GB/T 44638-2024 Specification for interaction between energy internet and electric vehicle
1 Scope
This document specifies the general requirements, interaction requirements, energy interaction, information interaction, business interaction and verification methods for the interaction between energy internet and electric vehicle.
This document is applicable to the planning, construction and operation of the interaction between energy internet and electric vehicle.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain requirements which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB 17859 Classified criteria for security protection of computer information system
GB/T 19596 Terminology of electric vehicles
GB/T 22239 Information security technology - Baseline for classified protection of information system security;
GB/T 22240 Information security technology - Classification guide for classified protection of cybersecurity
GB/T 32960.3 Technical specifications of remote service and management system for electric vehicles - Part 3: communication protocol and data format
GB/T 40855 Technical requirements and test methods for cybersecurity of remote service and management system for electric vehicles
GB/Z 41237-2022 Energy internet system - Terms
IEC 61970 (all parts) Energy management system application program interface (EMMS-API)
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 19596, GB/Z 41237-2022 and the following apply.
energy internet
open energy interconnection network with electric energy as the core, it integrates hot, cold, gas and other energy sources, makes comprehensive use of technologies such as the internet, deeply integrates energy systems and information and communication systems, coordinates the production, transmission, distribution, storage, conversion, consumption and trading of multi-energy sources, and featuring efficient, clean, low-carbon and safe features
[Source: GB/Z 41237-2022, 3.1.11]
interactive unit
intermediate unit for the interaction between energy internet and electric vehicle, with concurrent processing and local storage capabilities, to achieve communication, monitoring, analysis, decision-making, control and other functions, which can be configured independently or integrated in other devices
charging and discharging behavior data
dynamic data information, change with time, of electric vehicle charging and discharging quantity, charging and discharging power, charging and discharging voltage, charging and discharging current, user charging and discharging time, charging and discharging cost, charging state of electric vehicle battery module, etc.
demand forecast of charging
according to the charging behavior of electric vehicle users, user travel demands or habits, electric vehicle battery module charging state, charging price, climate, environment and other factors, to forecast the charging demand of electric vehicles in the future period of time
forecast of discharge ability
according to the electric vehicle discharge capacity, user discharge behavior and willingness, electric vehicle battery module charging state, discharge price, climate, environment and other factors, to forecast the electric vehicle discharge ability in the future period of time
interactive system for energy internet and electric vehicle
system participates in the energy internet energy interaction, information interaction and business interaction through the coordinated control of charging and discharging behavior of electric vehicle charging and discharging facilities
Note: It referred to as interactive system.
4 General requirements
4.1 The typical architecture of interaction between energy internet and electric vehicle is shown in Annex A.
4.2 The energy interaction between energy internet and electric vehicle shall have the ability to participate in energy transaction, demand response, distributed power supply and micro-grid interaction, peak shifting and valley filling, power grid frequency regulation, voltage regulation, power regulation, power support, etc.
4.3 The information interaction between energy internet and electric vehicle shall have the ability of information interaction between equipment layer and information layer, between information layer and application layer, between application layer system platforms, and have the ability of information storage, processing and analysis.
4.4 The business interaction between energy internet and electric vehicle shall include such business interaction scenarios as charging and discharging facilities power supply application, charging and discharging facilities operation and maintenance, energy internet and electric vehicle orderly charging and replacing service, orderly discharge service, energy transaction, demand response, information push and analysis services.
4.5 The interaction between energy internet and electric vehicle shall be based on the premise of safety and controllability, improve social and economic benefits and environmental benefits, and ensure the safety of people, equipment and information.
4.6 Before electric vehicles are connected to energy internet, electric vehicle users and energy internet operation and management parties shall sign grid-connected scheduling agreements or interactive contracts between energy internet and electric vehicle with the energy internet platform in accordance with the principles of real-time monitoring, unified scheduling, hierarchical management, and energy efficiency optimization.
4.7 The interaction between energy internet and electric vehicle shall give priority to the local use of distributed new energy on the basis of meeting the interaction demands of electric vehicle users.
Contents Foreword 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 General requirements 5 Interaction requirements 6 Energy interaction 7 Information interaction 8 Business interaction 9 Verification methods Annex A (Informative) Typical architecture of interaction between energy internet and electric vehicle Annex B (Informative) Typical application scenarios of interaction between energy internet and electric vehicle Annex C (Informative) Typical interactive information of interaction between energy internet and electric vehicle Bibliography
3.1 能源互联网 energy internet 以电能为核心,集成热、冷、燃气等能源,综合利用互联网等技术,深度融合能源系统与信息通信系统,协调多能源的生产、传输、分配、存储、转换、消费及交易,具备高效、清洁、低碳、安全特征的开放式能源互联网络。 [来源:GB/Z 41237-2022,3.1.11]。 3.2 互动单元 interactive unit 用于能源互联网与电动汽车互动,具备并发处理及就地存储能力,能实现通信、监测、分析决策、控制等功能的中间单元,可独立配置,也可集成在其他装置中。 3.3 充放电行为数据 charging and discharging behavior data 电动汽车充放电电量、充放电功率、充放电电压、充放电电流、用户充放电时间、充放电费用、电动汽车电池模组荷电状态等随时间变化的动态数据信息。 3.4 充电需求预测 demand forecast of charging 根据电动汽车用户的充电行为、用户出行需求或习惯、电动汽车电池模组荷电状态、充电电价、气候、环境等因素,预测未来一段时间内电动汽车的充电需求。 3.5 放电能力预测 forecast of discharge ability 根据电动汽车可放电容量、用户放电行为和意愿,电动汽车电池模组荷电状态、放电电价、气候、环境等因素,预测未来一段时间内电动汽车的放电能力。 3.6 能源互联网与电动汽车互动系统 interactive system for energy internet and electric vehicle 通过对电动汽车充放电设施充放电行为协调控制,参与能源互联网能量互动、信息互动、业务互动的系统。 注:简称互动系统。