Test code for electrochemical energy storage station connected to power grid
1 Scope
This document describes the methods of tests on power control, charging and discharging time, rated energy, rated energy efficiency, power quality, primary frequency regulation, inertia response, operational adaptability, fault ride through, overload capacity, automatic generation control (AGC), automatic voltage control (AVC), and emergency power support of the electrochemical energy storage station (hereinafter referred to as "energy storage stations") connected to power grid, as well as requirements for test conditions and test instruments and equipment.
This document is applicable to the commissioning, grid-connected test, operation, and overhaul of newly built, renovated, and expanded electrochemical energy storage stations connected to power grid through a voltage class of 10 kV (6 kV) and above, and may serve as a reference for energy storage stations connected to power grid through other voltage classes.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain requirements which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 12325 Power quality - Deviation of supply voltage
GB/T 12326 Power quality - Voltage fluctuation and flicker
GB/T 14549 Quality of electric energy supply - Harmonics in public supply network
GB/T 15543 Power quality - Three-phase voltage unbalance
GB/T 15945 Power quality - Frequency deviation for power system
GB/T 20840 (all parts) Instrument transformers
GB/T 24337 Power quality - Interharmonics in public supply network
GB/T 36547 Technical rule for electrochemical energy storage system connected to power grid
GB/T 42288 Safety code of electrochemical energy storage station
GB/T 43526 Technical requirements for connecting user-side electrochemical energy storage system to distribution network
DL/T 2528 Basic terminology of electrical energy storage
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 36547 and DL/T 2528 apply.
4 General requirements
4.1 The test results of the energy storage station connected to power grid shall be judged according to the requirements of GB/T 36547 and GB/T 43526.
4.2 Before the energy storage station is connected to power grid for testing, the technical data of the energy storage station shall be collected, a test plan shall be prepared, and submitted to the power grid dispatching agency for approval within 30 days before the test, and then be implemented. The technical data collected before the energy storage station is connected to power grid for testing shall meet the requirements of Annex A.
4.3 Before the energy storage station is connected to power grid for testing, an emergency plan shall be prepared, safety measures shall be formulated, and the safety of the test work shall meet the requirements of GB/T 42288, and temporary fire-fighting facilities and emergency supplies shall be equipped.
4.4 The test personnel of the energy storage station shall have the necessary electrical knowledge and business skills, be familiar with the working principle and structure, test plan, and safety work procedures of energy storage equipment and electrical equipment, and be able to correctly use tools, instruments and safety protection equipment.
4.5 The test instruments and equipment for the energy storage station connected to power grid shall be verified or calibrated and within the validity period. The enclosures of the test instruments and equipment shall be reliably grounded, and an uninterruptible power supply should be adopted.
4.6 The energy storage station shall complete the power grid connection test within 3 months of grid-connected operation.
4.7 The specification parameters, electrical wiring, working parameters, and protection setting values of the energy storage station shall be verified before the test for the energy storage station.
4.8 Unless otherwise specified, the energy storage station shall be pre-charged or pre-discharged before testing, and the energy state should be 30% to 80% of the rated discharge energy.
4.9 The energy storage station shall select the energy storage station or energy storage system as the test object according to the power grid conditions of the connection point and the requirements of the power grid dispatching agency; for test projects with the energy storage system as the test object, the test results shall be evaluated based on energy storage station model simulation. See Annex B for the test wiring of the energy storage station and energy storage system connected to power grid.
4.10 The test point for the energy storage station connected to power grid shall be the point of connection.
4.11 If an abnormality occurs during the test of an energy storage station connected to power grid, the test shall be stopped immediately and the abnormal information shall be recorded. The test shall be restarted after processing is completed.
4.12 When renovation (expansion) or equipment transformation, software upgrade, power grid related parameter modification and control logic change of the energy storage station may affect the power gird connection performance of the station, such as fault ride through, power control, rated energy, operational adaptability and power quality, the affected items shall be re-tested within 3 months after the replacement or update is completed.
4.13 During the test process of connecting energy storage stations to power grid, test data and environmental conditions shall be recorded, and a test report shall be issued after the test is completed. The test report includes an overview of the energy storage station, test information, test equipment, test items, test conclusions, test data, etc. See Annex C for the format of the test report.
Contents Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 General requirements 5 Test conditions 6 Test instruments and equipment 7 Power control 8 Charging and discharging time 9 Rated energy 10 Rated energy efficiency 11 Power quality 12 Primary frequency regulation 13 Inertia response 14 Operational adaptability 15 Fault ride through 16 Overload capability 17 Automatic generation control (AGC) 18 Automatic voltage control (AVC) 19 Emergency power support Annex A (Nominative) Technical data collected before test for energy storage station connected to power grid Annex B (Informative) Test wiring of the energy storage station and energy storage system connected to power grid Annex C (Informative) Test report format Annex D (Nominative) Calculation method of active power control response time, regulation time and control deviation parameters