is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard is only applicable to bite type partition tube fittings.
Example of designation:
Hexagon thin nut with the thread diameter d of 52 mm and the pitch of 2 mm is designated as:
Nut M52×2 GB 3763-83
Note: The mass is the calculated value and the specific gravity is 7.85 kg/dm3.
The technical conditions shall meet the requirements of GB 3765-83.
中华人民共和国国家标准 UDC 621.643.4:621.882/.887 GB 3763—83
卡套式管接头用六角薄螺母 Bite type tube fittings—Hexagon thin nuts
国家标准局1983-06-17发布 1984-04-01实施 本标准仅适用于卡套式隔壁管接头。
其余 标记示例: 螺纹直径d52mm,螺距2mm的六角薄螺母: 螺母 M52×2 GB 3763—83 mm d s2 e2 m 重量(kg/100件) 公称尺寸 极限偏差 公称尺寸 极限偏差