GB/T 43528-2023 Communication technical requirements for electrochemical energy storage battery management
1 Scope
This document specifies the communication contents, interface and protocol, cybersecurity and other technical requirements for electrochemical energy storage battery management.
This document is applicable to the design, commissioning, operation and maintenance of electrochemical energy storage system battery management communication for lithium ion batteries, sodium ion batteries, lead-acid (carbon) batteries, flow batteries and electrolyzed water hydrogen batteries/fuel batteries.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain requirements which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 19582.2 Modbus industrial automation network specification - Part 2: Modbus protocol implementation guide over serial link
GB/T 19582.3 Modbus industrial automation network specification - Part 3: Modbus protocol implementation guide over TCP/IP
GB/T 20271 Information security technology - Common security techniques requirement for information system
GB/T 22239 Information security technology - Baseline for classified protection of cybersecurity
GB/T 25070 Information security technology - Technical requirements of security design for classified protection of cybersecurity
GB/T 34131 Battery management system for electrical energy storage
GB/T 39786 Information security technology - Baseline for information system cryptography application
DL/T 634.5101 Telecontrol equipment and systems - Part 5: Transmission protocols - Section 101: Companion standard for basic telecontrol tasks
DL/T 634.5104 Telecontrol equipment and systems - Part 5-104: Transmission protocols - Network access for IEC 60870-5-101 using standard transport profiles
DL/T 860 (All parts) Communication networks and system for power utility automation
DL/T 2528 Basic terminology of electrical energy storage
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in DL/T 2528 apply.
4 General requirements
4.1 The communication contents of electrochemical energy storage battery management shall meet the requirements of GB/T 34131.
4.2 The interface and protocol of electrochemical energy storage battery management communication shall be universal and open. See Annex A for the typical communication architecture of battery management.
4.3 The cybersecurity of electrochemical energy storage battery management communication shall meet the requirements of GB/T 20271, GB/T 22239 and GB/T 25070.
4.4 The equipment for electrochemical energy storage battery management shall have a unique equipment code.
4.5 The electrochemical energy storage battery management communication should include communication between different levels of the battery management system, between the battery management system and the monitoring and control system, between the battery management system and the power conversion system, between the power conversion system and the monitoring and control system, between the battery management system and the heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) system, and between the battery management system and the fire protection system.
5 Communication contents
5.1 Communication contents between different levels of the battery management system
5.1.1 The communication contents between different levels of the lithium ion battery, sodium ion battery and lead-acid (carbon) battery management systems may include voltage, current, temperature, state of energy (SOE), balance state, switch state, alarm information, protection information and balance control, switching-on/off control instructions, etc., as detailed in Table B.1 of Annex B.
5.1.2 The communication contents between different levels of the flow battery management system may include voltage, current, electrolyte temperature, electrolyte level, electrolyte pressure, electrolyte flow, alarm information, protection information, switching-on/off control instructions, etc., as detailed in Table B.2.
5.1.3 The communication contents between different levels of the electrolyzed water hydrogen battery/fuel battery management system may include electrolyzer voltage, electrolyzer current, electrolyzer temperature, stack voltage, stack current, stack temperature, electrolyzer outlet gas pressure, hydrogen input flow, hydrogen output flow, hydrogen concentration in oxygen, oxygen concentration in hydrogen, micro-oxygen content of purified hydrogen, dew point of purified hydrogen, switch state, alarm information, protection information, and switching-on/off control instructions, as detailed in Table B.3.
5.2 Communication contents between the battery management system and the monitoring and control system
5.2.1 The communication contents between lithium ion battery, sodium ion battery and lead-acid (carbon) battery management systems and the monitoring and control system should include cell information, battery module information, battery cluster information, timing information, charge and discharge control, battery cluster or battery array switching-on/off, parameter setting instructions, etc.
5.2.2 The communication contents between the flow battery management system and the monitoring and control system should include stack information, battery module information, battery system information, timing information, charge and discharge control, battery module or stack group switching-on/off, parameter setting instructions, etc.
5.2.3 The communication contents between the electrolyzed water hydrogen battery/fuel battery system and the monitoring and control system should include hydrogen production information, hydrogen storage information, fuel battery information, timing information, hydrogen production control, discharge control, battery switching-on/off, parameter setting instructions, etc.
5.3 Communication contents between the battery management system and the power conversion system
The communication contents between the battery management system and the power conversion system should include rechargeable power, dischargeable power, rechargeable energy, dischargeable energy, state of energy (SOE) of the battery, alarm information, etc.
5.4 Communication contents between the power conversion system and the monitoring and control system
The communication contents between the power conversion system and the monitoring and control system should include active power, reactive power, voltage, current, frequency, cumulative charging capacity, cumulative discharging capacity, charge and discharge state, operating mode, alarm information, protection information, start/stop control, active power control, reactive power control, operating mode control instructions, etc., as detailed in Table B.4.
Foreword 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 General requirements 5 Communication contents 6 Interface and protocol 7 Cybersecurity Annex A (Informative) Typical communication architecture for battery management Annex B (Informative) Communication contents for battery management Annex C (Normative) CAN2.0B protocol requirements Annex D (Normative) Modbus protocol requirements Annex E (Normative) DL/T 634.5104 protocol requirements Annex F (Normative) DL/T 860 (All parts) protocol requirements