This document is drafted in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 1.1-2020 "Guidelines for standardization work Part 1: Structure of standardization documents and drafting rules
Please note that some of the contents of this document may involve patents. The issuing organization of this document does not assume the responsibility of identifying patents.
This document is presented by the China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association.
This document is categorized by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Nonferrous Metals (SAC/TC243).
1 Scope
This document specifies the classification and marking of seamless thin-walled molybdenum tubes, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation, storage and accompanying documents and order form contents.
This document applies to seamless thin-walled molybdenum and molybdenum alloy tubes with wall thickness not more than 1.5mm made by pressure processing method, mainly used as nuclear shell tubes, heat pipes, high-temperature fuel protection tubes, infusion tubes, tubular electrodes, thermocouple protection tubes and high-temperature furnace parts, etc.
2 Normative reference documents
The contents of the following documents constitute the essential provisions of this document through the normative references in the text. Among them, note the date of the referenced documents, only the date of the corresponding version applies to this document; do not note the date of the referenced documents, the latest version (including all the revision of the list) applies to this document.
GB/T 228.1 Tensile test of metallic materials Part 1: Room temperature test method
GB/T 241 Metal tube hydraulic test method
Metal tube hydraulic test method Product geometry specifications (GPS) Surface structure Contour method Surface roughness parameters and their values
GB/T 4325(all parts) Molybdenum chemical analysis method
3 Terminology and definitions
There are no terms and definitions that need to be defined in this document.
4 Classification and marking
4.1 Product classification
Products are classified into six categories according to chemical composition: MG-Mo, MG-MoLa, MG-MoCe, MG-MoY, MG-MoW, MG-MoRe.
4.2 Product specification and marking
4.2.1 Product specifications
Product specifications and status should comply with the provisions of Table 1.
4.2.2 Product marking
Product markings are expressed in the order of product name, category, state, specification, and document number.
5 Technical requirements
5.1 Chemical composition
Product chemical composition should be consistent with the provisions of Table 2.
5.2 Dimensions and their allowable deviations
Product outer diameter, wall thickness, length and its allowable deviation should be in accordance with the provisions of Table 3. Both ends of the product shall be perpendicular to the axis of the molybdenum tube, and the end face shall be free of burrs. If the demander has special requirements on the product specification and its permissible deviation, it shall be decided by mutual consultation between the supplier and the demander.
5.3 Mechanical properties
The room temperature tensile mechanical properties of the product shall conform to the provisions of Table 4. When the demand side has special requirements on the mechanical properties, the supply and demand sides shall consult to determine.
5.4 Hydraulic test
The product should be tested hydraulically. The tube is filled with water, pressurized to 20MPa, and the pressure is maintained for 5s. The tube should not be distorted or leak after the test. When the demand side has special requirements for the hydraulic test, the supply and demand sides to determine the consultation.
5.5 Surface roughness
The surface roughness of the product shall be Ra≤1.60μm, and when the demander has special requirements on the surface roughness of the product, it shall be determined by mutual agreement between the supplier and the demander.
5.6 Appearance quality
5.6.1 The inner and outer surface of the product shall be clean and free of cracks, folding, peeling and other visually visible defects.
5.6.2 The surface of the product is allowed to have scratches, pits, bumps and other traces that do not exceed the allowable deviation of the outer diameter and wall thickness.
5.6.3 The surface of the product should be silver-white metallic luster after acid and alkali washing.
6 Test method
6.1 The chemical composition of the product is determined according to the provisions of GB/T 4325 (all parts), GB/T 4325 (all parts) does not include the elements, the analysis method is determined by mutual agreement between the supply and demand.
6.2 The dimensions of the products are measured using the corresponding precision measuring tools.
6.3 The mechanical properties of the product are measured according to the provisions of GB/T 228.1.
6.4 The hydraulic test of the product is carried out according to the provisions of GB/T 241.
6.5 The product surface roughness measurement according to GB/T 1031, or the supply and demand sides to determine.
6.6 The product's appearance quality with visual inspection.
7 Inspection rules
7.1 Inspection and acceptance
7.1.1 The products shall be inspected by the supplier or a third party to ensure that the product quality conforms to the provisions of this document and the order form.
7.1.2 The demand side may inspect the products received in accordance with the provisions of this document. If the inspection result does not conform to the provisions of this document and the order form, it shall be put forward to the supplier in written form, and the supply and demand sides shall negotiate to solve the problem. Objections to the quality of appearance shall be raised within one month from the date of receipt of the product, and objections to other properties shall be raised within three months from the date of receipt of the product. For arbitration, the supply and demand sides shall jointly take samples or negotiate in the demand side.
7.2 Group batch
Products should be submitted in batches for acceptance, each batch of products from the same raw materials, the same production process, the same category, the same specification of the product composition.
7.3 Inspection items
The product should be chemical composition, size and allowable deviation, mechanical properties, hydraulic test, surface roughness, appearance quality inspection.
7.4 Sampling
Product inspection items and sampling should be consistent with the provisions of Table 5.
7.5 Determination of test results
7.5.1 chemical composition test results do not meet the provisions, allowing double the sample to repeat the test, repeat the test still have any results do not
When the test is repeated, the batch is judged to be unqualified.
7.5.2 Dimensions and allowable deviations do not meet the provisions of this document, the product is judged to be unqualified.
7.5.3 Mechanical properties do not meet the provisions of this document, double the sample allowed to repeat the test, repeat the test still have any results failed, the batch of products failed.
7.5.4 Hydraulic test does not meet the provisions of this document, the product is judged to be unqualified.
7.5.5 Surface roughness does not meet the provisions of this document, double the sample allowed to repeat the test, repeat the test still have any results failed, the sentence of the batch of products failed.
7.5.6 Appearance quality does not meet the provisions of this document, the sentence of the product failed.
8 logo, packaging, transportation, storage and accompanying documents
8.1 Logo
8.1.1 Product logo
The following markings shall be printed on the product that has passed the inspection:
a) category;
b) Status;
c) specifications;
d) batch number.
8.1.2 Packaging mark
Products should be packaged into boxes, each box should indicate:
a) the name of the supplier, trademark;
b) product name and category;
c) packaging should be obvious "moisture-proof" signs or words;
d) batch number.
8.2 Packaging, transportation and storage
8.2.1 Packaging
Products should be packaged piece by piece, packaging materials for moisture-proof paper, oil-proof paper, foam paper or other suitable materials. The packaged products will be placed piece by piece in the paper (wooden) box, surrounded by soft filling material fixed. If there are special requirements, the packaging method negotiated between the supply and demand sides can be used.
8.2.2 Transportation
When transporting the product, it should be protected from moisture or acid and alkaline gas, and bumping is strictly prohibited.
8.2.3 Storage
The storage room should be dry, ventilated and free from acid and alkaline atmosphere, and the storage period should not exceed two months.
8.3 Accompanying documents
Each batch of products should be accompanied by documents, which should include, in addition to the supplier information, product information, the document number, factory date or packaging date, but also should include the following content.
a) Product quality assurance, the content of the following:
● The main performance and technical parameters of the product;
Product characteristics (including the manufacturing process and characteristics of raw materials);
● responsibility for the quality of the product;
The quality certification of the product and the analysis and test results with the inspection seal of the technical supervision department of the supplier.
b) Certificate of Conformity, with the following contents:
● test items and their results or test conclusions;
● Lot or batch number;
● Date of inspection;
● The signature or seal of the inspector.
c) Inspection report of product quality control process and finished product inspection report.
d) Product use instructions: correct handling, use, storage methods, etc.
e) Others.
9 order form content
According to their own needs, the demand party can order the products listed in this document in the order form, list the following content:
a) Product name;
b) Category;
c) Product specifications;
d) Net weight and number of pieces;
e) Number of this document;
f) Other.
Foreword 1 Scope 2 Normative reference documents 3 Terminology and definitions 4 Classification and marking 5 Technical requirements 6 Test method 7 Inspection rules 8 logo, packaging, transportation, storage and accompanying documents 9 order form content