical signal sent by the signal source 2.1.30 cable equalizer device for compensating the loss and high-frequency characteristic distortion of television signal transmitted by cable 2.1.31 common earth earthing method of connecting the lightning protection system, metal components of building, low-voltage distribution protection wire (PE), equipotential bonding bar, equipment protection earthing, shield earthing, anti-static earthing, earthling device, etc. together 2.1.32 equipotential bonding electrical connection in which the potential of the exposed conductive parts of equipment and devices is basically equal 2.1.33 lightning protection system device that is intended to reduce material damage and personal casualties caused by lightning on or near buildings, which is composed of external lightning protection system and internal lightning protection system 2.1.34 surge protective device (SPD) electrical appliance that is intended to limit transient over-voltages and discharged surge currents, containing at least one nonlinear component 2.2 Abbreviations CCD (Charge Coupled Device) CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) CIF (Common Intermediate Format) IP (Internet Protocol) MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group) TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) UPS (Uninterruptible Power System) VBS (Video Burst Syne) Vp-p (Volts, Peak-to-Peak) 3 Basic requirements 3.0.1 The design of industrial television system shall meet the following requirements: 1 It shall meet the requirements of production and management; 2 It shall meet the original integrality of the system video picture and the real time requirements of the system; 3 It shall meet the principles of practicability, reliability, advancement, economy, maintainability and expandability of the system. 3.0.2 The industrial television system shall be mounted in places such as the production site, production flow and production equipment sites of industrial enterprises. 3.0.3 The industrial television system shall be color television system. The industrial television system without color requirements may be black-and-white television system. 3.0.4 The television standard of industrial television system should be consistent with the general television standard. 3.0.5 The architecture of industrial television system should be designed according to three levels: field level, workshop (branch) level and company (general factory) level. 3.0.6 The industrial television system may be divided into important monitored targets and ordinary monitored targets according to the importance of monitored targets in the production process, production operation and production management. 3.0.7 The video signal of industrial television system may include analog video signal and digital video signal. 3.0.8 When network digital video system is adopted for the industrial television system, its network switching layer should be designed according to the three-layer network architecture of access layer, convergence layer and core layer. 3.0.9 The industrial television system equipment shall be industrial grade products that meet the relevant national standards and market access system. 4 System design 4.1 General requirements 4.1.1 The design of industrial television system shall be synchronized with the design of each stage of the engineering construction project. 4.1.2 The field level industrial television system shall be designed in the system composition, equipment selection, transmission and line laying, and monitoring room according to production process requirements. 4.1.3 The workshop (branch) level industrial television system shall be designed in the system architecture, equipment selection, transmission and line laying, and monitoring room according to the requirements of production management. 4.1.4 The company (general factory) level industrial television system shall be designed in the system network architecture, equipment selection, transmission and line laying, and monitoring room according to the requirements of production management and networking. 4.1.5 When the industrial television adopts digital video system, compatibility with analog video system shall be considered. Foreword i 1 General provisions 2 Terms and abbreviations 2.1 Terms 2.2 Abbreviations 3 Basic requirements 4 System design 4.1 General requirements 4.2 System composition 4.3 Requirements and setting site 4.4 Type and access way 4.5 Picture quality 5 Equipment selection 5.1 General requirement 5.2 Camera, lens and pan/tilt 5.3 Camera protection 5.4 Auxiliary lighting 5.5 Control, storage and display equipment 5.6 Degree of protection 6 Equipment layout 6.1 General requirements 6.2 Camera 6.3 Control, storage and display equipment 7 Transmission and cable/conduit laying 7.1 General requirements 7.2 Transmission equipment 7.3 Transmission cable 7.4 Transmission performance 7.5 Line routing and cable/conduit laying 8 Monitoring room 8.1 General requirements 8.2 Location 8.3 Design requirements 8.4 Console and cabinet distribution 8.5 Equipment layout 8.6 Cable laying 9 Power supply 10 Earthing and lightning protection Explanation of wording in this standard List of quoted standards 1 总则 1.0.1 为规范工业电视系统的工程设计,保证工程设计质量,提升工业电视系统在生产和管理的应用水平,利用图像资源及时监视生产工况,及时发现和排除生产事故隐患,保障人身和设施安全,提高社会和经济效益,制定本标准。 1.0.2 本标准适用于工业企业新建、改建和扩建的工业电视系统工程设计。 1.0.3 工业电视系统工程设计应做到安全可靠、技术先进、经济合理。 1.0.4 工业电视系统工程设计除应符合本标准外,尚应符合国家现行有关标准的规定。 2 术语和缩略语 2.1 术语 2.1.1 工业电视系统 industrial television system 在工业企业生产操作、生产过程和生产管理中,利用视频技术及其装备,通过有线或无线传输方式构成的视频监控系统。 2.1.2 原始完整性 original integrality 指视频、音频设备或系统获得的数据表述的场景和目标特征与原始现场的特征的特性保持一致性的程度。 2.1.3 实时性 real time 指图像记录或显示的连续性(通常指帧率不低于25fps的图像为实时图像);在视频传输中,指终端图像显示与现场发生的同时性或者及时性,它通常由延迟时间表征。 2.1.4 视频信号 video signal 指电视系统的基带信号,泛指图像信号、有复合消隐脉冲的图像信号和全电视信号。 2.1.5 模拟视频 analog video 指由连续的模拟信号组成的视频图像。基于目前的模拟电视模式,所需的大约为6MHz或更高带宽的基带图像信号。 2.1.6 数字视频 digital video 利用数字化技术将模拟视频信号经过处理,或从光学图像直接经数字转换获得的具有严格时间顺序的数字信号,表示为特定数据结构的能够表征原始图像信息的数据。 2.1.7 数字视频系统 digital video system 除显示设备外的视频设备之间以数字视频方式进行传输的系统。 2.1.8 监控室 monitoring room 用于工业电视系统监控管理、操作人员值守,对系统进行管理、控制,对监控信息进行使用、处置的场所。 2.1.9 模拟视频系统 analog video system 除显示设备外的视频设备之问以端对端模拟视频信号传输方式的系统。 2.1.10 镜头 lens 由一组光学单元或多组光学单元组成的透镜,用于摄像机将被拍摄的景物成像的装置。 2.1.11 云台 pan/tilt 使摄像机能在水平和垂直一个或两个方向上转动或调整角度,以便对准监视目标的装置。 2.1.12 防护罩 housing 在室内、室外或特殊环境条件下,保护摄像机能正常工作的罩或装置。 2.1.13 视频分配器 video distributor 使一路视频信号分成多路相互独立、幅度相同的视频信号的设备。 2.1.14 视频切换器 video switcher 从多路输入视频信号中选通其中的某一路,以实现集中监视或记录的设备。 2.1.15 图像质量 picture quality 图像画面信息的完整性和还原效果。通常按照像素构成、分辨率、信噪比、原始完整性等指标进行描述。 2.1.16 高清视频 high definition video 系统图像分辨率大于或等于1280×720的视频。 2.1.17 线缆 cable 光缆和电缆的统称。 2.1.18 清晰度 definition 人眼能察觉到的电视图像细节清晰程度。 2.1.19 电视线 television line (TVL) 在图像水平或垂直方向等于光栅高度的距离上所能分辨的黑白相间的线数,是测试电视系统清晰度的单位。 2.1.20 信噪比 signal to noise ratio 视频信号中亮度信号幅度的标称值与随机杂波幅度的有效值之比,以“dB”为单位。 2.1.21 帧率 frame rate 视频图像中单位时间内可以连续采集、传输、记录或展示完整画面的总数。 2.1.22 峰值信噪比 peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) 是图像压缩系统中信号重建质量评价的重要参数,它是信号的峰值功率与噪声功率的比值,以“dB”为单位。 2.1.23 阻抗匹配 impedance matching 信号源阻抗与所连接的负载阻抗相等。 2.1.24 环境照度 environmental illumination 反映目标所处环境明暗的物理量,数值上等于垂直通过单位面积的光通量。 2.1.25 红外热图像 infrared thermal imaging 利用红外热成像技术,通过探测装置分析其现场获得的信号的光谱特征,寻找与黑体或已知背景的吸收差率而产生不同的红外图像。 2.1.26 宽动态 wide dynamic 在同一场景存在高对比亮度的情况下,摄像机呈现亮、暗区域景物的状态。通常采用可分辨的灰阶阶数、动态范围、灰阶线性度、灰阶的灰度、可分辨的彩色区域数量、拖尾阻抗、对比度、方块阵列清晰度和信噪比等性能指标评估宽动态的能力。 2.1.27 分辨力 picture resolution 表征图像细节的能力,指显示屏单位距离上像素点的数目。平面显示器用整个屏幕能显示的像素点阵(水平×垂直)来表示。 2.1.28 视频拼接显示屏(墙) video display screen together (wall) 由显示屏单元物理拼接而成,是图像显示区域的总称。显示屏单元间依靠适当的电气连接(包括信号传输路径),由控制系统进行控制,可单独显示视频画面,或显示画面的某一部分,还可与系统中的其他单元配合组成完整的画面。 2.1.29 基带 base-band 信源发出的未经调制的原始电信号所占有的频带。 2.1.30 电缆均衡器 cable equalizer 补偿电缆传输电视信号时的损耗和高频特性失真的装置。 2.1.31 共用接地 common earth 将各部分防雷装置、建筑物金属构件、低压配电保护线(PE)、等电位联结带、设备保护地、屏蔽体接地、防静电接地及接地装置等连接在一起的接地方式。 2.1.32 等电位联结 equipotential bonding 设备和装置外露可导电的部分的电位基本相等的电气连接。 2.1.33 防雷装置 lightning protection system 用于减少闪击击于建筑物上或建筑物附近造成的物质性损害和人身伤亡,由外部防雷装置和内部防雷装置组成。 2.1.34 浪涌保护器(SPD) surge protective device 用于限制瞬态过电压和泄放浪涌电流的电器,它至少包含一个非线性元件,又称电涌保护器。 2.2 缩略语 CCD(Charge Coupled Device) 电荷耦合器件 CMOS(Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) 互补金属氧化物半导体 CIF(Common Intermediate Format) 通用中间格式 IP(Internet Protocol) 因特网协议 MPEG(Moving Picture Experts Group) 动态图像专家组 TCP(Transmission Control Protocol) 传输控制协议 UPS(Uninterruptible Power System) 不间断电源 VBS(Video Burst Syne) 视频、消隐、同步(全电视)信号 Vp-p(Vohs,Peak-to-Peak) 峰—峰值电压 3 基本规定 3.0.1 工业电视系统工程设计应符合下列规定: 1 应满足生产和管理要求; 2 应满足系统视频图像的原始完整性和系统实时性要求; 3 应满足系统实用性、可靠性、先进性、经济性、可维护性和可扩展性等原则。 3.0.2 工业电视系统应在工业企业的生产现场、生产流程、生产装置等场所设置。 3.0.3 工业电视系统应采用彩色电视系统。无彩色要求的工业电视系统可采用黑白电视系统。 3.0.4 工业电视系统的电视制式宜与通用的电视制式一致。 3.0.5 工业电视系统架构宜按现场级、车间(分厂)级和公司(总厂)级三级设计。 3.0.6 工业电视系统按监视目标在生产过程、生产操作和生产管理中的重要程度可分为:重要监视目标和普通监视目标。 3.0.7 工业电视系统视频信号可包括模拟视频信号和数字视频信号。 3.0.8 工业电视系统采用网络型数字视频系统时,其网络交换层宜按接入层、汇聚层、核心层三层网络架构设计。 3.0.9 工业电视系统设备应选择符合国家有关标准和市场准入制度的工业级产品。 4 系统设计 4.1 一般规定 4.1.1 工业电视系统设计应与工程建设项目的各阶段设计同步进行。 4.1.2 现场级工业电视系统应根据生产工艺要求,对系统组成、设备选择、传输与线路敷设,以及监控室等进行设计。 4.1.3 车间(分厂)级工业电视系统应根据生产管理要求,对系统构架、设备选择、传输与线路敷设,以及监控室等进行设计。 4.1.4 公司(总厂)级工业电视系统应根据生产管理和联网的要求,对系统网络架构、设备选择、传输与线路敷设,以及监控室等进行设计。 4.1.5 工业电视采用数字视频系统时,应考虑与模拟视频系统的兼容性。 4.2 系统组成 4.2.1 工业电视系统宜由前端、传输、控制、存储和显示等部分组成。 4.2.2 前端部分的设备应包括工业电视系统摄像机、镜头、云台、防护罩等,以及可包括编码器、控制解码器、拾音器、辅助照明等。 4.2.3 传输部分的设备宜包括工业电视系统有线/无线传输方式的网络交换设备、光传输设备、无线信号数字传输设备,及其传输线路。 4.2.4 控制、存储和显示部分的设备宜包括工业电视系统视频分配器、视频切换器、画面分割器、云台镜头控制器、矩阵控制器、控制键盘、服务器、存储设备、解码设备、显示设备、拼接控制设备、电源设备、控制台和工业电视机柜等。 4.2.5 工程设计时,各部分设备的组成应满足工业电视系统模拟或数字视频信号传输方式的要求,其性能、参数等技术指标应综合考虑,协调一致。 4.3 要求与设置场所 4.3.1 工业电视系统工程设计要求应符合下列规定: 1 在正常监控情况下应保证工业电视系统独立、连续运行; 2 在不同现场的环境条件下,应清晰传送监视目标的图像信息; 3 采用不同的传输方式应保证系统图像质量; 4 与企业其他视频系统宜预留接口; 5 利用互联网、局域网等网络传输时,应符合网络传输、通信协议、网络安全的相关要求。 4.3.2 当监视目标的视频信号有实时性传输要求时.宜采用模拟视频系统。 4.3.3 生产和管理对新建的工业电视系统有高清图像要求时,应采用高清视频系统。 4.3.4 工业电视系统应在下列场所设置: 1 生产流程需要监视的设施; 2 生产操作中需要边监视边操作的设备; 3 生产作业需要监视又不易直接观察到的工位; 4 无人值守场所需要监视的生产装置; 5 爆炸危险、有毒有害场所内需要监视的生产部位; 6 生产和管理需要设置的其他场所。 4.4 类型与接入方式 4.4.1 根据生产和管理对系统功能配置要求,工业电视系统构成的类型可分为:基本对应型、视频切换型、画面分割型、视频分配型、矩阵切换型和网络交换型等。工程设计时,宜按下列一种类型或多种类型组合配置: 1 当摄像机摄取的图像信息直接传送到与摄像机相对应的显示设备上时,宜采用基本对应型; 2 当多台摄像机摄取的图像信息通过视频切换器在同一台显示设备上逐个显示时,宜采用视频切换型; 3 当多台摄像机摄取的图像信息通过画面分割器在同一台显示设备上同时显示多个不同的画面时.宜采用画面分割型; 4 当摄像机摄取的图像信息通过视频分配器在多台显示设备上同时显示相同的画面时,宜采用视频分配型; 5 当摄像机摄取的图像信息通过系统内操作键盘,将任一路摄取的视频输入信号切换到任一路输出的显示设备上,并可实现各种时序的切换时,宜采用矩阵切换型; 6 当摄像机摄取的图像信息,通过交换机、服务器、存储等设备,利用互联网、局域网等网络传输时,宜采用网络交换型。 4.4.2 工业电视系统视频信号接人监控室的方式宜包括模拟接入、数字接入,以及两种接入的混合模式。工程设计时,视频信号接入方式应符合下列规定: 1 当前端摄像机通过模拟传输设备将模拟视频信号传送到监控室时,应采用模拟接入; 2 当前端摄像机通过IP网络将数字视频信号传送到监控室时,应采用数字接入; 3 当工业电视系统和其他视频系统均为模拟视频信号时,可在监控室对模拟信号进行分路处理后,接入部分或全部视频资源; 4 当工业电视系统和其他视频系统均为数字视频信号时,可在监控室利用原有或新设置的网络传输设备、编解码设备,接入部分或全部视频资源; 5 当工业电视系统和其他视频系统为不同类型的视频信号时,可在监控室采用将模拟视频信号转换为数字视频信号或将数字视频信号转换为模拟视频信号,接入部分或全部视频资源。 4.4.3 前端网络摄像机与交换机之间的线缆长度不大于90m时,宜采用4对对绞电缆直接接入交换机;前端网络摄像机与交换机之间的线缆长度大于90m时.宜采用光纤接入。 4.4.4 工业电视系统与其他视频系统的互联宜在监控室交接。 4.5 图像质量 4.5.1 模拟视频工业电视系统图像质量应符合下列规定: 1 图像质量应按五级损伤制评定,图像质量的评分分级应符合表4.5.1的规定。图像质量不应低于4分。 表4.5.1 五级损伤制评分分级 评分分级 图像质量损伤的主观评价 5分 图像上不觉察有损伤或干扰存在 4分 图像上有稍可觉察的损伤或干扰,但并不令人讨厌 3分 图像上有明显觉察的损伤或干扰,令人感到讨厌 2分 图像上损伤或干扰较严重,令人相当讨厌 1分 图像上损伤或干扰极严重,不能观看 2 彩色电视系统图像水平清晰度不应低于480电视线。 3 黑白电视系统图像水平清晰度不应低于500电视线。 4 恶劣环境条件下,黑白电视系统图像水平清晰度不应低于350电视线。 5 视频信号在监视器输入端的电平值应为1Vp-p±3dB VBS。 6 图像画面的灰度不应低于8级。 7 系统信噪比不应低于25dB。 4.5.2 数字视频工业电视系统图像质量应符合下列规定: 1 图像质量可按五级损伤制评定,实时图像质量不应低于5分,回放图像质量不应低于4分; 2 视频格式为720P时,实时图像分辨率不应低于1280×720: 3 视频格式为1080P时,实时图像分辨率不应低于1920×1080; 4 单路画面像素数量应不小于352×288(CIF); 5 单路显示视频帧率应不小于25帧/s; 6 图像画面的灰度不应低于8级; 7 峰值信噪比不应低于32dB。 5 设备选择 5.1 一般规定 5.1.1 工业电视系统设备、部件的视频输入、输出阻抗,及其电缆特性阻抗等技术指标应满足系统传输阻抗匹配的要求,并应满足系统设备之间接口互连的要求。 5.1.2 工业电视系统设备的选择应满足视频信号不同传输模式的兼容性要求。 5.2 摄像机、镜头与云台 5.2.1 应根据生产工艺要求、设备工作条件和监视目标的环境条件等因素,合理选择不同类型的摄像机,并应符合下列规定: 1 工业电视系统宜采用CMOS或CCD摄像机; 2 生产和管理对工业电视系统有高清图像要求时,应采用高清晰度摄像机; 3 图像清晰度较高且无彩色要求时,宜采用黑白摄像机; 4 无任何辅助照明且图像色彩要求较高时,宜采用星光级摄像机; 5 监视目标环境照度在1.0 lx以下的场合,宜采用低照度或红外低照度摄像机; 6 监视水下目标的场合应采用高灵敏度摄像机; 7 在多雾环境下应采用具有透雾功能的摄像机; 8 观察物体热图像的场合宜采用红外热图像摄像机; 9 观察钻孔孔底及孔壁的场合应采用短焦距广角镜头摄像机; 10 火炸药粉尘场所需设置云台时,宜采用一体化球形防爆摄像机; 11 环境照度变化大的场所宜采用宽动态摄像机; 12 在有特种射线辐照作用的场合应采用耐辐照摄像机; 13 矿井下作业面等场所应采用矿用摄像机; 14 当必须逆光安装时,应选用带背光补偿的摄像机; 15 生产运行过程中需进行非接触式温度检测时,可采用工业检测型红外热成像仪。红外热成像仪的探测器分辨力应不小于320×240。 5.2.2 摄像机镜头的选择应符合下列基本规定: 1 应满足生产工艺对监视目标的监视需要; 2 镜头的成像尺寸应与摄像机传感器的有效尺寸相匹配; 3 镜头的光圈值、光圈类型及光圈控制接口应与摄像机及其安装环境相适应; 4 镜头的焦距、变焦类型及变焦控制接口应满足摄像机及其监视范围的需求; 5 镜头的分辨力应与摄像机清晰度相适应,镜头的分辨力应大于或等于摄像机清晰度; 6 镜头应满足高清摄像机采集高清图像要求。 5.2.3 镜头的焦距应根据视场大小和镜头与监视目标的距离确定。工程设计时,焦距宜按下式计算: f=hL/H=uL/W (5.2.3) 式中:f——焦距(mm); h——像场高(mm); u——像场宽(mm); L——镜头到监视目标(物体)的距离(mm); W——视场宽度(mm); H——视场高度(mm)。 5.2.4 监视目标有不同的摄取要求时,其镜头类型的选择宜符合下列规定: 1 监视固定目标时,宜采用定焦镜头; 2 需要监视目标全景并兼有目标图像局部细节时,宜采用变焦镜头; 3 监视目标照度恒定或变化较小时,宜采用手动可变光圈镜头; 4 监视目标环境照度变化范围高低相差100倍以上或昼夜使用的摄像机,应采用自动光圈镜头; 5 监视目标视距较大时,宜采用长焦距镜头; 6 监视目标视距较小且视场角较大时,宜采用广角镜头; 7 在高温、热辐射强、粉尘大的场合,宜采用针孔镜头。 5.2.5 变焦距镜头,其变焦和聚焦响应速度应与移动目标的活动速度以及云台的移动速度相适应。 5.2.6 云台的选择应满足生产工艺对监视目标的要求,且应符合下列规定: 1 监视固定目标时,摄像机宜采用固定云台; 2 监视多场景动态目标时,摄像机应采用电动云台; 3 云台的标称承载值应大于或等于安装负载值的1.2倍; 4 云台转动停止时应具有自锁性能。 |
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