Guide for hazard sources identification of electrochemical energy storage station
1 Scope
This document specifies the content of hazard sources identification and the requirements for hazard classification of electrochemical energy storage stations, and describes the method of hazard sources identification.
This document is applicable to the operation, overhaul, maintenance and test of hazard sources identification of electrochemical energy storage stations using lithium ion batteries, flow batteries, lead-acid/lead-carbon batteries, sodium ion batteries, and electrolyzed water hydrogen battery/fuel batteries as energy storage carriers.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 6441 Classification of casualty accidents of enterprise staff and workers
GB/T 13861 Classification and code for the hazardous and harmful factors in process
GB 18218 Identification of major hazard installations for hazardous chemicals
DL/T 2528 Basic terminology of electrical energy storage
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in DL/T 2528 and the following apply.
hazard sources
source or state that may cause losses such as personal injury, property loss and environmental damage
[Source: NB/T 10575-2021, 3.1, modified]
hazard sources identification
identification of the presence of hazard sources and determination of the hazardous and harmful factors that may cause personal injury, property loss or environmental damage
[Source: NB/T 10575-2021, 3.2]
hazardous factors
factors that can cause casualties, large property losses or sudden environmental damage
[Source: NB/T 10575-2021, 3.3, modified]
harmful factors
factors that can affect human health, and cause disease, certain property losses or chronic environmental damage
[Source: NB/T 10575-2021, 3.4, modified]
4 General requirements
4.1 The hazard sources identification of electrochemical energy storage stations shall be carried out for various hazardous and harmful factors existing in the stations, and various hazard sources of the stations according to relevant laws, regulations, and technical standards.
4.2 The hazard sources identification of electrochemical energy storage stations shall cover all equipment, facilities, sites, and operation and overhaul activities of the stations.
4.3 The hazard sources identification of electrochemical energy storage stations shall include unsafe state of equipment and facilities, unsafe behavior of people and unsafe factors of the environment.
4.4 The hazardous and harmful factors of electrochemical energy storage stations shall be classified according to GB/T 13861, and the possible impacts shall be classified according to GB/T 6441.
4.5 The hazard sources of electrochemical energy storage stations may be classified into major hazard sources and general hazard sources according to the size of the hazard. The hazard sources that may cause casualties or property losses in compliance with the Production safety accident report and investigation & handling regulations and the types and quantities of hazardous chemicals in compliance with GB 18218 are major ones; if not in compliance with the above-mentioned provisions, the hazard sources are deemed as general hazard sources, which are sub-classified by the size of the hazard into Class I, Class II and Class III.
4.6 The electrochemical energy storage stations shall regularly carry out hazard sources identification. According to the hazard sources identification results, establish and improve the corresponding safety management system, set up safety signs, and carry out hazard sources registration, filing, recording and problem rectification.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 General requirements 5 Identification method 6 Content of identification 7 Hazard classification Annex A (Informative) Safety checklist method Annex B (Informative) Preliminary hazard analysis method Annex C (Informative) Hazard assessment method for operating conditions Annex D (Informative) Analytic hierarchy process Bibliography