is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This part is drafted in accordance with the rules given in the GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard has been redrafted and modified adoption of International Standard ISO/TS 24348:2014 Ophthalmic Optics — Spectacle Frames — Method for the Simulation of Wear and Detection of Nickel Release from Metal and Combination Spectacle Frames.
This standard is subject to structural adjustments with respect to the ISO/TS 24348:2014, which are numbered in the order of reference in the text. Annex D has been adjusted to Annex A, and Annexes A and B have been extended to Annexes B and C respectively.
The technical deviations between this standard and the International Standard ISO/TS 24348:2014, together with their justifications, are given below:
— the adjustments of technical difference are made for the normative references in this standard so as to adapt to the technical conditions in China. The adjustment is mainly reflected in Clause 2 Normative References with the specific adjustments as follows:
ISO 12870 is replaced by GB/T 14214-2019 which is identical with the international standard;
addition of ISO 12870:2016;
— the contents related to measurement of spectacle frame surface area in Annex C of ISO/TS 24348:2014 are included in 5.4.1 "Sample area".
— addition of “3D scanning technology may be applied to measure the surface area.” in the Note of 5.6.1.
— deletion of Items b), e), f), h) in Clause 6 of ISO/TS 24348:2014.
For the purposes of this standard, the following editorial changes have also been made:
— in order to be consistent with China's standard system, the standard name is changed to Spectacle Frames — Requirement and Method for the Detection of Nickel Release;
— addition of the notes for sourcing and other information which are irrelevant to China's situation.
This standard was proposed by is under the jurisdiction of China National Light Industry Council.
Spectacle Frames — Requirement and Method for the Detection of Nickel Release
1 Scope
This standard specifies the requirements, methods for accelerated wear and corrosion of nickel release from coated metal and combination spectacle frames, and for detection, calculation and test report of release of nickel.
This standard is applicable to the spectacle frames produced with materials and/or surface treatments containing nickel.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 14214 Spectacle Frames — General Requirements and Test Methods (GB/T 14214-2003, ISO 12870:1997, MOD)
ISO 12870:2016 Ophthalmic Optics — Spectacle Frames — Requirements and Test Methods
3 Requirements
Those parts of metal and combination spectacle frames that come into direct and prolonged contact with the skin of the wearer shall not have a nickel release greater than 0.5 μg/(cm2·week).
Spectacle frames having a coating shall be subjected to the test specified in Clauses 4 and 5.
For spectacle frames that are made of homogeneous alloy or pure metal and are uncoated, go directly to the nickel release test procedure in Clause 5.
The parts to be tested shall be in accordance with ISO 12870:2016, 4.2.3, and shall include:
— the rear surface of rims;
— the rear and lower surface of the bridge, the rear and upper surface of any brace bar and any other nasal-bearing surfaces, including metal nose pads;
— sides, excluding the joints and the zone immediately around the joints, and parts intended to be protected by plastic endcovers.
See Annex A for spectacle frames made from materials or surface treatments containing nickel capable of releasing small amounts of nickel.
4 Method for Accelerated Wear and Corrosion
4.1 Principle
The items to be tested are exposed to a corrosive atmosphere before being placed in a tumbling barrel together with a wear medium of abrasive paste and granules. The barrel is rotated so as to subject the test pieces to wear from the wear medium. The items are then tested for nickel release in accordance with Clause 5.
4.2 Reagents and materials
4.2.1 General
Unless otherwise specified, all reagents and materials that can come into contact with samples or reagents shall be demonstrably free of nickel, and all reagents shall be of recognized analytical grade or better.
4.2.2 Reagents and materials for the corrosion procedure Container
Container, with a lid and a device for suspending the test pieces, and all parts made of inert material (e.g. glass or plastic). Corrosive medium
Prepared by dissolving 50 g DL-lactic acid, >85% purity, and 100 g sodium chloride in 1 000 ml deionized water. Degreasing solution
Being an appropriately diluted, neutral, commercially available detergent, e.g. a 0.5% aqueous solution of sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate. Deionized water
Specific conductivity maximum 1 µS/cm. Oven
Oven, capable of maintaining a temperature of (50 ± 2) °C.
4.2.3 Reagents and materials for the wear procedure Tumbling barrel and retaining assembly:
— barrel of hexagonal cross-section and internal diameter of 19 cm perpendicular distance between opposite sides designed to rotate around its axis, which is orientated horizontally (see Figure 1);
— retaining assembly, suitable for attaching the test items so that they do not come into contact with each other during tumbling; Rotating system, capable of imparting to the barrel ( a constant (30 ± 2) rotations per minute. The rotating system shall be capable of allowing the direction of rotation to be reversed.
Foreword II 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Requirements 4 Method for Accelerated Wear and Corrosion 5 Method for the Determination of Nickel Release 6 Test Report Annex A (Informative) Articles Made from Materials Capable of Releasing Small Amounts of Nickel Annex B (Informative) Statistical Uncertainty of the Test Procedure and Interpretation of Results Annex C (Informative) Rules for Production and Preparation of Reference Material Bibliography
ICS 11.040.70 Y 89 中华人民共和国国家标准 GB/T 38009—2019 眼镜架 镍析出量的 技术要求和测量方法 Spectacle frames—Requirement and method for the detection of nickel release (ISO/TS 24348:2014,Ophthalmic optics—Spectacle frames—Method for the Simulation of wear and detection of nickel release from metal and combination spectacle frames,MOD) 2019-08-30发布 2020-03-01实施 国家市场监督管理总局 中国国家标准化管理委员会 发布 前言 本标准按照GB/T 1.1—2009给出的规则起草。 本标准使用重新起草法修改采用ISO/TS 24348:2014《眼科光学 眼镜架 金属及混合眼镜架模拟磨损和测试镍析出量的方法》。 本标准与ISO/TS 24348:2014相比存在结构调整,按文本提及附录顺序编号,ISO/TS 24348:2014附录D调整为附录A,附录A和附录B依次顺延为附录H和附录C。 本标准与ISO/TS 24348:2014的技术性差异及其原因如下: ——关于规范性引用文件,本标准做了具有技术性差异的调整,以适应我国的技术条件,调整的情况集中反映在第2章“规范性引用文件”中,具体调整如下: · 用修改采用国际标准的GB/T 14214代替ISO 12870; · 增加引用ISO 12870:2016。 ——将ISO/TS 24348:2014附录C与眼镜架表面积测量相关的内容列入了5.6.1“试样测试面积”中。 ——5.6.1“注”增加了“3D扫描技术可用于测量试样测试面积”。 ——删除了ISO/TS 24348:2014第6章b)、e)、f)、h)列项。 本标准做了下列编辑性修改: ——为与我国标准体系一致,将标准名称改为《眼镜架 镍析出量的技术要求和测量方法》; ——删除了如采购信息获得等与我国情况无关的注。 本标准由中国轻工业联合会提出并归口。 眼镜架 镍析出量的 技术要求和测量方法 1 范围 本标准规定了金属架、混合架金属件镍析出量的要求、模拟磨损方法、镍析出量的测量、计算、实验报告。 本标准适用于用含镍材料生产的或表面含镍处理的眼镜架。 2规范性引用文件 下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。凡是注日期的引用文件,仅注日期的版本适用于本文件。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本(包括所有的修改单)适用于本文件。 GB/T 14214眼镜架 通用要求和试验方法(GB/T 14214—2003,ISO 12870:1997,MOD) ISO 12870:2016眼科光学 眼镜架 基本要求和试验方法(Ophthalmic optics—Spectacle frames—Requirements and test methods) 3 要求 金属架、混合架中长期与皮肤接触的金属件镍析出量应不大于0.5 μg/(cm2·周)。 有涂层眼镜架按第4章、第5章进行试验。 由均质合金或纯金属制备、且无涂层的眼镜架按第5章进行试验。 待测部位按照ISO 12870:2016中4.2.3的要求,包括: ——眼镜架镜圈; ——鼻梁,横梁,以及其他鼻子承托表面,包括金属鼻垫; ——镜腿(不包括铰链、铰链周围和塑料套保护的区域)。 由镍析出量低的含镍材料或表面含镍处理制成的眼镜架参见附录A。 4模拟磨损方法 4.1 原理 将试样先暴露在腐蚀性气体环境中,再放入盛有研磨剂和磨料组成的磨损介质的滚筒。然后滚筒旋转使试样受到磨损介质的磨损。磨损后试样按第5章进行镍析出量测量。 4.2试剂和材料 4.2.1 总则 除非有特殊说明,所有可能接触到试样的材料和试剂都应不含镍,采用分析纯或优级纯试剂。 4.2.2腐蚀用材料和试剂 容器 可封闭,带有试样支架,全部由惰性材料制成(如玻璃或塑料)。腐蚀性介质 取50 g乳酸(质量分数>85%)和100 g氯化钠,溶解于1 000 mL去离子水中制得。 脱脂溶液 选用中性洗涤剂,适当稀释后使用;也可配制洗涤剂,如0.5%(质量分数)的十二烷基苯磺酸钠水溶液。 去离子水 去离子水电导率不大于1 μS/cm。 烘箱 烘箱温度可保持在(50±2)℃。 4.2.3 磨损用材料和试剂 滚筒及其固定组件: ——横截面呈六边形,两条对边之间的距离为19 cm,可沿对称轴旋转,水平放置的滚筒(图1)。 ——可插入到滚筒中的固定组件,能固定试样,防止在滚动时试样彼此接触。旋转系统,能够使滚筒(以(30±2)r/min的速度旋转,且该旋转系统可进行反方向旋转。 单位为毫米
说明: 1——光滑的边缘。 图C.1 参考片 按本标准测试时,参照片镍析出量为(0.4±0.2)μg/(cm2·周)(未校正)。 警示——所有操作宜避免表面被镍污染。参考片可用多次,每次测试前先用600号的湿砂纸打磨后用1 200号湿砂纸打磨(5.4.3)。 参考文献 [1]CEN/CR 12471:2012 Screening tests for nickel release from alloys and coatings in items that come into direct and prolonged contact with the skin