is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
GB/T 39552 consists of the following two parts under the general title Sunglasses and sunglare filters:
——Part 1: General requirements;
——Part 2: Test methods.
This is Part 2 of GB/T 39552.
This part is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard was redrafted by reference to but is not equivalent to ISO 12311:2013 Personal protective equipment - Test method for sunglass and related eyewear.
This part is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee 103 on Optics and Photonics of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 103).
Sunglasses and sunglare filters – Part 2: Test methods
1 Scope
This part of GB/T 39552 specifies the test methods of afocal sunglasses and sunglare filters.
This part is applicable to sunglasses, sunglare filters and clip-ons for general use, including road use and driving. The test methods for the transmittance performance of medically-prescribed corrective sunglasses and sunglare filters may refer to this part.
This part is not applicable to filters for protection against radiation from artificial light sources, such as those used in solaria, goggles for industrial use, and special filters intended for direct observation of the sun, such as for viewing a solar eclipse.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 6682 Water for analytical laboratory use - Specification and test methods (GB/T 6682-2008, ISO 3696:1987, MOD)
GB 10810.1-2005 Uncut finished spectacle lenses - Part 1: Single-vision and multifocal lenses (ISO 8980-1:2004, MOD)
GB 10810.5-2012 Uncut finished spectacle lenses - Part 5: Requirements of abrasion-resistant for spectacle lens surfaces (ISO 8980-5:2005, MOD)
GB 39552.1-2020 Sunglasses and sunglare filters - Part 1: General requirements (ISO 12312-1:2013, MOD)
JJF 1106 Calibration specification of transmittance measuring equipment for ophthalmic products
ISO/TS 24348:2007 Ophthalmic optics-Spectacle frames - Method for the simulation of wear and detection of nickel release from metal and combination spectacle frames
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 26397 apply.
4 General principles
4.1 Test environment
Unless otherwise specified, all tests in this part shall be conducted in an indoor environment with a temperature of (23±5)℃ and a relative humidity of 30%~80%.
4.2 Position of test
Unless otherwise specified, all transmittance tests, optical characteristic tests and impact resistance tests in this part shall be carried out at the wearing position of the sample. If the sample does not indicate the wearing position, the tests shall be carried out at the reference point.
5 Construction and materials
Construction and materials shall be assessed by visual inspection specified in GB 10810.1-2005, 6.6.
6 Transmittance
6.1 Sunglasses and sunglare filters
6.1.1 Test apparatus
A spectrophotometer may be used.
The light incident angle of the test apparatus for luminous reflectance shall be less than or equal to 17°, and the reflected light shall be fully received by the detector of the test apparatus.
6.1.2 Test procedure
Use the test apparatus for measurement.
If the transmittance changes are caused by different lens thicknesses, it shall be calculated according to the description and calculation method in Annex A.
6.2 Medically-prescribed corrective sunglasses and sunglare filters
6.2.1 Test apparatus
The test apparatus shall meet the requirements of JJF 1106.
The light incident angle of the test apparatus for luminous reflectance shall be less than or equal to 17°, and the reflected light shall be fully received by the detector of the test apparatus.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 General principles 4.1 Test environment 4.2 Position of test 5 Construction and materials 6 Transmittance 6.1 Sunglasses and sunglare filters 6.2 Medically-prescribed corrective sunglasses and sunglare filters 6.3 Calculations of luminous transmittance τV 6.4 Uniformity of luminous transmittance 6.5 Calculation of solar UV transmittance 6.6 Calculation of solar blue-light transmittance τsb 6.7 Calculation of solar IR transmittance τSIR 6.8 Calculation of luminous reflectance ρV 6.9 Calculation of relative visual attenuation quotient Q 6.10 Scattered light 6.11 Plane of transmission of polarizing filters and polarizing sunglasses 6.12 Photochromic filters 7 Optical characteristics 7.1 Spherical power and astigmatic power 7.2 Prism imbalance of complete sunglasses or filters covering both eyes 8 Mechanical properties 8.1 Fatigue strength of sunglasses 8.2 Bridge deformation and filter retention 8.3 Resistance to solar radiation 8.4 Resistance to ignition 8.5 Performance of coating layer 8.6 Protective performance 8.7 Resistance to abrasion 8.8 Nickel release Annex A (Normative) Relationship between thickness and transmittance of sunglare filters Annex B (Normative) Product of the energy distribution of Standard Illuminant D65 and the spectral visibility function of the average human eye for daylight vision Annex C (Normative) Spectral functions for the calculation of solar UV and solar blue light transmittance values Annex D (Normative) Spectral power distribution of solar irradiance in the infrared spectrum for the calculation of the solar infrared transmittance Annex E (Normative) Spectral distribution of radiation in incandescent signal lights weighted by the sensitivity of the human eye V(λ) Annex F (Informative) Spectral distribution of radiation in LED signal lights weighted by the sensitivity of the human eye V(λ) Annex G (Informative) Method of variable distance for the calibration of measuring instruments for telescope method Annex H (Normative) Conversion between measurement results by telescope method and focimeter method Annex I (Normative) Application of uncertainty of measurement Annex J (Informative) Long wavelength pass filter Annex K (Informative) Uncertainty analysis of spectrophotometry Bibliography