is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard was proposed by the China Machinery Industry Federation.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of SAC/TC 88 National Technical Committee on Mining Machinery of Standardization Administration of China.
Underground rubber-tyred mining machines -
Performance requirements and test procedures for brake systems
1 Scope
This standard specifies the performance requirements and test procedures for brake systems of underground rubber-tyred mining machines.
This standard is applicable to the following self-propelled rubber-tyred machines used for underground metal mines and other non-coal underground mines and in tunnel engineering:
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 10913 Earth-moving machinery - Determination of ground speed
GB/T 15706 Safety of machinery - General principles for design - Risk assessment and risk reduction
GB/T 21153-2007 Earth-moving machinery - Units for dimensions performance and capacities and their measurement accuracies
ISO 15998 Earth-moving machinery - Machine-control systems (MCS) using electronic components - Performance criteria and tests for functional safety
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
brake system
combination of all parts and components for braking and/or stopping the machine, including brake control, brake actuation system, brake and, if installed, retarder
service brake system
main brake system used to brake and stop the machine
secondary brake system
system that brakes the machine when the service brake system fails
parking brake system
system that keeps the braked machine in place, which may also be part of the secondary brake system
hydrostatic brake system
hydrostatic or other similar driving systems used to meet the requirements of one or more brake systems
3.1.5 Parts and components of brake system
brake control
mechanism directly operated by the driver that generates a force transmitted to the brake
brake actuation system
all parts and components located between the brake control and the brake and connecting the functions of the two
device that directly applies a force to stop the movement of the machine
Note: Types of brakes include friction type, mechanical type, electric type, regenerative device and hydrostatic or other fluid types.
common component
component that performs the same function in two or more brake systems
Note: For example, pedals and valves.
energy absorption device commonly used to control machine speed.
hydrostatic drive system
hydraulic system with the hydraulic motor directly driving the wheels to drive or decelerate the machine
3.3 Mass
operating mass
operating mass of the main engine includes the combination of the following items when heaviest: the working devices and the no-load accessory devices specified by the manufacturer, the driver (75 kg), the fuel tank fully filled with fuel, and other liquid systems (i.e. hydraulic oil, transmission oil, engine lubricating oil, engine coolant) filled to the liquid level specified by the manufacturer
rated paymass (payload)
rated mass that the machine can carry as stated by the manufacturer
gross machine mass
sum of the operating mass and rated paymass of the machine
stopping distance
distance traveled by the machine on the test course from the time when the brake control acts (i.e. the driver applies the brake) to the time when the machine is completely stopped
1 The stopping distance is in m.
2 For the braking distance, the reaction time of the driver is not considered, but that of the system is considered.
mean deceleration
average rate of change of machine speed from the moment when the brake control starts to act to the moment when the vehicle stops completely
Note: the average deceleration shall be calculated using Formula (1):
a——the average deceleration, m/s2;
v——the instantaneous speed of the machine when the brake acts, m/s;
s——the stopping distance, m.
treatment method to make the friction surface of the machine brake reach a good state
brake system pressure
pressure of fluid at the brake control
brake application pressure
measured fluid pressure applied to the brake
modulated braking
braking mode capable of continuously or gradually increasing and decreasing the braking force by operating the brake control
test course
pavement on which the machine is tested
cold brakes
When the brake containing friction parts is in one of the following states:
——The brake has not worked for more than 1 h, except for the condition of carrying out applicable performance tests (see clause 7);
——When measuring the temperature of the outer surface of the brake disc or drum, the brake has cooled to 100℃ or below;
——For fully enclosed brakes, including oil-immersed brakes, the temperature measured on the outer surface of the casing closest to the brake is lower than 50℃, or within the range specified by the manufacturer.
maximum machine speed
maximum speed determined in accordance with GB/T 10913 or equivalent standards
back throttling
function of applying slight forward or backward force to hydrostatic or other similar driving systems to keep the machine stationary
safe state
controlled device, process or system being manually or automatically stopped or switched to a mode after the failure of the machine's control system in order to avoid the machine accidental action or the potential danger caused by stored energy release
underground rubber-tyred mining machines
rubber-tyred machines designed for underground mining operations to carry personnel or materials, or those running on their own power that lift or load materials with additional devices
underground LHD
rubber-tyred machine for loading, lifting, transporting and dumping ores or materials with buckets in underground mines
underground dumper/hauler
rubber-tyred machine with rigid frame or articulated frame that has open carriage and is used for underground transportation and dumping of ore or materials
underground utility/service/support machine
self-propelled mining machines for general purpose that support the main production process of underground mining, such as concrete transport vehicles, concrete injection vehicles, explosive loading truck, mobile elevating work platforms, general service vehicles, skid anchor vehicles, personnel transport vehicles and other vehicles
a kind of unpowered road vehicle designed such that the technical characteristics may be made normal use of when towed by a tractor and it is used for:
——carrying personnel and/or goods;
——special purposes.
fully developed deceleration rate
maximum continuous deceleration developed by a machine on the designated slope with a constant gradient with specified test mass, ground conditions and initial machine speed (before deceleration)
peak deceleration
maximum deceleration obtained during the brake operation test
machine control system; MCS
assembly necessary to satisfy the system functions, including sensors, signal processing units, monitors, controllers and actuators or several of them
Note: The scope of the system is not limited to the electronic controller, but is defined by the machine-related functions of the whole system, which generally includes electronic, non-electronic and connection equipment. Such system may include mechanical, hydraulic, optical or pneumatic elements/systems.
brake efficiency
percentage of the total braking force applied on the wheels to the weight of the complete machine
percentage of the elevation difference between two points in the straight line driving direction of a machine to the horizontal distance of the two points, which shall be calculated using Formula (2):
G=tanθ×100% (2)
G——the gradient, %;
θ——the angle of gradient relative to the ground plane, °.
safety concept
measures taken in allusion to system integrity during system (e.g., electronic unit) design to ensure safe operation in case of circuit failure, covering the condition of maintaining part of the work or providing backup systems for important machine functions
4 Accuracy of instruments
The accuracy of the testing instruments shall meet the requirements of GB/T 21153-2007.
According to the provisions of GB/T 21153-2007, the average of 3 measured values shall be taken as parameters which are not otherwise specified, and the measuring accuracy shall be as specified in Table 1.
5 General requirements
5.1 General provisions
5.1.1 The requirements of this clause apply to all of the machines covered within the scope of this standard.
5.1.2 Unless the hydraulic medium which can cause the brake to be applied in case of pressure-relief can be released when the driver is no longer in contact with the brake control, the device that maintains the brake applied via hydraulic pressure shall not be installed in any brake system.
5.1.3 The environmental pollution and impact of all brake systems that are designed, manufactured and installed shall be minimized.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Accuracy of instruments 5 General requirements 5.1 General provisions 5.2 Requirements for the brake system 5.3 Common component 5.4 Brake control 5.5 Service brake system 5.6 Holding performance 5.7 Secondary brake system 5.8 Parking brake system 5.9 Hydrostatic brake system 5.10 Accumulator performance and alarm device 5.11 Brake system with electronic machine control system (MCS) 5.12 Machines designed for drawbar trailers 5.13 Machine specification and labels 6 Test conditions 6.1 General parameter test 6.2 General test conditions 6.3 Test course 6.4 Configuration for machine test 7 Performance test 7.1 General requirements 7.2 Control of brake system 7.3 Accumulator 7.4 Holding performance test 7.5 Break performance 7.6 Alternative auxiliary brake tests for hydrostatic or similar driving machines 8 Test report
地下轮胎式采矿车辆 制动系统的性能要求和试验方法 1 范围 本标准规定了地下轮胎式采矿车辆制动系统的性能要求和试验方法。 本标准适用于以下地下金属矿和其他非煤地下矿、隧道工程中使用的自行轮胎式车辆: ——地下铲运机(LHD); ——地下自卸车(地下轮胎式运矿车); ——地下辅助车辆。 2规范性引用文件 下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。凡是注日期的引用文件,仪注日期的版本适用于本文件。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本(包括所有的修改单)适用于本文件。 GB/T 8595土方机械 司机的操纵装置 GB/T 10913 土方机械 行驶速度测定 GB/T 15706 机械安全 设计通则 风险评估与风险减小 GB/T 21153—2007 土方机械 尺寸、性能和参数的单位与测量准确度 ISO 15998土方机械 使用电子器件的机器控制系统 功能性安全的性能标准和试验[Earth-moving machinery—Machine-control systems(MCS)using electronic components—Performance cri-teria and tests for functional safety] 3术语和定义 下列术语和定义适用于本文件。 3.1 制动系统brake system 使车辆制动和(或)停车的所有零部件的组合,包括制动操纵机构、制动传动装置、制动器,如装备了限速器,也应包括在内。 3.1.1 行车制动系统service brake system 用于将车辆制动并停车的主制动系统。 3.1.2 辅助制动系统secondary brake system 在行车制动系统失效时,使车辆制动的系统。 3.1.3 停车制动系统parking brake system 使已制动住的车辆保持原地不动状态的系统,也可以是辅助制动系统的一部分。 3.1.4 静液压制动系统hydrostatic brake system 用来满足一个或多个制动系统要求的静液压或其他相似的行驶驱动系统。 3.1.5制动系统零部件 制动操纵机构brake control 由司机直接操作的机构,其产生一个传递给制动器的作用力。 制动传动装置brake actuation system 位于制动操纵机构与制动器之间,并将两者功能连接起来的所有零部件。 制动器brake(s) 直接施加一个力来阻止车辆运动的装置。 注:不同类型的制动器包括摩擦式、机械式、电动式、再生装置和静液压或其他流体形式。 共用部件 common component 在两个或多个制动系统中执行同一种功能的部件。 注:例如踏板,阀。 限速器 retarder 通常用于控制车辆速度的能量吸收装置。 3.2 静液压传动系统hydrostatic drive system 液压马达直接驱动车轮使车辆行驶或减速的液压系统。 3.3质量 3.3.1 工作质量operating mass 主机的工作质量,包括下列各项的最重的组合:制造商规定的工作装置和空载的附属装置、司机(75 kg)、燃油箱加足燃油、其他液体系统(即液压油、变速箱油、发动机润滑油、发动机冷却液)加到制造商规定液位。 3.3.2 额定有效质量(有效载荷)rated paymass(payload) 制造商规定的车辆所能承载的额定质量。 3.3.3 车辆总质量gross machine mass 车辆的工作质量和额定有效质量之和。 3.4 制动距离stopping distance s 从制动操纵机构动作(即司机作用制动器)开始到完全停车时止,车辆在试验道路上驶过的距离。 注1:制动距离单位为米(m)。 注2:制动距离没有考虑司机反应时间,但考虑了系统反应时间。 3.5 平均减速度mean deceleration a 从制动操纵机构动作开始的瞬间到车辆完全停止时止,车辆速度变化率的平均值。 注:平均减速度由式(1)计算: (1) 式中: a——平均减速度,单位为米每二次方秒(m/s2); v——制动器动作前的瞬间车辆的速度,单位为米每秒(m/s); s——制动距离,单位为米(m)。 3.6 磨合burnishing 使车辆制动器摩擦表面达到良好状态的处理方法。 3.7 制动系统压力brake system pressure 制动操纵机构处的流体压力。 3.8 制动器工作压力 brake application pressure 测得的施加于制动器的流体压力。 3.9 可控制动 modulated braking 通过操作制动操纵机构,可连续地或渐进地增、减制动力的制动方式。 3.10 试验道路test course 车辆进行试验的路面。 3.11 冷制动cold brakes 含有摩擦零件的制动器,处于下述状态之一时: ——制动器不工作已超过1 h,除了依照适用的性能试验之外(见第7章); ——在测量制动盘或制动鼓外表面温度时,制动器已冷却到100℃或以下; ——对于全封闭制动器,包括油浸制动器,在最靠近制动器的壳体外表面所测得的温度低于50℃,或在制造商规定的范围内。 3.12 车辆最大速度maximum machine speed 按GB/T 10913或相当标准确定的最大速度。 3.13 反向节流back throttling 对静液压或其他相似的行驶驱动系统施加微小的向前或向后的力使车辆保持不动的功能。 3.14 安全状态 safe state 当车辆的操纵系统出现故障之后,为了避免车辆意外动作或储存能量潜在的释放危险,被操控的装置、过程或系统经手动或自动地停止或转换到一种模式。 3.15 地下轮胎式采矿车辆underground rubber-tyred mining machines 为在地下矿山作业而设计的用于运载人员或材料,或用附加装置举升或装载材料的依靠车辆本身动力行驶的轮胎式车辆。 3.15.1 地下铲运机underground LHD 在地下矿山用铲斗装载、举升、运输和倾卸矿石或物料的轮胎式车辆。 3.15.2 地下自卸车underground dumper/hauler 具有敞开的车厢,用来地下运输、倾卸矿石或材料的刚性车架或铰接车架的轮胎式车辆。 3.15.3 地下辅助车辆 underground utility/service/support machine 支持地下采矿主要生产过程的一般用途自行式采矿车辆,例如:混凝土运输车、混凝土喷射车、装药车、移动式升降工作平台、通用服务车、橇锚车、人员运输车等车辆。 3.15.4 挂车trailer 其设计和技术特性需由牵引车牵引才能正常使用的一种无动力的道路车辆,用于: ——载运人员和/或货物; ——特殊用途。 3.16 充分发出的减速度 fully developed deceleration rate 车辆在指定的坡度不变的斜坡上,采用规定的试验质量、地面状况及车辆初速度(减速之前),能够发出的最大连续减速度。 3.17 峰值减速度peak deceleration 在制动器运行试验时得到的最大减速度。 3.18 车辆控制系统machine control system;MCS 满足系统功能所必需的组件,它包括传感器、信号处理单元、监视器、控制器和执行器或其中的几个元件。 注:系统范围不限于电子控制器,而是由整个系统的车辆有关功能定义,它一般包括电子、非电子和连接设备。它可以包括机械、液压、光学或气动元件/系统。 3.19 制动器效率brake efficiency b 施加在车轮上的制动力总和与整车重量的百分比。 3.20 坡度gradient G 在车辆直线行驶方向上,两点的高程差与其水平距离的百分比,其计算见式(2): G=tanθ×100% (2) 式中: G——坡度,用百分数(%)表示; θ——相对地平面的坡度角,单位为度(°)。 3.21 安全概念safety concept 为确保在电路失效时仍能安全工作而在系统(如电子单元)设计时针对系统完整性所采取的措施。维持部分工作或为重要车辆功能提供备用系统都属于安全概念的范畴。 4仪器的准确度 测试仪器应具有GB/T 21153—2007规定的准确度。 按GB/T 21153—2007的规定,无特殊要求说明的各种参数,均取3次测量的平均值,测量准确度按表1规定。 5 一般要求 5.1 总则 5.1.1 本章要求适用于本标准范围内所有车辆。 5.1.2除非当司机不再与制动器操纵机构接触时能释放卸压使制动器制动的液压介质,否则,由液压力保持制动器制动的装置不应安装在任何制动系统中。 5.1.3所有设计、制造和安装的制动系统应对环境的污染和影响最小。 5.1.4车辆的最大设计坡度不应小于20%。 表1测量准确度 量的名称 单位名称 单位符号 准确度a 基本单位 长度 米 m ±0.5% 质量 千克 kg ±2% 时间 秒 s ±1% 导出单位 摄氏温度 摄氏度 ℃ ≤200℃,±1℃ >200℃,±2℃ 角度 弧度 tad ±0.02 rad 频率 赫兹 Hz ±1% 面积 平方米 m2 ±2% 体积 立方米 升b m3 L ±3% 力 牛顿 N ±1% 压力 帕斯卡 Pa ±2% 功率 瓦特 W ±2% 角速度 弧度每秒 rad/s ±2% 速度 米每秒 m/s ±2% 加速度 米每二次方秒 m/s2 ±2% 扭矩 牛顿米 N·m ±2% 能量 焦尔 J ±2% 流量 立方米每秒 m3/s ±2% 声压级 分贝(参考值20μPa) dB(A) 士2% a 相同特征量的其他单位也可采用表列准确度,表中准确度不能满足特殊要求时,应在有关标准、产品图样及设计文件中规定。本标准不规定特征量的大刻度或小刻度准确度或精密测量值的准确度,其应在需要标准、产品图样及设计文件中规定。 b 1 L=1 dm3。