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Codeofchina.com is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative. This standard is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009. This standard replaces GB/T 35273-2017 Information security technology - Personal information security specification. In addition to a number of editorial changes, the following technical changes have been made with respect to GB/T 35273-2017: ——The Subcaluse - "Independent selection in case of multiple business functions" is added (see 5.3); ——The Subcaluse - "Exceptions for consent obtaining" is modified (see 5.6 of this standard; 5.4 of Edition 2017); ——The Subcaluse - "Restrictions on use of user profiling” is added (see 7.4); ——The Subcaluse - "Use of personalized display" is added (see 7.5); ——The Subcaluse - "Convergence and fusion of personal information collected for different business purposes" is added (see 7.6); ——The Subcaluse - "Account cancellation of personal information subject” is modified (see 8.5 of this standard; 7.8 of Edition 2017); ——The Subcaluse - "Third party access management" is added (see 9.7); ——The Subcaluse - “Specifying responsible departments and personnel” is modified (see 11.1 of this standard; 10.1 of Edition 2017); ——The Subcaluse - "Personal information security project" is added (see 11.2); ——The Subcaluse - "Records of personal information processing activities" is added (see 11.3); ——"Method for realizing free will of personal information subject" is modified (see Annex C to this standard; Annex C to Edition 2017). Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. The issuing body of this document shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. This standard was proposed by and is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee 260 on Information Security of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 260). The previous edition of this standard is as follows: ——GB/T 35273-2017. Introduction In recent years, with the rapid development of information technology and the popularity of Internet applications, more and more organizations collect and use personal information in large quantities, which has brought convenience to people's lives while, at the same time, has also resulted in illegal collection, abuse and disclosure of personal information. Personal information security is facing a serious threat. This standard addresses the security issues faced by personal information and regulates the relevant behaviors of personal information controllers in the information processing links such as collection, preservation, use, sharing, transfer of control and public disclosure in accordance with the Cybersecurity Law of the People's Republic of China, aiming at restraining the illegal collection, abuse, disclosure, etc. of personal information so as to guarantee individual legitimate rights and interests of individuals and the public interest to the maximum extent. The specific issues in this standard, if specified in laws and regulations, shall comply with such laws and regulations. Information security technology - Personal information security specification 1 Scope This standard regulates the principles and relevant security requirements which shall be followed by personal information processing activities like collection, preservation, use, sharing, transfer of control, public disclosure, deletion, etc. This standard is applicable to the regulation of personal information processing activities of various organizations and also applicable to the supervision, management and evaluation of personal information processing activities by organizations such as competent supervision departments and third-party evaluation agencies. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. GB/T 25069-2010 Information security technology - Glossary 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 25069-2010 and the following apply. 3.1 personal information various information recorded electronically or otherwise that can, either alone or in combination with other information, identify a particular natural person or reflect the activity of such a person Note 1: Personal information includes name, date of birth, ID number, personal biometric identifying information, address, communication and contact information, communication record and content, account and password, property information, credit information, whereabouts, accommodation information, health and physiology information, transaction information. Note 2: See Annex A for the judgment method and type of personal information. Note 3: The information formed by the personal information controller by processing personal information or other information, such as user profiling or features, labels, is regarded as personal information if it can be used to, either alone or in combination with other information, identify a particular natural person or reflect the activities of such a person. 3.2 personal sensitive information personal information which, once disclosed, illegally provided or abused, will possibly endanger the personal and property safety and easily result in damages to personal reputation and physical and mental health or result in discriminatory treatment Note 1: Personal sensitive information includes ID number, personal biometric identifying information, bank account, communication record and content, property information, credit information, whereabouts, accommodation information, health and physiology information, transaction information and personal information of children less than or equal to14 years old. Note 2: See Annex B for the judgment method and type of personal sensitive information. Note 3: The information formed by the personal information controller by processing personal information or other information is regarded as personal sensitive information if it, once disclosed, illegally provided or abused, will possibly endanger the personal and property safety and easily result in damage to personal reputation as well as physical and mental health damage or discriminatory treatment. 3.3 personal information subject natural person identified by or connected to personal information 3.4 personal information controller organization or individual that has the power to determine the purpose, manner, etc. of the processing of the personal information 3.5 collect behavior of obtaining the right of control over personal information Note 1: Such behavior includes positive collection through initiative provision by, interaction with, or recording behaviors of personal information subject as well as indirect acquisition through sharing, transfer of control and collection of public information. Note 2: If the product or service provider, who provides tools for use by the personal information subject, does not access personal information, it is not a collection behavior specified in this standard. For example, the offline navigation software, after obtaining the location information of the personal information subject from the terminal, does not return such information to the software provider, it is not a personal information collection behavior. 3.6 explicit consent behavior, of a personal information subject, of explicit authorization in terms of the specific processing of his or her personal information through a written or oral statement, in either electronic or paper form, or making affirmative actions in an initiative manner Note: Affirmative actions include selection of or click on "Agree", "Register", "Send", "Dial", filling in or provision of personal information, etc. made by personal information subject in an initiative manner. 3.7 consent behavior, of a personal information subject, of explicit authorization in terms of the specific processing of his or her personal information Note: It includes the authorization through positive behavior (i.e. explicit consent), or negative act (e.g. the personal information subject in the information acquisition area did not left such area after being informed of the information acquisition behavior). 3.8 user profiling process of personal characteristic model formation through analyzing or predicting the personal characteristics of a particular natural person, such as occupation, economy, health, education, personal preference, credit and behavior, on the basis of collecting, gathering, and analyzing personal information Note: The characteristic model of certain natural person which is formed by directly using the personal information of such natural person is called direct user profiling. The characteristic model of certain natural person which is formed by using the personal information from other than such natural person, such as the data of the group in which such natural person is, is called indirect user profiling. 3.9 personal information security impact assessment process of inspecting the extent to which the personal information processing activities are lawful and compliant, of determining the various risks of such activities that cause damage to legitimate rights and interests of personal information subject and of assessing the effectiveness of various measures used to protect personal information subject 3.10 delete behavior of removing personal information in a system which is involved in realization of daily business functions so that such personal information is kept in a status making it cannot be retrieved or accessed 3.11 public disclosure behavior of publishing information to society or an unspecified group of people 3.12 transfer of control process of transferring the control right over personal information from one controller to another 3.13 sharing process of providing personal information by a personal information controller to other controller, with the parties having independent control right over the personal information 3.14 anonymization process of processing personal information in technical terms so that the personal information subject cannot be identified or connected, with the processed information unable to be restored Note: The information obtained after anonymization processing of personal information is not categorized as personal information. 3.15 de-identification process of processing personal information in technical terms so that the personal information subject cannot be identified or connected without additional information Note: De-identification is based on the individual, retaining the individual granularity, and replacing the identification of personal information by adopting technical means like pseudonym, encryption, hash function, etc. 3.16 personalized display activities such as displaying information contents and providing search results of goods or services to specific personal information subject based on his or her personal information such as web browsing history, interests, hobbies, consumption records and habits 3.17 business function service types that meet the specific use needs of personal information subjects Note: For example, map navigation, online car booking, instant messaging, online community, online payment, news information, online shopping, express distribution, transportation and ticketing. 4 Basic principles of personal information security The personal information controller, when conducting personal information processing activities, shall follow the principles of lawfulness, justification and necessity as follows: a) Right and responsibility consistence——taking technical and other necessary measures to ensure the personal information security, and undertaking the responsibilities for the damage caused to the legitimate rights and interests of personal information subject by the personal information processing activities. b) Explicit purpose——having definite, explicit and specific personal information processing purpose. c) Consent based on selection——expressing the purpose, means, scope and other rules of personal information processing to the personal information subject to ask for consent. d) Minimum necessary——only processing the minimum types and amount of personal information necessary for satisfying the purpose authorized and agreed by the personal information subject. After the purpose is achieved, the personal information shall be deleted in time. e) Openness and transparency——publicizing the scope, purpose, rules, etc. of personal information processing in a clear, understandable and reasonable manner, and accepting external supervision. f) Security——possessing the security capabilities that match the security risks confronted with, and taking adequate management measures and technical means to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the personal information. g) Subject participation——providing personal information subject with methods whereby he or she can access to, correct or delete his/her personal information, as well as withdraw the consent, close the account or make complaints. 5 Personal information collection 5.1 Legality requirements for collecting personal information The personal information controller shall: a) Not defraud, deceive, or mislead personal information subject to provide his/her personal information; b) Not conceal the personal information collection function of product or service; c) Not obtain personal information through illegal channels. 5.2 Minimum necessary requirements for collecting personal information Requirements for the personal information controller include: a) The type of personal information collected shall have direct connection with the product or service business function to be realized. Direct connection means that without the participation of the information the product or service function cannot be realized. b) The frequency of positively collecting personal information shall be the minimum one necessary to realize the business function of the product or service. c) The amount of personal information indirectly acquired shall be the minimum amount necessary to realize the business function of the product or service. Foreword i Introduction iii 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Basic principles of personal information security 5 Personal information collection 5.1 Legality requirements for collecting personal information 5.2 Minimum necessary requirements for collecting personal information 5.3 Independent selection in case of multiple business functions 5.4 Consent for personal information collection 5.5 Personal information protection policy 5.6 Exceptions for consent obtaining 6 Storage of personal information 6.1 Minimizing the storage period of personal information 6.2 De-identification processing 6.3 Transmission and storage of personal sensitive information 6.4 Stopping of product/service operation by personal information controller 7 Use of personal information 7.1 Personal information access control measures 7.2 Restrictions on display of personal information 7.3 Restrictions on use purpose of personal information 7.4 Restrictions on use of user profiling 7.5 Use of personalized display 7.6 Convergence and fusion of personal information collected for different business purposes 7.7 Use of the automatic decision-making mechanism of information system 8 Rights of personal information subject 8.1 Query of personal information 8.2 Correction of personal information 8.3 Deletion of personal information 8.4 Consent withdrawal by personal information subject 8.5 Account closure of personal information subject 8.6 Means for personal information subjects to obtain a copy of their personal information 8.7 Responding the requests of personal information subject 8.8 Complaint management 9 Entrusted processing, sharing, transfer of control, and public disclosure of personal information 9.1 Entrusted processing 9.2 Sharing and transfer of control of personal information 9.3 Personal information transfer of control during acquisition, merger, restructuring and bankruptcy 9.4 Public disclosure of personal information 9.5 Situations exempted from the acquisition of prior consent for the sharing, transfer of control, and public disclosure of personal information 9.6 Joint personal information controller 9.7 Third party access management 9.8 Cross-border transmission of personal information 10 Handling of personal information security incident 10.1 Emergency responses and report for information security incident 10.2 Notification on safety incidents 11 Personal information security management requirements for the organization 11.1 Specifying responsible department and personnel 11.2 Personal information security project 11.3 Records of personal information processing activities 11.4 Conducting personal information security impact assessment 11.5 Data security capacity 11.6 Personnel management and training 11.7 Security audit Annex A (Informative) Examples of personal information Annex B (Informative) Determination of personal sensitive information Annex C (Informative) Methods for fulfilling free will of personal information subject Annex D (Informative) Personal information protection policy template Bibliography 信息安全技术 个人信息安全规范 1 范围 本标准规定了开展收集、存储、使用、共享、转让、公开披露、删除等个人信息处理活动的原则和安全要求。 本标准适用于规范各类组织的个人信息处理活动,也适用于主管监管部门、第三方评估机构等组织对个人信息处理活动进行监督、管理和评估。 2规范性引用文件 下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。凡是注日期的引用文件,仅注日期的版本适用于本文件。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本(包括所有的修改单)适用于本文件。 GB/T 25069—2010信息安全技术 术语 3术语和定义 GB/T 25069—2010界定的以及下列术语和定义适用于本文件。 3.1 个人信息personal information 以电子或者其他方式记录的能够单独或者与其他信息结合识别特定自然人身份或者反映特定自然人活动情况的各种信息。 注1:个人信息包括姓名、出生日期、身份证件号码、个人生物识别信息、住址、通信通讯联系方式、通信记录和内容、账号密码、财产信息、征信信息、行踪轨迹、住宿信息、健康生理信息、交易信息等。 注2:关于个人信息的判定方法和类型参见附录A。 注3:个人信息控制者通过个人信息或其他信息加工处理后形成的信息,例如,用户画像或特征标签,能够单独或者与其他信息结合识别特定自然人身份或者反映特定自然人活动情况的,属于个人信息。 3.2 个人敏感信息personal sensitive information 一旦泄露、非法提供或滥用可能危害人身和财产安全,极易导致个人名誉、身心健康受到损害或歧视性待遇等的个人信息。 注1:个人敏感信息包括身份证件号码、个人生物识别信息、银行账户、通信记录和内容、财产信息、征信信息、行踪轨迹、住宿信息、健康生理信息、交易信息、14岁以下(含)儿童的个人信息等。 注2:关于个人敏感信息的判定方法和类型参见附录B。 注3:个人信息控制者通过个人信息或其他信息加工处理后形成的信息,如一旦泄露、非法提供或滥用可能危害人身和财产安全,极易导致个人名誉、身心健康受到损害或歧视性待遇等的,属于个人敏感信息。 3.3 个人信息主体personal information subject 个人信息所标识或者关联的自然人。 3.4 个人信息控制者personal information controller 有能力决定个人信息处理目的、方式等的组织或个人。 3.5 收集 collect 获得个人信息的控制权的行为。 注1:包括由个人信息主体主动提供、通过与个人信息主体交互或记录个人信息主体行为等自动采集行为,以及通过共享、转让、搜集公开信息等间接获取个人信息等行为。 注2:如果产品或服务的提供者提供工具供个人信息主体使用,提供者不对个人信息进行访问的,则不属于本标准所称的收集。例如,离线导航软件在终端获取个人信息主体位置信息后,如果不回传至软件提供者,则不属于个人信息主体位置信息的收集。 3.6 明示同意 explicit consent 个人信息主体通过书面、口头等方式主动作出纸质或电子形式的声明,或者自主作出肯定性动作,对其个人信息进行特定处理作出明确授权的行为。 注:肯定性动作包括个人信息主体主动勾选、主动点击“同意”“注册”“发送”“拨打”、主动填写或提供等。 3.7 授权同意consent 个人信息主体对其个人信息进行特定处理作出明确授权的行为。 注:包括通过积极的行为作出授权(即明示同意),或者通过消极的不作为而作出授权(如信息采集区域内的个人信息主体在被告知信息收集行为后没有离开该区域)。 3.8 用户画像user profiling 通过收集、汇聚、分析个人信息,对某特定自然人个人特征,如职业、经济、健康、教育、个人喜好、信用、行为等方面作出分析或预测,形成其个人特征模型的过程。 注:直接使用特定自然人的个人信息,形成该自然人的特征模型,称为直接用户画像。使用来源于特定自然人以外的个人信息,如其所在群体的数据,形成该自然人的特征模型,称为间接用户画像。 3.9 个人信息安全影响评估personal information security impact assessment 针对个人信息处理活动,检验其合法合规程度,判断其对个人信息主体合法权益造成损害的各种风险,以及评估用于保护个人信息主体的各项措施有效性的过程。 3.10 删除delete 在实现日常业务功能所涉及的系统中去除个人信息的行为,使其保持不可被检索、访问的状态。 3.11 公开披露public disclosure 向社会或不特定人群发布信息的行为。 3.12 转让transfer of control 将个人信息控制权由一个控制者向另一个控制者转移的过程。 3.13 共享sharing 个人信息控制者向其他控制者提供个人信息,且双方分别对个人信息拥有独立控制权的过程。 3.14 匿名化 anonymization 通过对个人信息的技术处理,使得个人信息主体无法被识别或者关联,且处理后的信息不能被复原的过程。 注:个人信息经匿名化处理后所得的信息不属于个人信息。 3.15 去标识化de-identification 通过对个人信息的技术处理,使其在不借助额外信息的情况下,无法识别或者关联个人信息主体的过程。 注:去标识化建立在个体基础之上,保留了个体颗粒度,采用假名、加密、哈希函数等技术手段替代对个人信息的标识。 3.16 个性化展示personalized display 基于特定个人信息主体的网络浏览历史、兴趣爱好、消费记录和习惯等个人信息,向该个人信息主体展示信息内容、提供商品或服务的搜索结果等活动。 3.17 业务功能 business function 满足个人信息主体的具体使用需求的服务类型。 注:如地图导航、网络约车、即时通信、网络社区、网络支付、新闻资讯、网上购物、快递配送、交通票务等。 4个人信息安全基本原则 个人信息控制者开展个人信息处理活动应遵循合法、正当、必要的原则,具体包括: a)权责一致——采取技术和其他必要的措施保障个人信息的安全,对其个人信息处理活动对个人信息主体合法权益造成的损害承担责任。 b)目的明确——具有明确、清晰、具体的个人信息处理目的。 c)选择同意——向个人信息主体明示个人信息处理目的、方式、范围等规则,征求其授权同意。 d)最小必要——只处理满足个人信息主体授权同意的目的所需的最少个人信息类型和数量。目的达成后,应及时删除个人信息。 e)公开透明——以明确、易懂和合理的方式公开处理个人信息的范围、目的、规则等,并接受外部监督。 f)确保安全——具备与所面临的安全风险相匹配的安全能力,并采取足够的管理措施和技术手段,保护个人信息的保密性、完整性、可用性。 g)主体参与——向个人信息主体提供能够查询、更正、删除其个人信息,以及撤回授权同意、注销账户、投诉等方法。 5个人信息的收集 5.1 收集个人信息的合法性 对个人信息控制者的要求包括: a)不应以欺诈、诱骗、误导的方式收集个人信息; b)不应隐瞒产品或服务所具有的收集个人信息的功能; c)不应从非法渠道获取个人信息。 5.2收集个人信息的最小必要 对个人信息控制者的要求包括: a)收集的个人信息的类型应与实现产品或服务的业务功能有直接关联;直接关联是指没有上述个人信息的参与,产品或服务的功能无法实现。 b)自动采集个人信息的频率应是实现产品或服务的业务功能所必需的最低频率。 c)间接获取个人信息的数量应是实现产品或服务的业务功能所必需的最少数量。 5.3 多项业务功能的自主选择 当产品或服务提供多项需收集个人信息的业务功能时,个人信息控制者不应违背个人信息主体的自主意愿,强迫个人信息主体接受产品或服务所提供的业务功能及相应的个人信息收集请求。对个人信息控制者的要求包括: a)不应通过捆绑产品或服务各项业务功能的方式,要求个人信息主体一次性接受并授权同意其未申请或使用的业务功能收集个人信息的请求。 b)应把个人信息主体自主作出的肯定性动作,如主动点击、勾选、填写等,作为产品或服务的特定业务功能的开启条件。个人信息控制者应仅在个人信息主体开启该业务功能后,开始收集个人信息。 c)关闭或退出业务功能的途径或方式应与个人信息主体选择使用业务功能的途径或方式同样方便。个人信息主体选择关闭或退出特定业务功能后,个人信息控制者应停止该业务功能的个人信息收集活动。 d)个人信息主体不授权同意使用、关闭或退出特定业务功能的,不应频繁征求个人信息主体的授权同意。 e)个人信息主体不授权同意使用、关闭或退出特定业务功能的,不应暂停个人信息主体自主选择使用的其他业务功能,或降低其他业务功能的服务质量。 f)不得仅以改善服务质量、提升使用体验、研发新产品、增强安全性等为由,强制要求个人信息主体同意收集个人信息。 5.4收集个人信息时的授权同意 对个人信息控制者的要求包括: a)收集个人信息,应向个人信息主体告知收集、使用个人信息的目的、方式和范围等规则,并获得个人信息主体的授权同意。 注1:如产品或服务仅提供一项收集、使用个人信息的业务功能时,个人信息控制者可通过个人信息保护政策的形式,实现向个人信息主体的告知;产品或服务提供多项收集、使用个人信息的业务功能的,除个人信息保护政策外,个人信息控制者宜在实际开始收集特定个人信息时,向个人信息主体提供收集、使用该个人信息的目的、方式和范围,以便个人信息主体在作出具体的授权同意前,能充分考虑对其的具体影响。 注2:符合5.3和a)要求的实现方法,可参考附录C。 b)收集个人敏感信息前,应征得个人信息主体的明示同意,并应确保个人信息主体的明示同意是其在完全知情的基础上自主给出的、具体的、清晰明确的意愿表示。 c)收集个人生物识别信息前,应单独向个人信息主体告知收集、使用个人生物识别信息的目的、方式和范围,以及存储时间等规则,并征得个人信息主体的明示同意。 注3:个人生物识别信息包括个人基因、指纹、声纹、掌纹、耳廓、虹膜、面部识别特征等。 d)收集年满14周岁未成年人的个人信息前,应征得未成年人或其监护人的明示同意;不满14周岁的,应征得其监护人的明示同意。 e)间接获取个人信息时: 1)应要求个人信息提供方说明个人信息来源,并对其个人信息来源的合法性进行确认; 2)应了解个人信息提供方已获得的个人信息处理的授权同意范围,包括使用目的,个人信息主体是否授权同意转让、共享、公开披露、删除等; 3)如开展业务所需进行的个人信息处理活动超出已获得的授权同意范围的,应在获取个人信息后的合理期限内或处理个人信息前,征得个人信息主体的明示同意,或通过个人信息提供方征得个人信息主体的明示同意。 5.5个人信息保护政策 对个人信息控制者的要求包括: a)应制定个人信息保护政策,内容应包括但不限于: 1)个人信息控制者的基本情况,包括主体身份、联系方式。 2)收集、使用个人信息的业务功能,以及各业务功能分别收集的个人信息类型。涉及个人敏感信息的,需明确标识或突出显示。 3)个人信息收集方式、存储期限、涉及数据出境情况等个人信息处理规则。 4)对外共享、转让、公开披露个人信息的目的、涉及的个人信息类型、接收个人信息的第三方类型,以及各自的安全和法律责任。 5)个人信息主体的权利和实现机制,如查询方法、更正方法、删除方法、注销账户的方法、撤回授权同意的方法、获取个人信息副本的方法、对信息系统自动决策结果进行投诉的方法等。 6)提供个人信息后可能存在的安全风险,及不提供个人信息可能产生的影响。 7)遵循的个人信息安全基本原则,具备的数据安全能力,以及采取的个人信息安全保护措施,必要时可公开数据安全和个人信息保护相关的合规证明。 8)处理个人信息主体询问、投诉的渠道和机制,以及外部纠纷解决机构及联络方式。 b)个人信息保护政策所告知的信息应真实、准确、完整。 c)个人信息保护政策的内容应清晰易懂,符合通用的语言习惯,使用标准化的数字、图示等,避免使用有歧义的语言。 d)个人信息保护政策应公开发布且易于访问,例如,在网站主页、移动互联网应用程序安装页、附录C中的交互界面或设计等显著位置设置链接。 e)个人信息保护政策应逐一送达个人信息主体。当成本过高或有显著困难时,可以公告的形式发布。 f)在a)所载事项发生变化时,应及时更新个人信息保护政策并重新告知个人信息主体。 注1:组织会习惯性将个人信息保护政策命名为“隐私政策”或其他名称,其内容宜与个人信息保护政策内容保持一致。 注2:个人信息保护政策的内容可参考附录D。 注3:在个人信息主体首次打开产品或服务、注册账户等情形时,宜通过弹窗等形式主动向其展示个人信息保护政策的主要或核心内容,帮助个人信息主体理解该产品或服务的个人信息处理范围和规则,并决定是否继续使用该产品或服务。 5.6征得授权同意的例外 以下情形中,个人信息控制者收集、使用个人信息不必征得个人信息主体的授权同意: a)与个人信息控制者履行法律法规规定的义务相关的; b)与国家安全、国防安全直接相关的; c)与公共安全、公共卫生、重大公共利益直接相关的; d)与刑事侦查、起诉、审判和判决执行等直接相关的; e)出于维护个人信息主体或其他个人的生命、财产等重大合法权益但又很难得到本人授权同意的; f)所涉及的个人信息是个人信息主体自行向社会公众公开的; g)根据个人信息主体要求签订和履行合同所必需的; 注:个人信息保护政策的主要功能为公开个人信息控制者收集、使用个人信息范围和规则,不宜将其视为合同。 h)从合法公开披露的信息中收集个人信息的,如合法的新闻报道、政府信息公开等渠道; i)维护所提供产品或服务的安全稳定运行所必需的,如发现、处置产品或服务的故障; j)个人信息控制者为新闻单位,且其开展合法的新闻报道所必需的; k)个人信息控制者为学术研究机构,出于公共利益开展统计或学术研究所必要,且其对外提供学术研究或描述的结果时,对结果中所包含的个人信息进行去标识化处理的。 6个人信息的存储 6.1 个人信息存储时间最小化 对个人信息控制者的要求包括: a)个人信息存储期限应为实现个人信息主体授权使用的目的所必需的最短时间,法律法规另有规定或者个人信息主体另行授权同意的除外; b)超出上述个人信息存储期限后,应对个人信息进行删除或匿名化处理。 6.2去标识化处理 收集个人信息后,个人信息控制者宜立即进行去标识化处理,并采取技术和管理方面的措施,将可用于恢复识别个人的信息与去标识化后的信息分开存储并加强访问和使用的权限管理。 6.3个人敏感信息的传输和存储 对个人信息控制者的要求包括: a)传输和存储个人敏感信息时,应采用加密等安全措施; 注1:采用密码技术时宜遵循密码管理相关国家标准。 b)个人生物识别信息应与个人身份信息分开存储; c)原则上不应存储原始个人生物识别信息(如样本、图像等),可采取的措施包括但不限于: 1)仅存储个人生物识别信息的摘要信息; 2)在采集终端中直接使用个人生物识别信息实现身份识别、认证等功能; 3)在使用面部识别特征、指纹、掌纹、虹膜等实现识别身份、认证等功能后删除可提取个人生物识别信息的原始图像。 注2:摘要信息通常具有不可逆特点,无法回溯到原始信息。 注3:个人信息控制者履行法律法规规定的义务相关的情形除外。 6.4个人信息控制者停止运营 当个人信息控制者停止运营其产品或服务时,应: a)及时停止继续收集个人信息; b)将停止运营的通知以逐一送达或公告的形式通知个人信息主体; c)对其所持有的个人信息进行删除或匿名化处理。 7个人信息的使用 7.1个人信息访问控制措施 对个人信息控制者的要求包括: a)对被授权访问个人信息的人员,应建立最小授权的访问控制策略,使其只能访问职责所需的最小必要的个人信息,且仅具备完成职责所需的最少的数据操作权限; b)对个人信息的重要操作设置内部审批流程,如进行批量修改、拷贝、下载等重要操作; c)对安全管理人员、数据操作人员、审计人员的角色进行分离设置; d)确因工作需要,需授权特定人员超权限处理个人信息的,应经个人信息保护责任人或个人信息保护工作机构进行审批,并记录在册; 注:个人信息保护责任人或个人信息保护工作机构的确定见11.1。 e)对个人敏感信息的访问、修改等操作行为,宜在对角色权限控制的基础上,按照业务流程的需求触发操作授权。例如,当收到客户投诉,投诉处理人员才可访问该个人信息主体的相关信息。 7.2个人信息的展示限制 涉及通过界面展示个人信息的(如显示屏幕、纸面),个人信息控制者宜对需展示的个人信息采取去标识化处理等措施,降低个人信息在展示环节的泄露风险。例如,在个人信息展示时,防止内部非授权人员及个人信息主体之外的其他人员未经授权获取个人信息。 7.3 个人信息使用的目的限制 对个人信息控制者的要求包括: a)使用个人信息时,不应超出与收集个人信息时所声称的目的具有直接或合理关联的范围。因业务需要,确需超出上述范围使用个人信息的,应再次征得个人信息主体明示同意。 注1:将所收集的个人信息用于学术研究或得出对自然、科学、社会、经济等现象总体状态的描述,属于与收集目的具有合理关联的范围之内。但对外提供学术研究或描述的结果时,需对结果中所包含的个人信息进行去标识化处理。 b)如所收集的个人信息进行加工处理而产生的信息,能够单独或与其他信息结合识别特定自然人身份或者反映特定自然人活动情况的,应将其认定为个人信息。对其处理应遵循收集个人信息时获得的授权同意范围。 注2:加工处理而产生的个人信息属于个人敏感信息的,对其处理需符合对个人敏感信息的要求。 |
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