This standard specifies the characteristics and tests for insulated bushings.
This standard is applicable to bushings, as defined in Chapter 3, intended for use in electrical apparatus, transformers, switchgear and installations for three-phase alternating current systems, having highest voltage for equipment above 1000 V and power frequencies of 15 Hz up to and including 60 Hz.
Subject to special agreement between purchaser and supplier, this standard may be applied, in part or as a whole, to the following:
- Bushings used in other than three-phase alternating current systems;
- Bushings for high-voltage, direct current systems;
- Bushings for testing transformers;
- Bushings for capacitors.
Special requirements and tests for transformer bushings in this standard apply also to reactor bushings.
This standard is applicable to bushings made and sold separately. Bushings which are a part of an apparatus and which cannot be tested according to this standard, and shall be tested with the apparatus of which they form part.
2 Normative References
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this standard, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments to (excluding corrections to), or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, all parties coming to an agreement according to this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest editions of these documents are applicable. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.
Foreword III 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 Ratings 4.1 Standard Values of Highest Voltage for Equipment (Um) 4.2 Standard Values of Rated Current (Ir) 4.3 Standard Values of Rated Thermal Short-time Current (Ith) 4.4 Standard Values of Rated Dynamic Current (Id) 4.5 Minimum Withstand Values of Cantilever Load 4.6 Angle of Mounting 4.7 Minimum Nominal Creepage Distance 4.8 Temperature Limits and Temperature Rise 4.9 Standard Insulation Levels 4.10 Test Tap on Transformer Bushings 5 Operating Conditions 5.1 Temporary Overvoltages 5.2 Altitude 5.3 Temperature of Ambient Air and Immersion Media 5.4 Seismic Conditions 6 Ordering Information and Markings 6.1 Enumeration of Characteristics 6.2 Markings 7 Test Requirements 7.1 General Requirements 7.2 Test Classification 7.3 Condition of Bushings during Dielectric and Thermal Tests 8 Type Tests 8.1 Dry or Wet Power-frequency Voltage Withstand Test 8.2 Long-time Power-frequency Voltage Withstand Test (ACLD) 8.3 Dry Lightning Impulse Voltage Withstand Test (BIL) 8.4 Dry or Wet Switching Impulse Voltage Withstand Test (SIL) 8.5 Thermal Stability Test 8.6 Electromagnetic Compatibility Test (EMC) 8.7 Temperature Rise Test 8.8 Thermal Short-time Current Withstand Test 8.9 Cantilever Load Withstand Test 8.10 Tightness Test on Liquid-filled, Compound-filled and Liquid-insulated Bushings 8.11 Internal Pressure Test on Gas-filled, Gas-insulated and Gas-impregnated Bushings 8.12 External Pressure Test on Partly or Completely Gas-immersed Bushings 8.13 Verification of Dimensions 9 Routine Tests 9.1 Measurement of Dielectric Dissipation Factor (tan δ) and Capacitance at Ambient Temperature. 9.2 Dry Lightning Impulse Voltage Withstand Test (BIL) 9.3 Dry Power-frequency Voltage Withstand Test 9.4 Measurement of Partial Discharge Quantity 9.5 Tests of Tap Insulation 9.6 Internal Pressure Test on Gas-filled, Gas-insulated and Gas-impregnated Bushings 9.7 Tightness Test on Liquid-filled, Compound-filled and Liquid-insulated Bushings 9.8 Tightness Test on Gas-filled, Gas-insulated and Gas-impregnated Bushings 9.9 Tightness Test at the Flange or Other Fixing Device 9.10 Visual Inspection and Dimensional Check 10 Requirements and Tests for Bushings of Highest Voltages for Equipment Equal to or Less Than 52 kV Made of Ceramic, Glass or Inorganic Materials, Resin or Combined Insulation 10.1 Temperature Requirements 10.2 Level of Immersion Media 10.3 Markings 10.4 Test Requirements 11 Rules for Transportation, Storage, Installation, Operation and Maintenance 11.1 Requirements for transportation, storage and installation 11.2 Installation instructions 11.3 Dismounting and hoisting 11.4 Assembling 11.5 Operating information 11.6 Maintenance information 12 Safety 12.1 Electrical Safety 12.2 Mechanical Safety 12.3 Thermal Performance Safety 13 Environment Appendix A (Informative) Technical Differences of this Standard with IEC 60137 Ed.6.0 and Their Reasons Appendix B (Informative) Contrast Between Clauses of This Standard and Those of IEC 60137 Ed.6.0