is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
GB/T 37910 consists of the following two parts under the general title Non-destructive testing of welds - Acceptance levels for radiographic testing:
——Part 1: Steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys;
——Part 2: Aluminium and its alloys.
This is Part 1 of GB/T 37910.
This part is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This part has been redrafted and modified in relation to ISO 10675-1: 2016 Non-destructive testing of welds - Acceptance levels for radiographic testing - Part 1: Steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys.
The main technical differences with respect to ISO 10675-1: 2016 and their justifications are as follows:
——As for the normative references, adjustments of technical differences are made to this part to keep them in line with the technical conditions in China. The adjustments are embodied in a concentrated way in Clause 2 "Normative references", specifically as follows:
ISO 17636-1 is replaced by GB/T 3323.1 modified in relation to international standard (see Clause 1, Clause 3 and Annex A);
ISO 17636-2 is replaced by GB/T 3323.2 modified in relation to international standard (see Clause 1, Clause 3 and Annex A);
ISO 17637 is replaced by GB/T 32259 modified in relation to international standard (see Clause 4);
ISO 6520-1 is replaced by GB/T 6417.1 which is identical to the international standard (see Clause 5, Table 2, Table 3 and A.1);
According to ISO 5817, the acceptance requirement that the clustered (localized) porosity shall be of spherical pores is added, so as to be convenient for practical application (see Table 2).
This part was proposed by and is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee on Welding of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 55).
Non-destructive testing of welds - Acceptance levels for radiographic testing - Part 1: Steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys
1 Scope
This part of GB/T 37910 specifies the acceptance levels for indications from imperfections in butt welds of steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys detected by radiographic testing. If agreed by the parties to the contract, the acceptance levels may be applied to other types of welds or materials.
The acceptance levels are related to welding standards, testing standards, specifications or codes. This part is used to assess whether a weld meets the requirements specified for a weld quality level by comparing the sizes of imperfections permitted by this part with those revealed by a radiograph or figure of the weld when carrying out radiographic testing in accordance with GB/T 3323.1 or GB/T 3323.2.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 3323.1 Non-destructive testing of welds - Radiographic testing - Part 1: X- and gamma-ray techniques with film (GB/T 3323.1-2019, ISO 17636-1: 2013, MOD)
GB/T 3323.2 Non-destructive testing of welds - Radiographic testing - Part 2: X- and gamma-ray techniques with digital detectors (GB/T 3323.2-2019, ISO 17636-2: 2013, MOD)
GB/T 6417.1 Classification and explanation of imperfections in fusion welded joints (GB/T 6417.1-2005, ISO 6520-1: 1998, IDT)
GB/T 32259 Non-destructive testing of welds - Visual testing of fusion-welded joints (GB/T 32259-2015, ISO 17637: 2003, MOD)
ISO 5817 Welding - Fusion-welded joints in steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys (beam welding excluded) - Quality levels for imperfections
3 Testing technique
Depending on the weld quality level, radiographic testing in accordance with Class A or Class B in GB/T 3323.1 or GB/T 3323.2 shall be carried out, as shown in Table 1.
Table 1 Radiographic testing technique classes
Quality levels in accordance with ISO 5817 Testing technique classes in accordance with GB/T 3323.1 and GB/T 3323.2 Acceptance levels in accordance with this part
B B 1
C Ba 2
D A 3
a The minimum number of exposure for circumferential weld testing corresponds to the requirements of Class A of GB/T 3323.1 and GB/T 3323.2.
4 General
Welded joints shall be visually tested and evaluated in accordance with GB/T 32259 before radiographic testing.
The acceptance levels of this part are basically valid for evaluation of imperfections (see Table 2) which cannot be detected and evaluated by visual testing. Surface imperfections (see Table 3, such as undercut and excessive penetration, surface damage, weld spatter, etc.) which, due to object geometry, cannot be evaluated, but where the interpreter suspects the ISO 5817 quality levels are not fulfilled, shall be subject to more specific testing.
When quantification of undercut and/or excessive penetration by radiographic testing is required, process procedures using test exposures may be applied in order to establish a basis for approximate quantification in accordance with the requirements of ISO 5817. Whether quantification is required shall be specified.
5 Acceptance levels
The acceptance levels for indications are shown in Table 2 and Table 3. The types of imperfections are selected from ISO 5817 and defined in GB/T 6417.1. See Annex A for imperfection number.
The symbols used in Table 2 and Table 3 are as follows:
——A: sum of projected areas of indications related to each L×Wp, in % (see Annex B);
——b: width of excess penetration of weld, in millimeters;
——d: diameter of pore, in millimeters;
——dA: diameter of pore envelope area, in millimeters;
——h: width of indication, or the width or height of surface imperfection, in millimeters;
——L: any 100mm testing length of weld, in millimeters;
——l: length of indication, in millimeters;
——s: nominal butt weld thickness, in millimeters;
——t: base material thickness, in millimeters;
——Wp: width of the weld, in millimeters;
——∑l: summary length of imperfections within L, in millimeters.
If the distance between any adjacent imperfections is less than or equal to the major size of the smaller imperfection, it shall be regarded as an imperfection. See Annex C for the calculation of the sum of imperfection areas.
Indications shall not be divided into different ranges L.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Testing technique 4 General 5 Acceptance levels Annex A (Informative) Guide to the imperfections of radiographic testing Annex B (Informative) Examples for area percentage (%) of imperfections Annex C (Informative) Calculation of the sum of acceptable imperfection areas
焊缝无损检测 射线检测验收等级 第1部分:钢、镍、钛及其合金 Non-destructive testing of welds—Acceptance levels for radiographic testing— Part 1:Steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys (ISO 10675-1:2016,MOD)
2019-08-30发布 2020-03-01实施 国家市场监督管理总局 中国国家标准化管理委员会 发布 前言 GB/T 37910《焊缝无损检测 射线检测验收等级》包含以下两个部分: ——第1部分:钢、镍、钛及其合金; ——第2部分:铝及铝合金。 本部分为GB/T 37910的第1部分。 本部分按照GB/T 1.1—2009给出的规则起草。 本部分使用重新起草法修改采用ISO 10675-1:2016《焊缝无损检测 射线检测验收等级 第1部分:钢、镍、钛及其合金》。 本部分与ISO 10675-1:2016相比,主要技术性差异及其原因如下: ——关于规范性引用文件,本部分做了具有技术性差异的调整,以适应我国的技术条件,调整的情况集中反映在第2章“规范性引用文件”中,具体调整如下: • 用修改采用国际标准的GB/T 3323.1代替了ISO 17636-1(见第1章、第3章、附录A); • 用修改采用国际标准的GB/T 3323.2代替了ISO 17636-2(见第1章、第3章、附录A); • 用修改采用国际标准的GB/T 32259代替了ISO 17637(见第4章); • 用等同采用国际标准的GB/T 6417.1代替了ISO 6520-1(见第5章、表2、表3、A.1)。 • 依据ISO 5817,增加了局部密集气孔需满足球形气孔的验收要求,便于实际应用(见表2)。 本部分由全国焊接标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC 55)提出并归口。 焊缝无损检测 射线检测验收等级 第1部分:钢、镍、钛及其合金 1 范围 GB/T 37910的本部分规定了钢、镍、钛及其合金对接焊缝射线检测缺欠显示的验收等级。如合同各方同意,该验收等级也可用于其他类型焊缝或材料。 验收等级与焊接标准、检测标准、规范或法规有关。本部分适用于通过比较按照GB/T 3323.1或GB/T 3323.2检测出的焊缝射线底片或图像上的缺欠尺寸与本部分规定的缺欠限值,判定被检焊缝是否满足焊缝质量等级。 2 规范性引用文件 下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。凡是注日期的引用文件,仅注日期的版本适用于本文件。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本(包括所有的修改单)适用于本文件。 GB/T 3323.1 焊缝无损检测 射线检测 第1部分:X和伽玛射线的胶片技术(GB/T 3323.1—2019,ISO 17636-1:2013,MOD) GB/T 3323.2 焊缝无损检测 射线检测 第2部分:使用数字化探测器的X和伽玛射线技术(GB/T 3323.2—2019,ISO 17636-2:2013,MOD) GB/T 6417.1 金属熔化焊接头缺欠分类及说明(GB/T 6417.1—2005,ISO 6520-1:1998,IDT) GB/T 32259 焊缝无损检测 熔焊接头目视检测(GB/T 32259—2015,ISO 17637:2003,MOD) ISO 5817 焊接 钢、镍、钛及其合金的熔化焊接头(束焊除外) 缺欠质量等级[Welding-Fusion-welded joints in steel,nickel,titanium and their alloys (beam welding excluded)—Quality levels for imperfections] 3 检测技术 根据焊缝质量等级规定,射线检测应按GB/T 3323.1或GB/T 3323.2的A级和B级进行检测,见表1。 表1 射线检测技术等级 按ISO 5817的质量等级 按GB/T 3323.1和GB/T 3323.2的技术等级 按本部分的验收等级 B B 1 C Ba 2 D A 3 a 环焊缝检测最少曝光次数按GB/T 3323.1和GB/T 3323.2的A级要求执行。 4 通则 焊缝射线检测前应按GB/T 32259进行目视检测与评定。 本部分的验收等级对评定目视检测不能检测和评定的缺欠显示(见表2)基本有效。检测人员因几何尺寸原因不能评价表面缺欠(见表3,如咬边、下塌、表面烧蚀、焊接飞溅等),但又对此类缺欠是否满足ISO 5817焊缝质量等级表示怀疑时,应选择更多的检测技术加以确认。 当需要对咬边、下塌等进行射线检测定量时,可通过曝光试验建立基本量化关系,以制定符合ISO 5817的工艺规程。是否需要定量该类缺欠应予以规定。 5 验收等级 显示的验收等级见表2和表3。缺欠类型见ISO 5817,缺欠定义见GB/T 6417.1,缺欠编号参见附录A。 表2和表3中使用的符号如下: ——A 显示投影面积总和在L×Wp区域中的百分比,用%表示(参见附录B); ——b 焊缝下塌宽度,单位为毫米(mm); ——d 气孔直径,单位为毫米(mm); ——dA 气孔包络区域直径,单位为毫米(mm); ——h 显示的宽度,或表面缺欠的高度或宽度,单位为毫米(mm); ——L 焊缝任意100 mm检测长度,单位为毫米(mm); ——l 显示的长度,单位为毫米(mm); ——s 对接焊缝公称厚度,单位为毫米(mm); ——t 母材厚度,单位为毫米(mm); ——Wp 焊缝宽度,单位为毫米(mm); ——∑l 在L范围内缺欠总长度,单位为毫米(mm)。 如果任意相邻缺欠的间距小于或等于其中较小缺欠的主要尺寸,则应被视为一个缺欠。缺欠累计区域计算参见附录C。 显示不应被划分到不同的L中。 表2 对接焊缝内部显示的验收等级 序号 按GB/T6417.1的内部缺欠分类 验收等级3级a 验收等级2级a 验收等级1级 1 裂纹(100) 不准许 不准许 不准许 2a 均布气孔(2012),球形气孔(2011),单层 A≤2.5% d≤0.4s,最大5 mm L=100 mm A≤1.5% d≤0.3s,最大4 mm L=100 mm A≤1% d≤0.2s,最大3 mm L=100 mm 2b 均布气孔(2012),球形气孔(2011),多层 A≤5% d≤0.4s,最大5 mm L=100 mm A≤3% d≤0.3s,最大4 mm L=100 mm A≤2% d≤0.2s,最大3 mm L=100 mm 3b 局部密集气孔(2013) dA≤Wp,最大25 mm d≤0.4s,最大5 mm L=100 mm dA对应dA1、dA2或dAc dA≤Wp,最大20 mm d≤0.3s,最大4 mm L=100 mm dA对应dA1、dA2或dAc dA≤Wp/2,最大15 mm d≤0.2s,最大3 mm L=100 mm dA对应dA1、dA2或dAc 4c 链状气孔(2014) l≤s,最大75 mm d≤0.4s,最大4 mm L=100 mm l≤s,最大50 mm d≤0.3s,最大3 mm L=100 mm l≤s,最大25 mm d≤0.2s,最大2 mm L=100 mm 5d 条形气孔(2015),虫形气孔(2016) h<0.4s,最大4 mm ∑l≤s,最大75 mm L=100 mm h<0.3s,最大3 mm ∑l≤s,最大50 mm L=100 mm h<0.2s,最大2 mm ∑l≤s,最大25 mm L=100 mm 6e 缩孔(202)(不包括弧坑缩孔) h<0.4s,最大4 mm l≤25 mm 不准许 不准许 7 弧坑缩孔(2024) h<0.2t,最大2 mm l≤0.2t,最大2 mm 不准许 不准许 8d 夹渣(301),焊剂夹渣(302),氧化物夹杂(303) h<0.4s,最大4 mm ∑l≤s,最大75 mm L=100 mm h<0.3s,最大3 mm ∑l≤s,最大50 mm L=100 mm h<0.2s,最大2 mm ∑l≤s,最大25 mm L=100 mm 9 金属夹杂(304)(不包括铜) l<0.4s,最大4 mm l<0.3s,最大3 mm l<0.2s,最大2 mm 10 铜夹杂(3042) 不准许 不准许 不准许 11e 未熔合(401) 仅允许断续且不能延伸至表面 ∑l≤25 mm,L=100 mm 不准许 不准许 12e 未焊透(402) ∑l≤25 mm,L=100 mm 不准许 不准许 a 验收等级3级和2级可增加后缀X描述,表示所有长度超过25mm的显示不可验收。 b 见图C.1和图C.2。 c 见图C.3和图C.4。 d 见图C.5和图C.6。 e 如果单条焊缝长度小于100 mm,则显示的最大长度应不超过整条焊缝长度的25%。 表3 表面缺欠的验收等级 序号 按GB/T6417.1的表面缺欠分类 验收等级3级a 验收等级2级a 验收等级1级 13 弧坑裂纹(104) 不准许 不准许 不准许 14a 连续咬边(5011)和间断咬边(5012),t>3 mm 要求光滑过渡,h≤0.2t,最大1 mm 要求光滑过渡,h≤0.1t,最大0.5 mm 要求光滑过渡,h≤0.05t,最大0.5 mm 14b 连续咬边(5011)和间断咬边(5012),0.5 mm≤t≤3 mm 要求光滑过渡l≤25 mm,h≤0.2t 要求光滑过渡l≤25 mm,h≤0.1t 要求光滑过渡 不准许 15a 缩沟(根部咬边5013),t>3 mm 要求光滑过渡, l≤25 mm,h≤0.2t,最大2 mm 要求光滑过渡, l≤25 mm,h≤0.1t,最大1 mm 要求光滑过渡, l≤25 mm,h≤0.05t,最大0.5 mm 15b 缩沟(根部咬边5013),0.5 mm≤t≤3 mm 要求光滑过渡, h≤0.2 mm+0.1t 要求光滑过渡, l≤25 mm,h≤0.1t 要求光滑过渡,不准许 16a 下塌(504),0.5 mm≤t≤3 mm h≤1 mm+0.6b h≤1 mm+0.3b h≤1 mm+0.1b 16b 下塌(504),t>3 mm h≤1 mm+1.0b,最大5 mm h≤1 mm+0.6b,最大4 mm h≤1 mm+0.2b,最大3 mm 17 电弧擦伤(601) 允许,如母材性能未受影响 不准许 不准许 18 飞溅(602) 根据材质和腐蚀防护等技术要求验收 19a 根部收缩(515),0.5 mm≤s≤3 mm h≤0.2 mm+0.1t l≤25 mm,h≤0.1t 不准许 19b 根部收缩(515),s>3 mm l≤25 mm,h≤0.2t,最大2 mm l≤25 mm,h≤0.1t,最大1 mm l≤25 mm,h≤0.05t,最大0.5 mm 20 焊缝接头不良(517),s≥0.5 mm 允许,限值取决于缺欠类型(按ISO 5817) 不准许 不准许 21a 下垂(509),未焊满(511),0.5 mm≤s≤3 mm l≤25 mm,h≤0.25t l≤25 mm,h≤0.1t 不准许 21b 下垂(509),未焊满(511),s>3 mm l≤25 mm,h≤0.25t,最大2 mm l≤25 mm,h≤0.1t,最大1 mm l≤25 mm,h≤0.05t,最大0.5 mm 22a 错边(507),0.5 mm≤s≤3 mm h≤0.2 mm+0.25t h≤0.2 mm+0.15t h≤0.2 mm+0.1t 22b 错边(507),纵缝,s>3 mm h≤0.25t,最大5 mm h≤0.15t,最大4 mm h≤0.1t,最大3 mm 22c 错边(507),环缝,s>0.5 mm h≤0.5t,最大4 mm h≤0.5t,最大3 mm h≤0.5t,最大2 mm 注:验收等级按目视检测的验收规定执行。这些缺陷通常选用目视检测评定。 a 验收等级3级和2级可增加后缀X描述,表示所有长度超过25 mm的显示不可验收。 附录 A (资料性附录) 射线检测缺欠指南 A.1 通则 每种缺欠后紧跟一个带有数字编号的括号,该数字编号见GB/T 6417.1。 A.2 对接焊缝中的体积型缺欠 对接焊缝中的体积型缺欠: ——球形气孔(2011),局部密集气孔(2013),条形气孔(2015)和表面气孔(2017); ——条形气孔(2015)和虫形气孔(2016); ——固体夹杂(300); ——铜夹杂(3042)。 按GB/T 3323.1或GB/T 3323.2规定的A级或B级检测(见表1),可检出表2列出的上述缺欠。 A.3 对接焊缝中的裂纹 对接焊缝中的裂纹: ——裂纹(100); ——弧坑裂纹(104)。 射线检测的裂纹检出能力与裂纹高度、裂纹走向(分叉部分)、开口宽度、射线中心束与裂纹延伸方向的角度和射线检测参数有关。 因此,射线测出裂纹的可靠性有限。GB/T 3323.1和GB/T 3323.2规定的B级或更好的等级检测裂纹,比用A级检测可靠性更高。 A.4 对接焊缝中的平面型缺欠 对接焊缝中的平面型缺欠: ——未熔合(401); ——未焊透(402)。 未熔合和未焊透的检出能力与缺欠特征和检测参数有关。 除非射线中心束沿侧壁方向透照,侧壁未熔合极有可能无法检出(该类缺欠同时伴有夹渣等其他类 型缺欠除外)。 附录 B (资料性附录) 缺欠面积占比示例 A是缺欠投影面积总和在L×Wp区域中的百分比。不同的缺欠投影面积占比,帮助检测人员判定评定区域内的缺欠面积占比,见图B.1~图B.9。