This standard specifies the classification, technical requirements, inspection methods, acceptance rules, transportation and quality certificate of recycling iron-steel materials.
This document is applicable to the processing and inspection of recycling iron-steel materials used as iron furnace burden raw materials in iron-making, steel-making, casting and iron alloy smelting.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB 5085.1 Identification standards for hazardous wastes - Identification for corrosivity
GB 5085.2 Identification standards for hazardous wastes - Screening test for acute toxicity
GB 5085.3 Identification standards for hazardous wastes - Identification for extraction toxicity
GB 5085.4 Identification standards for hazardous wastes - Identification for ignitability
GB 5085.5 Identification standards for hazardous wastes - Identification for reactivity
GB 5085.6 Identification standards for hazardous wastes- Identification for toxic substance content
GB 5085.5 Identification standards for hazardous wastes - Identification for reactivity
GB/T5202 Radiation protection instrumentation - Alpha, beta and alpha/beta (beta energy >60keV) contamination meters and monitors
GB/T 8170 Rules of rounding off for numerical values & expression and judgement of limiting values
GB/T 12162.3 X and gamma reference radiation for calibrating dosemeters and doserate meters and for determining their response as a function of photon energy - Part 3: Calibration of area and personal dosemeters and the measurement of their response as a function of energy and angle of incidence
GB 18871 Basic standards for protection against ionizing radiation and for the safety of radiation sources
HI 298 Technical specifications on identification for hazardous waste
SN/T 0570 Rules for the inspection of radioactive contamination of imported recycling materials
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
recycling raw materials
iron-steel products or scraps that have lost their original use value or have been abandoned although have not lost their use value
recycling iron-steel materials
raw material that can be directly used as iron resources in the furnace after classification and processing of recycling raw materials
radioactive materials
radioactive substances or radioactive sources contained in recycling iron-steel materials
explosive materials
materials carried by recycling iron-steel materials, such as weapons, ammunition, inflammable and explosive materials, explosives, etc.
non-metallic substance mixed into recycling iron-steel raw materials during production, collection, packaging and transportation, including wood waste, waste paper, waste plastics, waste rubber, waste glass and stones, but excluding packaging materials and other substances used in transportation
non-ferrous metal substances
non-ferrous metal substances that are inevitably contained in the processing of recycling iron-steel raw materials, such as copper, aluminum, ferroalloys, etc.
physical quantities of recycling iron-steel materials
ratio of the metallic content, after the removal of inclusions and non-ferrous metallic substances from a unit mass sample, to the original sample mass
Note: Expressed as mass fraction.
bulk density
mass of recycling iron-steel materials per cubic meter
physical dimensions (i.e. length, width, height, thickness or diameter) of recycling iron-steel materials
Note: Generally, millimeters are used as the unit of measurement.
processing which is used to decompose the recycling raw materials into a certain size, so that the recycling iron-steel materials are suitable for transportation, production and use
process of classifying, screening or magnetically separating recycling raw materials according to chemical composition, physical specifications, uses and other requirements to separate them from other substances into specific types of recycling iron-steel raw materials
process of cutting or shearing the recycling raw materials to become recycling iron-steel materials with size meeting requirements
process of processing recycling raw materials into crushed recycling iron-steel raw materials using professional equipment
process of pressing and molding the recycling raw materials into bundled recycling iron-steel materials by professional equipment
4 Classification
4.1 Categories and codes
Recycling iron-steel materials may be classified into seven categories according to their shapes or chemical compositions through different processing methods, i.e.: heavy recycling iron-steel raw materials, medium recycling iron-steel raw materials, light recycling iron-steel raw materials, crushed recycling iron-steel raw materials, bundled recycling iron-steel raw materials, alloy recycling iron-steel materials and cast recycling iron-steel materials.
Contents 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Classification 5 Technical requirements 6 Test method 7 Acceptance rules 8 Transport and quality certificate Annex A (Informative) Typical photos of recycling iron-steel materials Annex B (Informative) Characteristic attributes of recycling iron-steel materials Annex C (Normative) Test methods for radioactive contamination Annex D (Informative) Standard for analytical methods of steel products Bibliography